
Spiral perm hair


Female nature is not constant, and therefore it is not unusual that from time to time there is a desire to drastically change the style, creating a new, extraordinary hairstyle. For these purposes, perfect spiral curling hair, which is produced by different methods. For example, in the cabin with chemical reagents, but you can also make small curls at home.

In the photo: an example of a spiral wave

There are many types of hair curls. Today we will thoroughly tell about the first, and about the second method, so that you have a clear concept of all the features of creating an effective styling. She is able to make the image playful and affectionate, attractive.

What is curious, a similar variant of laying has long been popular in Western countries, but we captured a female audience only at the turn of the 80s and 90s of the last century.

Spiral curls in the cabin and at home

As mentioned above, this installation can be made, as in the cabin - by the hands of a professional master, and at home, using the tools at hand. Consider both options.

The hairstyle makes a perfect look!

How is it done in the cabin

To create such a laying master uses special curlers, which have the shape of spirals.

In addition to these models are fully successfully used:

  • special needles,
  • "Boomerangs",
  • ordinary papilotki,
  • and even, let it not strike you, flat rulers.

Curling is done on different types of curlers.

Direct attention. The choice of a particular device depends on what size of curl you want to end up with. After all, the spirals can have almost any diameter - for example, you can form quite large curls, or you can have small, funny African curls.

In the formation of the laying master made the following actions:

  • strand stands out
  • wound on the selected device,
  • strand is wound, starting strictly from the roots, and then the master moves to the ends,
  • after the strand is twisted, it should be moderately distributed over the entire width of the curlers,
  • with all this, the thickness of each individual strand should not be more than 1 centimeter,
  • it is also very important that each next turn of the strand overlaps half of the already heaped hair,
  • after the strand is completely twisted, the master fixes it.

Independent creation of spiral curls can also be!

Now there is a huge number of variations of the creation of styling of this type, but the most popular is the spiral chemical curling, which provides a long result. After all, specifically chemical reagents will ensure the durability of the shape of curls.

Curls can be both big and small

To dry the hair, the master can use a hairdryer with a special diffuse nozzle, which will allow you to avoid tangling of hairs and will give your hair extra volume, lifting the hair at the roots.

How is it done at home

If you do not have the ability to visit the beauty salon or the cost of the wizard’s services is very high, in this case, carefully study this section, which contains a detailed summary of how to make a spiral perm at home - naturally, similar styling will not be saved as long as it does. But then you will do your hair with your own hands.

You can make such a curl yourself!

You can use the method described above, only with small clarifications:

  • hair must be washed and a little bit wet
  • after winding all the strands, spray them with varnish medium fixation
  • removing curlers, do not comb curls, but just correct them with your hands, giving the hairstyle you are interested in the form.

Special spiral curling hair curlers will help in styling, but they should be used only on dry hair.

Special spiral tongs will help you

To procedure for creating Hollywood curls was very ordinary and frisky, you need:

  • divide the hair into separate parts,
  • fasten each part with clips so that the hair does not break up and do not interfere,
  • separate the small strand, wind it on the tongs and hold for up to 10 seconds,
  • gently pull out the forceps to form a ring,
  • secure the acquired ring with an ordinary stealth,
  • do this with the whole hairstyle,
  • when you finish all the strands, sprinkle the hair with a lacquer of medium fixation,
  • carefully remove the invisible,
  • correct the acquired curls with your hands.

That's all! You see, really make styling easy enough and does not require special abilities!

5 obvious benefits of spiraling

This method of styling has a number of indisputable advantages over other types of hairstyles.

Spiral curls have several advantages.

As a result, it is not just comfortable, but indeed really safe, as it allows you to maintain healthy hair at the roots.

In the end

Beautiful, feminine and easy!

Now you understand not only how a spiral perm is done, but how to make a similar hairstyle at home.

Guided by our advice, you can bring extraordinary beauty and femininity into your own image, and the informative video in this article will make it possible to better understand the main principles of styling formation. If you still have questions on this topic, ask them in the comments.

Spiral perm hair description

This is a kind of vertical chemistry. It is done with the use of spiral curlers, needles or "boomerangs" (the choice depends on the size of the curls to be obtained in the end). The spiral curl allows you to create curls of different sizes - from small curls in the African-style to large spiral curls, giving femininity and sophistication to the image.

The main feature of this type of curling is in the form of curls. Strands become like spirals. The effect of "jumping" curls. This hairstyle looks light and airy. However, it should be borne in mind that creating such curls takes a lot of time. For winding taken very thin strands. Therefore, this process lasts a long time, even if the hair is thin. On average, the procedure takes about 5 hours.

Spiral hair chemistry is most often done on long or medium hair. This waving option is also suitable for some short haircuts. If you choose the right diameter of the spiral-curls, you will be able to create a flirty, attractive image. It is not necessary to limit the choice of classic spiral curling, when curlers of the same diameter are wound on the entire length of the strands. Today, the salons offer many options for such chemistry. You can create a creative hairstyle by selecting spiral chemistry with the effect of “flute”, “broken” curl, “zigzag”, zonal or local spiral curl. It is recommended to consult with a master who will tell you which kind of spiral chemistry is right for you, given the structure and length of hair, the type of face, etc.

Benefits of Spiral Chemistry

This curl has many advantages compared with other types. Among the main advantages it is necessary to highlight:

  • Creating additional volume, even if the hair is thin and sparse. The result is a curvaceous voluminous hair.
  • Individual strands are not twisted, and remain separated by spiral curls.
  • Long lasting effect. Depending on the chemical composition used, such curls last up to six months.
  • The ability to wind strands of different lengths (suitable for any hairstyle with the exception of too short haircuts).
  • It is not required to shear the tips after the curls straighten.
  • Hair does not push. With proper care after curling hair will be the same as before the procedure.

When using gentle formulations, this perm is safe for the scalp and hair. Having made spiral chemistry, you can forget about daily styling for several months.

Stages of the procedure

It is better to entrust the creation of such a hairstyle to a professional experienced craftsman. He will correctly select the shape and diameter of the spirals for winding the strands, and also recommend the chemical composition. The curling procedure consists of several stages:

  • The hair is divided into sections.
  • Each section is treated with a chemical composition.
  • Take one strand up to 1 cm wide.
  • Twist it from the root, moving to the tips.
  • The same is repeated with the rest of the strands.
  • After a certain time, a fixing composition is applied to the hair.
  • Curlers are removed.
  • Wash the head with water.
  • Curls dried hair dryer with a diffuser.

This procedure is practically no different from other types of curling. But still it has a number of features. Usually in the process of curling strands wind from the tips. Spiral chemistry involves winding from the roots. It is important to know all the nuances of this procedure, so that the curls are perfectly even and neat. Only the master knows all the details of this procedure. For example, when winding on spiral curlers, it is very important that each subsequent revolution covers half the width of the previous revolution. Only by observing all the details will it be possible to achieve the expected result.

Chemistry spiral for short hair

This type of curling is perfect for owners of short hair. The only condition is that the length of the strands must at least reach the earlobe. Curling on spiral curlers looks spectacular on bob-bob haircuts, classic bob or shortened cascade.

The diameter of the spiral is selected depending on the shape of the face. Small curls fit not every type of appearance. Such a perm version should be considered for girls with an oval or round face. If you have a triangular face (with a narrowed chin), you'd better choose a medium-diameter curler to create larger curls.

If you have a bob haircut, due to the insufficient length of the strands, it is better to wait until the hair grows. On such a short haircut, even neat spiral curls can look sloppy. Spiral chemistry should not be done if you have an asymmetrical short haircut.

Spiral chemistry for short hair - photo

So you can imagine what your hairstyle will look like after a spiral curl, look at photos of girls after chemistry on short hair. Pay attention to the type of appearance of each model to understand what diameter spirals fit you. Best of all, a spiral perm looks on short hairstyles with a side parting.

Spiral chemistry for medium hair

If you have thick, straight hair of medium length, spiral curling is ideal to create neat curls and make the hair more voluminous. For medium length, any type of spiral curl (zigzag, broken, etc.) is suitable. This is the universal length of the strands, for which you can choose curlers of both small and large diameter.

How tightly curls will turn out, as well as the duration of the effect after chemistry, depends largely on the length and on the structure of the hair. On the average length of the spiral keep up to 6 months. On thick hair curls last longer. But for thin hair of medium length, such chemistry is also suitable. Through this procedure will be able to give additional volume of hair. If you have thin hair of medium length, you should not choose curlers of large diameter. To create a volume, use a medium or small diameter spiral curler. Large curls will not suit girls with a square face. The ideal waving option for such an appearance is spiral chemistry on medium diameter curlers. After this procedure, the curls will beautifully frame the face, softening its features.

Spiral Chemistry for Long Hair

This type of curling is a good option for long strands, especially if you have a thick head of hair. For curling on long hair in some cases, use curlers of different diameters. The main thing is to make uniform and imperceptible transitions so that the curls of different sizes look harmonious.

It should be borne in mind that this procedure takes a lot of time if you have thick long hair. In addition, due to its own weight strands curls quickly straighten. Doing such a perm with the use of gentle compounds, do not count on a lasting effect. Already after 1-2 months curls straighten. To curl kept for a long time, you have to use aggressive chemical compounds. In this case, it is important to ensure proper care for the curls in order to minimize their damage.

Price in the salon and at home

The easiest way to do a spiral perm at a hairdresser. Prices in salons range from 1200 to 15000 p. and depend on the length of hair, the size of curls, formulations used and caring cosmetics.

For home use, the final cost of the procedure will be significantly lower. You do not have to pay for the work of the master, and the chemistry kits are acceptable - from 400 to 1500 p.

If you are not a professional, the spiral chemistry procedure will be difficult for you. So besides pedantic compliance with the instructions, you should first familiarize yourself with the work of the masters: for the first time, do chemistry in the salon or watch videos on the Internet.

We recommend reading: how to make a perm at home.

In addition, it would not hurt the help of a friend, as it is difficult to cope with the strands on the back of your head.


Before the procedure is to visit the hairdresser. The wizard will give recommendations, and, perhaps, completely dissuade from perm due to various contraindications:

  • brittle, strongly split hair,
  • recent (up to 2 weeks) deep staining,
  • various diseases of the scalp,
  • individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug,
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Curling Features

The difference between spiral waving and other types is in the technique of winding: the strand is separated in the form of a square and lays down a spiral along the bobbin, and the bobbins themselves are perpendicular to the surface of the head.

There are two ways to wind the strands on the bobbin:

  • the separated strand is twisted into a braid and wound on a bobbin that allows to achieve a much larger volume,
  • the separated strand is immediately wound on a bobbin, positioning the curls close to each other.

Types of curlers

The choice of basis depends on the type and size of curls that you want to receive:

  • special cone-like or spiral bobbins,
  • classic bobbins,
  • "Boomerangs".

Attention! The best effect is achieved only with the use of special bobbins, which, unlike the classical ones, have a greater length.

Modern bobbins are often provided with spiral grooves for easy strapping.

Spiral Curl Preparations

When choosing a chemical perm agent, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the Ph values ​​of the preparation. The higher the score, the more persistent, lasting effect of curls and more aggressive effect on the hair.

  1. Acid permanent. Gives the longest perm. But today this species is practically not used, the damage it causes to curls is too great.
  2. Alkaline permanent. This is a classic preparation for curling, but it has a strong ammonia odor and requires careful ventilation of the room.
  3. Acid-balanced perm. It is more gentle than alkaline and is suitable for weakened hair. But because of the delicate effect of the drug, the effect of curls is short-lived.

Gel-like curling agent, due to its structure, is conveniently applied and does not spread. It is usually used on parts of the head - for individual strands with straightened curls, as well as for curling regrown roots.

Foamy means for a permanent can create only a large wave, but is one of the most harmless preparations.

Today, the drug and fixative can be purchased both separately and in a set. Preferably the latter, since the funds of the same manufacturer will interact better with each other.

Dependence on hair length

Spiral curling is good because it is suitable for hair of any length and thickness. However, hairstyles of any type have a volume and weight, so for each length there are specific recommendations for the style.

Long For long hair, any variations of the diameter and shape of the curls are possible - from a large wave to a fine afro. It should be borne in mind that the longer the hair, the more they require the drug.

Middle length. It is also possible to create curls of any diameter. However, on the average length, the change in the shape of the hairstyle after curling is already stronger.

Short On short hair, only medium and small diameter curlers are usually used, since large curls will not be visible.

remember, that Perm visually shortens the hair by 2-5 cm, and curly hair falls completely differently than straight. Therefore, if shortly before the perm you decided to get a haircut, be sure to ask the master to make a haircut taking into account future curls.

Curling Procedure


  • chemical drug
  • retainer,
  • comb with large teeth,
  • sponges or brushes for applying the composition,
  • composition bowl,
  • bobbins of the required diameter,
  • spray with water
  • package or shower cap.

Important! Metal tools should be completely excluded from the curling process, since a chemical preparation, which reacts with the metal, can stain curls.


  1. Prepare the drug.
  2. Check the skin for allergic reactions by applying a product to a small area of ​​skin behind the ear.
  3. Wash your hair without massaging your scalp: this will leave the surface fat layer that will later protect your scalp from chemicals. Alcohol-based cosmetics, silicone-based shampoos and oils should not be used.
  4. Gently blot the hair with a towel, leaving it moist.
  5. Carefully comb the curls.
  6. Cover your neck and clothing to prevent the drug from entering.
  7. Protect your skin by applying petroleum jelly or greasy cream near the hairline. However, these substances should not fall on the strands, as they interfere with the action of the chemical composition.
  8. Lift the hair up and fasten it so that it was convenient to separate the thin strands.
  9. Separate strands starting from the neck and moving upwards. The size of the strands should be such that they fit comfortably on the bobbins, and the solution can soak them to the full depth. Usually the thickness of the strand is equal to the thickness of the bobbin.
  10. Cover the selected strand with the composition, then wind it on the bobbin from the root to the tips.
  11. If the hair dries, moisten it again: The composition should be applied to wet strands.
  12. Once all the strands are wound, process them again with the remaining composition.
  13. Cover your head with cellophane. Wait for the time specified in the instructions.
  14. Without removing the bobbin, wash your head under warm water without shampoo.
  15. Apply retainer, thoroughly soaking the strands.
  16. Wait for the time specified in the instructions.
  17. Carefully remove the bobbins, taking care not to damage the structure of the curl.
  18. Wash your head again without shampoo. Balm on hair is permissible to be applied only if the manufacturer of the chemical preparation and neutralizer provides for this.
  19. Gently blot hair with a towel. Allow them to dry on their own, as the dryer can fluff and confuse curls. If you still decide to use a hair dryer, be sure to use a diffuser. In the absence of the latter, drying on a small blower is allowed.

During the day after curling curls should be particularly protected from physical impact, to eliminate the risk of deformation of curls. It is undesirable to braid them in a braid or a tight tail, pin them with hairpins, especially metal.

Attention! For the first time you can wash your hair no sooner than in 2-3 days.

How long does the effect last

The duration of the spiral curling effect lasts from 3 weeks to 8 months and depends on:

  • on the type of chemical composition used,
  • from the individual structure of the hair: on hard, thick and absolutely straight hair (for example, Asian type), the curl will last much less time than on thin and wavy,
  • on the duration of the retention of the composition on the curls.

Aftermath and care

Any perm is associated with the effects of aggressive chemical ingredients. therefore Curls require special care:

  • It is unacceptable to use hair dryers at high temperatures, as it dries hair even more,
  • it is necessary to apply cosmetics for dry, brittle hair,
  • you can not wipe your hair with a towel, and also sleep with a wet head: wet hair can stretch and break,
  • Do not apply deep staining for 2–3 weeks. To change the shade is permissible to use tonics.

In most cases, each subsequent perm is less effective than the previous one. Under the influence of chemistry, keratin in hair is transformed into meta-keratin, which is immune to chemical preparations. In order for the perm to become effective again, you need to wait for the hair to grow.

There is a misconception that curls do not require styling. In fact, without proper care, they turn into a cloud of tangled hair. To make her hair look good, special mousses are required for styling curls and products to get the effect of wet hair. Diffuse nozzle on the hair dryer will also help shape the curls. How beautiful to put a perm, as well as options for hairstyles with curls with your own hands - all this you will find us on the site.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • long effect of curls,
  • the type of curls is as close to natural as possible
  • reduction of hair greasiness.


  • the harmful effects on the hair of chemicals,
  • for the period of the curl, it is impossible to return to straight hair without damaging it.

Like any other procedure, spiral hair chemistry has its pros and cons. Scary harm that you can inflict hair. However, today the market offers a huge amount of cosmetic care products. And if the use of perm allows you to get closer to perfection, then it can be done.

Popular types of long-term hair styling:

  • Japanese perm hair, its benefits,
  • perm hair "Curls angel" from WELLA: reviews, price,
  • Mossa Green Light Italian hair biohairdressing, pros and cons,
  • who would like keratin hair curling
  • radical carving: what is it. advantages.

Curls: do or not do

Curly curls have always been very popular among women of fashion. This romantic hairstyle is relevant now. Experts say with confidence that curls will remain the favorite laying of the fair sex for many years.

It is difficult to disagree that the hair, neatly laid in curls, look incredibly feminine and sexy. Naughty styling softens the oval of the face, inevitably attracts the attention of others and gives the image lightness and freshness.

Many women choose lush wavy styling for the following reasons:

1. Practicality. No other hairstyle can hide a bad haircut or dyeing as well as curls.

2. Versatility. Curls can be worn by the owners of long and short, thin and thick hair.

3. Showiness. Free, carefree curls of curls always look fashionable and stylish.

If a woman has weak thin hair, then she should not give up the possibility of being charmingly curly. Meanwhile, it is necessary to more carefully approach the method of laying, choosing the most gentle.

Are curls fashionable? Experts unequivocally answer this question - “yes”! At the shows of the world famous fashion house Roberto Cavalli of the fall-winter 2015-2016 season, beauties walked around the catwalk with carelessly curled curls.

Curls - how to do at home without curling

There are many safe methods of how to get playful curls at home. The methods that we are going to discuss in detail will not affect the health of the hair. These options will be a real find for those who want to create beautiful curls, and at the hand there was neither curling, nor ironing, nor curlers. So, today at our sight curls. How to do at home this solar hairstyle will consider below.

A bundle for careless flowing curls

This method is the most popular and fast.

1. Hair to create curls should be slightly damp. Therefore, you can start winding up after washing your hair. If the hair is already dry, then it should be slightly moistened with clean water. To do this, you can use the spray.

2. Further, the curls must be collected in a high tail and twisted from it the most tight flagella.

3. Then we wind the hair into a bundle, which we fasten with a hairpin. For more pronounced curls, you should twist 5-6 small bundles over the entire head.

4. After 5-7 hours, the flagella must be unwound.

5. The resulting curls shake gently with his hands and sprinkle them with varnish.

The result is very soft natural curls. How to do at home we have just considered. Laying does not take much time. It is very convenient to do at night.

Curls with foil

An unusual way to make zigzag curls is to use food foil. Lightweight and safe material will help you become the owner of fashionable styling.

1. Cut the foil into strips. The width of each of them should be about 3 cm, the length is determined by the length of the curls.

2. Separate moistened hair into small strands and wrap them in foil.

3. Then we fold each strand with an "accordion" and at the roots we fasten it invisible.

4. Release dried hair from foil and form curls.

5. We fix the finished hair with lacquer.

Pieces of cloth for hair curling

If you use this "grandmother's" method, then it is quite possible to get beautiful elastic curls. From the side, perhaps you will look a little ridiculous, but you will definitely be satisfied with the result. For laying you will need cotton fabric, which must be cut into strips. They will serve as improvised curlers.

Next, follow the step by step instructions:

1. Moisten the hair and carefully comb it.

2. Divide the curls into strands of the desired thickness.

3. At the end of each strand put a shred and twist it to the very base.

4. It is necessary to tie the ends of the fabric and only then proceed to the next strand.

5. When the hair is completely dry, the scraps can be unrolled and removed from the hair.

6. Received curls should not be combed, just spread them out with your fingers and fix with varnish.

Elegant curls with studs

It turns out that you can make charming curls using ordinary hairpins. Spending quite a bit of time, you get elastic curls. How to make this hairstyle at home, we learn right now.

1. Moisten hair with water.

2. We divide the hair into small strands and twist each of them inward, as if in invisible curlers.

3. At the base of the received ring should be fixed with a stud. Repeat the manipulation for the rest of the order.

4. "Rings" should be left for - 5-6 hours. If you worn at night, it is recommended to wrap your head before bedtime with a handkerchief or kerchief.

5. After the time expires, remove the studs from the curls, gently unwind the rings and fix the curls with varnish.

Elastic curls after braids

Pigtails - this is probably the most reliable method for getting curly hair without compromising their condition.

1. We moisten the hair with water and divide it into small strands.

2. All strands should be braided in pigtails.

3. Experienced fashionistas recommend spraying hair with varnish.

4. In 6-7 hours we will untie the pigtails and rejoice at the curls we received.

In order for your curls (as you do at home, you know) to keep their original shape as long as possible, you should use a little trick when creating a hairstyle. So, in the water that you use to moisturize the hair, you need to add a small amount of lacquer strong fixation. This liquid must be wetted by hand and gently hold on the strands before winding. After the procedure, ready-made curls do not need to comb with a comb. Otherwise, the hair will become fluffy and will get undesirable volume.

Curls - how to make at home with a curling iron

And now we will learn how to become the owner of mischievous curls in a shorter period of time. To make a cute hairstyle quickly, you will need a curling. Many believe that the classic curling with forceps is not difficult. Perhaps it is. However, in order not to worsen the condition of the hair and wind it up neatly, it is necessary to know some features of this procedure.

1. Experts recommend using curling iron only on clean, dry hair.

2. To protect the hair from overheating, it is necessary to use special products with the mark "Thermal protection".

3. Immediately before laying the hair should be properly combed.

Create curls curling

And now let's take a closer look. how to wind the hair on the curling iron:

1. All hair should be divided into sections and gently fasten their clips. You can use the usual crab or hairpin.

2. Begin to wind the hair with the lower strands. Take one of them and apply a small amount of varnish or foam. Then we wind the strand on the electric tongs. This can be done, starting either from the roots or from the tips. Next, hold the device for 5-10 seconds and gently release the strand.

3. Repeat the procedure for the remaining strands. Bang should be twisted in the last turn.

4. Curls (how to do at home with the help of electric pliers, we just learned) fasten varnish.

Choosing the right diameter of curling

The shape and size of the curls primarily depends on the diameter of the curling. To create volumetric curls, you should choose medium electric tongs, small curls are ideally formed using a smaller diameter curling iron. Tools with a large diameter will not give you charming curls. They are created not so much for curling curls, as for giving them volume. Remember that winding thick strands on a small curling you will not get a curl at all, but a careless light wave, which, meanwhile, will last all day.

Curls - how to do at home: professional advice

Every woman knows that devices, with the help of which you can get elegant curls, cause considerable harm to curls. Frequent use of forceps leads to cross-section and dullness of the hair. But experts are convinced that it is still possible to reduce the influence of this aggressive factor on curls.

1. Turn the hair on the electric pliers no more than several times a week.

2. Do not use too high temperatures in order to save laying time. A gentle treatment for healthy hair is considered to be a temperature not higher than 200 ° C. Thin, loose hair should be curled at temperatures up to 100 ° C.

3. Do not overdo the forceps on the strands.

Also, to obtain beautiful curls, experts recommend:

1. Take not too large strands.If the volume of each of them will exceed 2.5 cm, then they simply will not be able to scroll.

2. In order to get a distinct, pronounced spiral out of the hair, the curling iron should be held vertically, downwards with a handle during winding. Larger graceful curls come out if you hold the appliance horizontally.

3. Curl short hair, holding curling upright and grabbing locks from the roots. Long curls can be wound as your heart desires: from the roots, from the middle, or just the ends.

4. Ready curls (how to do at home in various ways, you now know), experts advise not to touch them before they cool completely.

To give curls created using curling, durability, hairdressers recommend one simple but very effective way. All that is needed is to let the curls cool down in a curled state. Wrap straps on well-heated tongs. The resulting curl wind on a finger ring and secure it invisible. The strand fixed in this way cools as evenly as possible. After complete cooling of the hair curls can be put into the hair.

Using our tips on how to quickly and safely make curls, each lady will be able to look stunning even on ordinary days. Take very little time to create hair and become incredibly feminine. Curly curls emphasize individuality and give a wonderful opportunity to enjoy their well-groomed appearance and enthusiastic views of others.

Chief Editor: Ekaterina Danilova

Editing phone: +7 (965) 405 64 18

How to make light sloppy curls at home?

If you just need to give your hair a little volume, make it airy with a hint of naturalness and ease, you should use the following methods:

  1. Spray the wet strands into pigtails and let them dry naturally. To prolong the effect it is recommended to pre-apply the foam for laying.
  2. Divide the curls into several parts, each of which is twisted into a bundle, then into a bundle, and fixed with a barrette. Similar to the previous method, leave the hair to dry.
  3. Twist the strands on curlers of different diameters. Dry them with a hairdryer or allow them to dry on their own. After that, gently straighten hair and sprinkle with varnish.

How to make vertical spiral curls at home?

Elastic and mischievous curls of the correct form can be obtained by twisting the strands with the help of such devices:

  • special iron (Babyliss Curl Secret or its analogs),
  • bobbins,
  • spiral or ordinary curlers,
  • classic curling iron
  • electric curlers,
  • papilotki

Of course, the resulting curls need to be carefully fixed, copiously sprinkling varnish on each spiral.

If curls are supposed to be worn daily, it is better not to abuse hot styling, but to make a biochemical perm. Contrary to common concerns, it hurts your hair less than a hair dryer, styler, or curler.

How to quickly make wavy curls at home?

When time is tight, and the hair is still wet and requires styling, you can use a great way to create elegant and soft waves:

  1. Apply mousse or foam to the strands, evenly distribute the product.
  2. Slightly crush the hair with his hands, forming a kind of waves.
  3. Dry the curls while continuing to squeeze the strands.

This method allows to obtain a result similar to drying with a diffuser.

Another express option is to twist the individual strands into not too tight bundles and process them with hot air from a hairdryer.

How to make neat volume curls at home?

It is not necessary to have a personal stylist to look like a Hollywood diva. Beautiful large curls can be screwed at home by means of a conical curling for half an hour. In the absence of such, a regular iron (hair straightener) with a temperature of heating forceps not lower than 180 degrees is also suitable.

  1. Clean and dry hair to comb well. Separate the top layer of curls and secure it with a barrette.
  2. Similarly, do with the middle zone strands.
  3. The lower part of the hair divided into two halves, carefully combed.
  4. Clamp a small strand at the base between the tongs.
  5. Wrap this strand top of the ironing.
  6. Hold the end of the strand with your free hand.
  7. Slowly hold the iron from the base of the hair to the bottom.
  8. Tighten the tips (out).
  9. Repeat the described steps for the second half of the lower layer of curls.
  10. Do the same for the middle zone.
  11. Twisting the strands of the upper layer, it is important to direct them from the face.
  12. Spread curls with your fingers, spray them with varnish.

The proposed styling looks great independently and with various accessories, can serve as the basis for an evening hairstyle.

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How to make curls spiral (the essence of the method) ↑

In the seventies of the last century, perm hair was very popular. Representatives of both sexes polls performed this procedure. Now chemistry is not so popular, but the world of fashion and style states the fact that the curls obtained as a result of such a curl are again in the trend.

It is known that the use of chemical styling rather negatively affects the health of the hair, so the stylists began to look for new ways to make spiral curls. Now two methods of laying are most common: using a special curler and on curlers. We will look at both of them below.

The curls of the helix are distinguished by the fact that they look very expensive. Most often, they are performed with a small diameter of the curl to make the hair even softer and more tender. Of course, this is not the main condition; if you wish, you can curl sufficiently large spiral curls, but a small variety is considered a reference one.

Since the strands that undergo the process of curling, quite a lot, spiral styling has an incredible volume. Curls abut each other and create a truly deep and complex hairstyle. In addition, the hair looks visually very soft and luxurious.

There are no special restrictions regarding the oval of the face. The only thing that needs to be remembered is for girls with large facial features, it is desirable to make curls of medium-sized spirals. This is dictated by the fact that the small variety noticeably emphasizes any shortcomings.

But with respect to the length of the hair there are a number of significant limitations. This is especially true for owners of short hairstyles. The fact is that small curls due to the large number of curls greatly reduce the length. On the short hair simply can not make enough curls. The average length is also in the boundary state, everything again rests on the length of the hair.

Long hair, arranged in a spiral curls, look the most profitable. Especially beautiful this styling looks on blond hair, as well as in those cases where the color shade transitions are observed along the entire length. Dark hair will find shine unprecedented until now, it will be most noticeable in places of bending.

Since this type of laying is associated with an abundance of small curls, it just needs to be fixed. This task is excellent hairspray. Do not forget that any curls can not tolerate combing. If you use a comb, then the curls of the springs will lose their twisted shape and smooth out. To avoid this, you need to comb only with your fingers. And in our case, this is done purely in the area of ​​the roots - where there are no small curls. In the lower part and at the ends of the hair combing is not recommended at all.

Making spiral curls at home ↑

As mentioned above, there are two ways to style hair. If you want to make curls starting from the roots, then the type of procedure that is performed using special curls will suit you.

For those who want to get curls only in the lower part of the hair, the second option is suitable, which uses a curling iron for spiral curls. Both of these methods are rather laborious, but the effect that you get at the end will pay off absolutely all your efforts.

So, if you want to get something close to the perm, then you should use special curlers. They are flexible sticks that can be rolled into an arc.

  1. Hair should be washed with shampoo. After they dry out a bit, they should be applied a special styling agent,
  2. Absolutely divide all the hair into small strands, roll the curlers into a ring and wrap the strands on them, starting from the tips,
  3. Secure them all at the base of the roots,
  4. In that case if heated hair rollers are used, they can be removed after they cool down. If you wore the hair on the usual, then you should leave the curlers for the night,
  5. After removal, the hair is treated with varnish.

If you are wondering how to make spiral loops that would smoothly go from large to small curls, then the answer to this question can be found in the description of this method. In it we will use a special cone-shaped curling iron.

  1. Wash the head thoroughly with shampoo and dry it with a hair dryer,
  2. Apply a special smoothing agent to still wet hair,
  3. The next stage is the application of protection. Any perm is fraught with excessive dryness and damage to the hair structure, to avoid this, you need to use a special mixture with the effect of protection against high temperatures,
  4. Curl the bangs in circular motions from the bottom up, you should start doing this from tip to root,
  5. Wind small strands on the curling iron, its narrowest place should fall on the lower part of the hair, and the widest in the area at the roots,
  6. When you are done with all the strands, slightly comb the hair at the very roots with your fingers, this will slightly enhance the effect of volume,
  7. Apply lacquer to the entire length of your hair, this must be done from different sides so that it penetrates into each curl.

Of course, working with a curling iron is somewhat more dangerous and more complicated than the method that uses curlers for spiral curls. However, if you apply special tools, you can with absolute probability avoid any injuries and do absolutely no harm to the health of your hair.

In addition, a small practice will allow to carry out this procedure much faster than using even thermal rollers, not to mention a curl with their usual varieties, which takes several hours.

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Five clear benefits of spiraling

This method of styling has several undoubted advantages over other types of hairstyles.

Spiral curls have several advantages.

As a result, it is not just convenient, but really safe, because it allows you to maintain healthy hair at the roots.

In conclusion

Beautiful, feminine and easy!

Now you know not only how to do a spiral perm, but also how to create a similar hairstyle at home.

Guided by our advice, you can bring to your image a special beauty and femininity, and the informative video in this article will provide an opportunity to better understand the basic principles of styling. If you still have questions on this topic, ask them in the comments.


Watch the video: Spiral perm correct way fast easy how to video !!! (July 2024).