Hair Growth

Moroccan Elixir - Argan Oil for Hair


Argan oil is extracted in Morocco from the fruit of the argan tree. It grows in a dry climate and bears fruit no more than 2 times a year.

Oil production requires a lot of time and effort. Crop harvested by hand - 100 gr. fruit accounts for 2 liters of oil. It has a viscous consistency, a sharp nutty flavor and a yellow hue.

Argan oil is expensive, but is valued for its quality and effectiveness in medicine and cosmetology. No wonder the people of Morocco call the oil "the elixir of youth."

Argan oil treats, restores dull and lifeless hair. Weekly application of oil changes their appearance.

Feedsand moisturizes

The skin of the head and bleached hair require special care. Dry skin leads to dandruff. The tips exposed to chemical and heat treatment break.

Argan oil nourishes the scalp with vitamins, softens hair.

Changeshair structure

Hair is subject to daily environmental influences - wind, dust, sun. Decorative cosmetics, therapeutic agents, heat exposure and coloring disturb the natural balance of hair.

Argan oil with vitamin E and polyphenols activates the entry of vitamins and oxygen into the hair structure. It restores elasticity - solders damaged tips and accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells.

Warnsappearance of gray hair

Vitamin E fills the hair follicles structure with nutrients and oxygen. The development of antioxidants and sterols prevents early aging and the appearance of gray strands.

Activatesthe work of hair follicles

The death of vital processes in the hair follicles causes a lack of growth or hair loss. Argan oil activates the hair follicles, activates growth, protects against hair loss.

The use of argan oil for hair is to prevent oily shine, brittleness, dryness, loss, replenishment of the necessary vitamin reserve.

Split ends prevent healthy hair growth. Use argan oil is necessary to create shiny, smooth hair.

  1. Apply some oil to clean, dry hair.
  2. Treat the tips without touching the skin and healthy areas along the length.
  3. Dry and style your hair in the usual way.

Daily use will give your hair a well-groomed appearance in just a month.

Hair loss is not a sentence. Argan oil will strengthen the hair roots, return the former beauty and volume.

  1. Apply the required amount of oil on the crown.
  2. Apply the oil gently on the scalp with smooth kneading movements. Distribute residues in length.
  3. Wrap hair in a towel or put on a special film. Hold 50 minutes.
  4. Wash off with shampoo.

The use of therapeutic masks with the addition of oils returns natural beauty to hair.

The mask with argan oil creates a comfortable environment for intensive growth.


  • argan oil - 16 ml,
  • castor oil - 16 ml,
  • lemon juice - 10 ml,
  • White honey - 11 ml.


  1. Mix castor oil and argan oil, heat it up.
  2. In a bowl, mix lemon juice, lime honey, add a mixture of heated oils.
  3. Bring to homogeneous mass.


  1. Mask for growth rub into the roots of the hair with smooth movements for 2 minutes.
  2. Distribute the mask with a comb with occasional teeth. The comb properly separates the hair, allows useful substances to penetrate evenly into each strand.
  3. Wrap your head in a warm towel or cap for 1 hour.
  4. Rinse hair with warm water and shampoo.

Apply home growth mask once a week.

Result: the hair is long and thick.

The regenerating mask is useful for dyed and bleached hair. Chemicals in the process of dyeing destroy the hair structure. The mask will protect and restore the useful layer.


  • argan oil - 10 ml,
  • aloe juice - 16 ml,
  • rye bran - 19 gr,
  • olive oil - 2 ml.


  1. Pour the rye bran with hot water, put it to swell. Bring to the state of gruel.
  2. Add aloe juice and oil to bran, mix. Let it brew for 1 minute.


  1. Wash hair with shampoo. Spread the mask over the entire length.
  2. Pack in a sack, wrap in a plastic bag to maintain heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash off at least 2 times with the addition of shampoo.
  4. Wash length with balsam.

The result: silkiness, softness, shine from the roots.

It fills with vitamins, softens, eliminates fluffiness, prevents fragility.


  • argan oil - 10 ml,
  • olive oil - 10 ml,
  • lavender oil - 10 ml,
  • egg yolk - 1 pc,
  • sage essential oil - 2 ml,
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon - to flush.


  1. All oils mix in a cup, heat up.
  2. Add yolk, bring to a uniform state.


  1. Apply a mask along the length, massage the scalp.
  2. Wrap hair in a warm towel for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water and lemon. Acidified water will remove residual fatty layer.

Result: the hair is smooth, docile, shiny.

Shampoos with the incorporation of argan oil are easy to use - the effect of the oil in them is similar to the benefits of masks.

  1. Kapous - the producer Italy. Argan oil and keratin create a double effect of brilliance, smoothness and well-groomed.
  2. Al-Hourra - Morocco manufacturer. Gilauronic acid and argan oil eliminate the signs of oily hair dandruff and also eliminate seborrhea.
  3. Confume Argan - produced in Korea. Argan oil shampoo is effective in combating dry, brittle tips. Nourishes, smoothes hair. Suitable for sensitive, allergenic skin.

Natural components of argan oil do not harm the hair.

  1. When using masks, do not overdo the time indicated in the recipe.
  2. In case of individual intolerance of the component, abandon the application.

Among the many cosmetic oils produced from tropical plants, gushing today on the store shelves, there are different products - useful and harmful, cheap and expensive. Each of them for the first time raises a lot of questions and doubts. Argan oil was no exception, which made a real revolution among hair care products. The interest was also caused by the rather high price of the product, which raised a wave of understandable criticism: do the quality and efficiency of the means correspond to such a cost? In Morocco, where argania grows, from the fruit of which oil is produced, this tree is called "life-giving" and is used in local traditional medicine. Modern cosmetology offers argan hair oil as a medicine for restoring split ends and against alopecia., as well as the usual home remedy for regular hair care. What kind of results can be expected for a lot of money, lined with a bottle of miraculous liquid?

Cosmetic use argan oil for face and hair is determined by its own chemical composition, those biologically active substances, which are its basis. Each of them has a certain effect on the scalp, root follicles, strands, as a result of which their condition changes. How does this happen? When using argan oil, complex works are carried out on internal healing and external improvement of the hair condition with such substances as:

  • Tocopherol (vitamin of everlasting beauty and eternal youth - E) triggers regeneration processes in damaged tissues, therefore argan oil is valued as an excellent regenerating agent for thinning, brittle, split ends,
  • Polyphenols make the strands into a smooth, silk-like cascade of soft, docile curls,
  • Organic acids (lilac, vanillin, ferulic) have an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore, argan oil is considered a very effective drug in the fight against dandruff,
  • Fatty acid more than 70% of argan oil (oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic) make protective functions, increase hair resistance to various negative influences from the outside (burning sun rays, corrosive sea salt, polluted atmosphere, low temperatures, hair treatment of strands with hair dryer and tongs and many other stress factors for curls in our daily life),
  • Sterols with their anti-aging properties, they activate various metabolic processes and the production of collagen and elastin fibers in the cells, which makes the hair shiny, elastic, strong, they fall out less and start to grow faster.

All these properties of argan hair oil are very beneficial to their health and appearance.

With this tool you can solve many problems associated with the scalp, cure long-standing diseases, to achieve an excellent cosmetic effect. It can provide dry strands with moistening, restore the damaged, strengthen the falling out and protect the weak.

It turns out that it is not in vain in Morocco, in the homeland of argans, that tree is considered healing. Indeed, with the regular and proper use of this tool, you can make sure that it fully justifies its value.

Treat your hair with cinnamon, which will add shine, strengthen and restore. How to use and recipes masks:

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The use of argan oil at home is no different from the use of other cosmetic oils. However, there are some nuances here. It is unique in that it is a real extract of tropical oil, which means that the concentration of nutrients in it is increased, and you need to be careful with it. This fact also leads to the fact that this oil is required several times less than normal. Now it becomes clear the price of this tool, which surprises many. We should not forget, however, that argan grows only in Morocco and nowhere else — this also explains the overpriced value of the funds. So, despite all the doubts, argan oil has been purchased, and your hair is waiting for its finest hour.

  1. A product from far away Africa, a high concentration of active substances - these factors do not work for the benefit of allergies. Very often, using argan oil externally, for cosmetic purposes, beauties get the opposite effect - an allergic reaction. Someone begins to sneeze, someone has watery eyes, skin rashes, dizziness, etc. appear. All this is unpleasant and happens very unexpectedly. In order not to fall into the trap of an African product, check it in advance for the presence of allergens for your body. It is not difficult to do this: just lubricate any sensitive area of ​​skin with it (the wrist is considered the thinnest, the spot near the ear trestle, the inner fold of the elbow). If after a certain time (two hours is enough for this), there will be no itching, no burning, no red spots, no rash, you can tolerate Argan oil well and can use it to treat your hair.
  2. Indications: dry, damaged hair, split ends, loss, slow growth. To feed the fatty strands, it is recommended to include in the composition of the means drying components - egg white, lemon juice, alcohol.
  3. Contraindications: only individual intolerance.
  4. Argan efficiency as flaxseed oil for hair, will increase if it is slightly warmed up to 40–45 ° C.
  5. The products prepared on its basis perfectly lay down on the washed, clean head, and on the dirty, which haven't touched water for several days. It is also not necessary to wet the strands before applying the mask.
  6. The prepared mass is thoroughly rubbed into the roots, from where there is nourishment along the entire length of the strands. Such a massage will be especially useful if you use argan oil to treat hair and scalp. Then you can already distribute the strands, especially if the purpose of such a procedure - only the external gloss, shine and shine luxurious curls. If you need to heal split ends, be sure to moisten them abundantly in argan oil.
  7. Heat activates nutrients, so it is advisable to create a "greenhouse effect" on the head after applying the mask. Just put on an old shower cap with a tight elastic (so that the mixture does not drip with the treated hair) or wrap the head with a plastic bag. Then wrap a terry towel in the form of a turban.
  8. The duration of each remedy is purely individual. Time is usually specified in recipes. But if it is not there, pay attention to the composition of the mask and limit the period of validity for it. Masks with aggressive substances (citrus, alcohol, spicy, sharp) do not hold longer than 30 minutes. The rest is from 40 to 60 minutes.
  9. Very often, after cosmetic oils on the hair, there is a feeling of unpleasant fatness: argan is not an exception. To avoid this effect, you need to be able to properly wash it. Without water, apply the shampoo directly onto the product and whisk it into the foam with wet hands. If the mass is too thick, add some water. And only after that send a stream of water to your head to wash it all off. The shampoo will take a greasy film with it. During the last rinsing, you can (and better) recommend using one of the medicinal herbs that may be useful for hair: nettle, birch, burdock, chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, calendula, etc. To enhance the gloss of curls in a liter of water you can dilute 200 ml of concentrated lemon juice or 100 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  10. The frequency of application of argan oil for hair is determined by the state of curls. If they need to be thoroughly treated and restore, you can repeat such procedures in the week 2 times. Full course - about two months. If you purchased argan oil for regular hair care for their complete nutrition, once a week or even 10 days will be enough.

Attention: the rules are simple and unsophisticated, and yet require the strictest adherence to avoid side and unwanted effects.

At home, you can use argan oil in different ways: a mask for hair, body wraps, aroma scaling and other uses in any case will be effective. The result will also be largely determined by the choice of mask, as their diversity can lead to a dead end.

To make argan oil for hair turned out to be as useful as possible, be very serious about choosing a recipe. Check if it suits you by many criteria: will it solve your problem? Are you allergic to its components? Are all the products at your fingertips so that you can make a mask regularly? Is the product suitable for your type of curls? Only after you have found all the answers to these questions, you will be sure that you have found for yourself the best remedy with argan oil.

  • Classic compress for growth

Argan oil with no additional ingredients is applied to the strands, including the roots and tips, and left for an hour on the head under insulation.

  • Shine balm

In the oil, the argans are moistened with the palms and their hair is lightly rubbed. A wash for such a balm is not required: the oil is quickly absorbed into the curls.But be careful with the dosage: an excess of oil - and your strands will become very fat and unsightly in appearance.

  • Firming mask against falling out

Mix three tables. lie argan and burdock oil. Heat them up and apply. The duration of such a mask can be extended to three to four hours.

  • Moisturizing mask for dry hair

Mix two tables. lie argan, two tea boxes. olive oil, add the yolk, 5 drops of sage ether, 1- drops of lavender.

  • Aromatherapy for shine

Distribute one teaspoon. Argan oil by comb and 2-3 times daily, carefully, slowly, enjoying this procedure, comb strand by strand for 2-3 minutes.

  • Adding to other cosmetics

On two tables. spoons store hair mask, rinse, balsam, conditioner, shampoo, you can add a teaspoon of argan oil. It will be an excellent natural addition to modern cosmetic "chemistry".

  • Regenerating mask for damaged strands

Three tables. spoons of argan oil (without preheating) mixed with two yolks.

  • Nourishing mask for any hair type

Mix two tablespoons of argan oil and honey, steam up.

The glitter and shine of light-reflecting strands, density and an incredible amount of previously dull and thin curls, the strength and energy of the once tired and lifeless strands - that's what argan is for hair. Take advantage of this miracle of African nature to revive your curls and look stunning at any age.

Argan oil is an expensive and unique component of plant origin, which is made by hand. The product of argan is considered an effective elixir of beauty for curls. If you want to become the owner of thick and shiny hair, as well as get rid of exfoliating tips, then argan oil for hair growth is what you need. Means based on this natural component are especially needed if the hair is often subjected to blow-drying, fixing with varnish or curling with curling.

Oil is extracted by cold pressing or by mechanical pressing of seeds from the fruit of Argan (name of tree) growing in North Africa. The fruits of Argania resemble olives with an oily substrate. When using the cold pressed method, the finished product receives a high content of vitamins and biologically active components.

Interesting to know! The process of obtaining the therapeutic composition is long and difficult - to get 1 liter, you will need to manually harvest ripe fruit from 6-10 trees.

The most widespread oil argan fruit received in cosmetology.

For hair, their use is simply unique:

  1. The strands are saturated with fatty amino acids, for example, oligonolinic acid, which prevents wilting of the cells.
  2. The effect of moisturizing and toning.
  3. Anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. High content of antioxidants and vitamins, intensive hair nutrition.
  5. The composition has bactericidal components that effectively remove seborrhea and dandruff.
  6. The oil composition has a tonic effect on the hair follicles, and the hair shafts gain a smooth surface.

The composition of argan seeds contains the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins A, E, F,
  • triterpene alcohol,
  • antioxidant of natural origin - squalene,
  • carotenoids,
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6, omega-9, palmitic, stearic, ferulic acid.

Argan oil, depending on the purpose of use, has a different method of extraction and refining. The oil is used for food or cosmetic purposes and provides for 3 methods of its extraction:

  • cold pressed roasted bones,
  • pressing unroasted bones,
  • cold pressed from unroasted bones.

Attention! For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use the composition obtained from unroasted sunflower seeds by the method of cold pressing, since it is these seeds that allow you to get the maximum content of beneficial components.

With the help of argan, you can get rid of dandruff, seborrhea, moisturize your hair and give it a natural shine. The chemical composition of the tool has a tonic and tonic effect on the curls, giving them a healthy glow. Well-groomed hair will delight with its beauty and will keep the volume for a long time.

With regular and balanced application, argan elixir protects the hair from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, and will have a regenerating effect. The main reducing component of the elixir is tocopherol, which quickly eliminates strands from split ends.

In case of individual intolerance to the components of the essential oil or the occurrence of allergies, this product should not be used in its pure form and should be excluded from the composition of the masks. The use of argan oil for the purpose of beauty care has no other contraindications.

Argan elixir can be applied to the curls with a comb or comb. It is better to apply it on dried hair after washing and not to mix with water. The method of application of the remedy depends on the problem being solved. In some cases, it is enough to lightly rub the composition into the hair roots, and sometimes it is necessary to use the product as an indelible conditioner.

Argan oil can be used not only in pure form. It is perfectly combined with other substances in the composition of medical masks. Regardless of the chosen method of application, before applying to the hair, it is recommended to check the sensitivity of the skin to argan oil.

Important! Argan cosmetics are recommended for use no more than 1-2 times in 7-10 days, for 3 months.

To enhance the effect of the mask, you can create a "greenhouse effect" with a plastic cap and a large terry towel.

  1. Fortifying. Pure oil is applied over the entire length of the strands and on the hair roots for 30–40 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask has a moisturizing effect on the hair shafts and can be used for all types of hair,
  2. Intensive moisturizing. Argan and almond oil in a 1: 1 ratio is used for the preparation of the therapeutic composition. Instead of almond, you can use flaxseed, walnut or grape seed oil for the mask. The mask can be applied to any type of hair,
  3. For very dry hair. To argan oil (2 tbsp) is added a few drops of sage and lavender oil, egg yolk. For oily hair, instead of lavender is better to use tea tree oil,
  4. Intensive nutrition with microelements. For the manufacture of a therapeutic product, it is necessary: ​​argan and liquid honey are taken in equal proportions (4 tablespoons recommended). The mask acts as a tonic and suitable for all types of hair,
  5. Against hair loss. A mixture of argan and burdock oil (2 tablespoons) is rubbed into the roots and left for 20-30 minutes. The recipe is especially relevant for dry, brittle and prone to falling out strands.

Due to the tonic and tonic effect, argan oil not only nourishes the hair with necessary vitamin complexes, but also activates their growth. With the help of properly selected components of the mask, you can significantly increase the growth rate of hair length and make them beautiful.

Proper use of argan oil for hair.

Hair mask from argan oil.

Healthy and well-groomed hair is an indispensable attribute of a woman’s true beauty. But the ideal hairstyle and maintaining curls in a healthy state requires effort and time. Often, the fair sex resort to the help of expensive cosmetics and procedures, many of which do not give the expected result. At the same time, there are many alternative hair care methods. Today you can find many different recipes based on exotic ingredients. So, the real revolution was made by argan oil for hair, which is now actively used in many cosmetic products.

The oil is extracted from argan tree or argan, which grows in the countries of northern Africa. Its fleshy fruits are reminiscent of olives, they are the source of valuable oily substrate. In Morocco and other countries of the African continent, argan oil is produced by cold pressing. This method is the most energy-intensive, but the final product has a high content of biologically active substances and is considered the most useful. Today, argan oil is widely used in cosmetology.

It is used to care for the skin of the face and hair. Numerous reviews about argan oil for hair are mostly positive, and they say that the valuable elixir copes with its task perfectly. This exotic product appeared today in our country and won the popularity and appreciation of the fair sex due to its useful properties.

Argan oil is a natural product, which is obtained from the fruits of Argania. Immediately it is worth noting the existence of two types of argan oil. Edible oil is used for heat treatment and is used in cooking. Argan oil intended for cosmetic purposes, has a lighter shade and is successfully used to restore weakened and dried hair, as well as to improve the condition of the scalp.

The composition of argan oil is unique because its basis is made up of such components that are not found in other vegetable emulsions. Argan is rich in the following nutrients:

  • Vitamin F - acts as a "conductor" of useful substances, protects the scalp from dryness, prevents the formation of dandruff and fights split ends of the hair.
  • Vitamin A - indispensable for healthy hair growth. This is an excellent antioxidant that stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin, regulates fat metabolism in the epidermis at the cellular level and normalizes the rate of cell regeneration. Hence the visible result - a healthy shine of hair, their strength and the absence of dandruff.
  • Vitamin E - protects hair from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, activates the process of transporting oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, restores the hair structure and slows down the processes leading to the formation of gray hair. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that blocks the production of free radicals and slows the aging process.
  • Polyphenols - Antioxidants that protect colored hair from color loss. They are able to start the reconstruction of damaged and weak hair.
  • Sterols - Organic substances that prevent the formation of gray hair and activate the processes of rejuvenation.

In addition, argan oil is 80% composed of palmitic and oleic acid. The premature aging process in most cases triggers a deficiency of these substances, and the oily substance helps to saturate the skin and hair with the necessary acids.

This composition allows the use of argon oil as a universal remedy for hair. Its complex effect eliminates many problems, starting with dandruff and ending with hair loss. What effect can be expected when using argan oil for hair?

  • Curls gain a healthy glow,
  • The damaged structures of the hair shaft are restored,
  • Disappears greasy,
  • The scalp softens and moisturizes,
  • Split ends are soldered,
  • Dandruff disappears
  • Oil provides protection from inflammatory processes, infections and fungus,
  • Prevents aging of the scalp,
  • Restores lipid metabolism
  • Makes hair thicker and stronger.

Thus, regular use of argan oil for hair prevents dandruff and the formation of gray hair. In addition, argan oil gives the hair shine, they become more docile, thick and lush. The beneficial properties of the oil can be appreciated only with the correct application of the product in question. How to use argan oil for hair? Let us dwell on this in more detail.

When caring for the hair, valuable argan oil can be applied:

  • For the treatment of split ends of hair,
  • To nourish the hair roots and their recovery along the entire length,
  • As a cosmetic for the prevention of hair loss and weakening.

In the first case, the oil should be applied to clean and dry hair. In this case, the cosmetic product is not rubbed into the scalp and hair roots, but is simply treated with split ends. After application, simply dry the tips and make the usual styling. Rinse with no hair oil.

To strengthen the roots and the entire mass of hair, oil should be gently rubbed into the scalp and distributed on the hair from root to tip. After that, you should wear a plastic cap on your head, and wrap a warm towel over the top. The oil mixture can be left on the head all night. In the morning, the remaining oil is washed off with plain water using a familiar shampoo.

As a cosmetic, it is recommended to combine the oil with other natural ingredients. You can make a variety of therapeutic mixtures and masks. There are a huge number of recipes for hair based on argan oil, they need to be selected based on the type of skin and hair.

Many cosmetologists urge to use argan oil for hair care. In its pure form, it should not be used frequently. The best option is to use it 2-3 times a week. You can simply apply it to your hair or include argan oil in the composition of hair masks. The compositions of the masks may vary, and here everything depends on the goals and the desired effect. Recipes are aimed at achieving a specific result, and the masks themselves can be designed for different types of hair.

Argan oil for dry hair

The recipe for making a mask for dry hair is quite simple and includes the following ingredients:

  • Argan oil,
  • Burr oil,
  • Almond oil.

All these oils should be mixed in the same proportion and slightly heated in a water bath to a temperature of 30-32 ° C. Then the mixture should be applied to the hair, towel wrapped around the head and wait one hour. Next you just need to rinse your head with warm water.

To prepare a mask for hair growth will need:

  • 1 tsp argan oil,
  • 1 tsp castor oil
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 10 drops of vitamin A,
  • 5 pounded ampoules of vitamin E.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the combed strands. After that, you should dry your hair with a hair dryer and do not wash off the composition for an hour and a half. Next, the head should be washed with warm water without shampoo.

To prepare the treatment for oily hair, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp argan oil,
  • 1 tsp grape oil
  • 1 tsp avocado oil
  • 2 drops of cedar oil.

All components need to be mixed and applied to the entire length of hair from root to tip. Keep this mask should be at least 30 minutes, after which it should be washed off with warm water.

To prepare the composition you need to mix argan and burdock oil, and then add egg yolk to the mixture. The finished mix should be heated in a water bath and applied to the scalp and hair roots. After 45 minutes, the mask can be washed off with warm water.

Argan oil for damaged and dyed hair

The recipe for such a mask includes various essential oils:

  • Olive oil,
  • Sage oil,
  • Lavender oil.

For the preparation of masks, contributing to the restoration of the hair structure, mixed 2h. l olive oil, 1 tsp oils of sage and lavender and the same amount of argan oil. Egg yolk is added to the mixture. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair.Mask hold on the head for 20 minutes.

For shine and elasticity of hair

They take argan oil (2 tsp.) And the ether component (karite or macadamia oil). The composition must be thoroughly mixed and distributed in the hair. The mask is aged for about 40 minutes, after which the hair is washed with warm water.

The best way to use argan oil to prevent hair loss is to add a few drops of this product to your usual shampoo. Shampooing your head with this shampoo will noticeably reduce hair loss over time and significantly improve their appearance.

Thus, you can choose a recipe for any type of hair and for different purposes. Argan oil based masks are shown to owners of dry, brittle, split and greasy hair. Adding various ingredients to argan oil, mixing it with other components useful for the scalp and hair, it is possible to strengthen weakened strands, to achieve a healthy shine and volume of hair. Different oils, combining with argan oil, reinforce each other's effect, which means that the effect of such masks becomes even stronger.

Despite the fact that argan oil is considered a natural and safe remedy, care should be taken when using it externally. Before applying the oil, it is better to preliminarily assess the probability of an allergic reaction The composition of argan oil is rich in active substances, and it is not known how the body reacts to them.

To prevent allergies, apply a little oil on your wrist and do not rinse it for 4 hours. If a skin rash, redness and severe irritation develops, then the application of argan oil will have to be forgotten. If after the allotted time on the skin did not appear any signs of allergies, then you can use this tool for hair and scalp.

Before using the product, you should figure out how to apply argan oil to your hair properly. It can be rubbed into the scalp or distributed over the entire length of the hair. But in fact, and in another case, you should not overexpose the oil: it must be rinsed with warm water for at least an hour after application. Otherwise, you can dry out the skin and provoke irritation.

Argan trees bear fruit every other year. The fruits themselves are slightly larger than olives. The raw materials used for making butter are extracted from the kernels of the fetus. The collected raw materials are thoroughly pressed, and the whole cycle of this work is done manually. To get even a few drops of oil, it takes a lot of effort. In addition, nowhere, except in Africa, this product is not produced. Hence, its high cost: 200 ml of oil is estimated at about 1.5 thousand rubles.

Buy argan oil for hair today can be in specialized stores such as Yves Rocher or D. Juvans. Another option is to find suppliers on the Internet. But in this case, you need to remember the likelihood of running into a fake. The original oil collected in Morocco can be distinguished by its flavor and color. This product has a pronounced amber-yellow color with a hint from red to gold. Another important indicator - the smell. Natural oil has a pleasant aroma, with fresh notes of young greens.

Review №1

I used different natural oils, in particular, I treated the cilia with castor oil, and I chose argan oil for my hair. Argan oil is just a magic elixir, it perfectly seals split ends and perfectly nourishes hair. However, it does not even need to be washed off. It is enough to rub a few drops of oil in your hands and apply it to the ends of the hair. Sometimes they make Maca with argan oil on the whole head. As a result, the hair becomes soft and silky, does not electrify and lies flat and smooth strands.

She recently acquired a hair care product she had long dreamed of. This argan oil is an elixir 8 in 1 from Evelyn. I read a lot of positive reviews about this cosmetic product. And indeed, it was convinced of its effectiveness on itself. Amber-yellow oil is placed in a convenient transparent bottle, which is equipped with a dispenser. This allows you to spend the product economically, measuring only the dose needed for the procedure.

The oil contains a complex of keratins and actively restores and strengthens the hair. It is suitable for hair of any type. I especially liked the very fresh and pleasant aroma of this remedy, which somehow reminds of the smell of young spring greens. The fragrance is unobtrusive, after use, it remains for some time on the hair. Especially good argan oil is suitable for dry and damaged hair, like mine. For a month of application, it was possible to achieve a radical improvement in the situation, and the curls now look smooth, soft and alive.

I recently bought argan oil at a pharmacy, deciding to treat my brittle and damaged hair. I paint them quite often and constantly use a hairdryer for styling, so lately there have been problems. Before that, my hair was dry, and now at the roots they quickly become fat, and the tips remain dry and split. As a result, applied oil only a few times. It didn’t fit me, after treatment my hair very quickly became greasy and untidy in appearance.

At the same time, the oil itself has a light texture and, compared to other natural oils (burdock or castor oil), does not give the impression of a fat content. As a result, the idea of ​​hair restoration with this oil had to be stopped. But I found another use for it and now I use it as a massage oil. It is just perfect for the skin, quickly softens and does not cause irritation.

What is useful argan oil for hair?

The most valuable oil is extracted from the pits of the fruit of the argan tree, which can be found only in the territory of the state of Morocco. These bizarre little fruits look like plums, but their flesh has an unpleasant bitter taste, so they are not suitable for human consumption.

However, argan oil is considered the most expensive in the world, which is not surprising: the tree that is forced to survive in the harsh conditions of a sizzling desert bears fruit only once every two years. And out of 100 kg of stones, no more than 2 kg of the Moroccan elixir can be obtained.

But what is its value? This wonderful gift of nature was used in medicine and for the manufacture of cosmetics by our distant ancestors: oil saved us from skin inflammations and rashes, baldness, and early signs of aging.

Especially valuable cosmetic properties of argan oil for hair:

  • intensively nourishes and moisturizes the hair shaft
  • smoothes hair scales, prevents puffing at high humidity,
  • restores the natural structure of the curls,
  • protects against the negative effects of UV rays,
  • gives the hair an intense shine and silkiness,
  • promotes skin regeneration, eliminates dandruff and peeling, soothes irritated scalp,
  • prevents hair loss and stimulates the intensive growth of healthy curls.

Ways to use argan oil for hair

To strengthen and revitalize hair, you can use pure argan oil or masks, which will also contain other oils.

Here are some application options:

  1. for general improvement of curls, rub 3-4 drops of elixir into the roots of hair with soft circular motions, massage your head. Then spread the oil over the entire length using a wooden comb. Perform the procedure 1 hour before shampooing.
  2. To treat hair loss, try this mask: in equal proportions, mix burdock and argan oils, warm slightly in a water bath and apply to hair, starting from the roots. Cover the head with a plastic cap and a towel. After 1-1.5 hours, rinse with shampoo.
  3. Mask for heavily dried and damaged hair: 2 tbsp. l Argan and 1 tbsp. l Mix olive oil with 10 drops of lavender essential oil and egg yolk. The mixture should be applied to the hair along the entire length, to wrap the head, leave for 40 minutes.

Not every girl can often afford to cajole her hair with a “Moroccan elixir,” given the frantic pace of modern life. Petite curls with oils at least once a week, and for regular care, try the ALERANA® Mask for intensive nutrition. An innovative complex of herbal ingredients and keratin restore the structure of the hair, restoring their health and beauty.

What is the value of argan oil?

The price of argan tree oil is rightly considered one of the most expensive around the world - 10 milligrams will cost about 150 rubles.

What makes it so valuable?

The fact is that argan trees grow in only one country on earth - Morocco. Collect, press and squeeze it exclusively. using manual labor, and the trees bear fruit only twice a year.

The African country incredibly appreciates its treasure, therefore the export of argan grains abroad, in addition to official exports strictly prohibited.

However, the magic properties of the oil have been heard all over the world, and based on it, one of the most effective hair care products.

But let's go directly to the health properties of the natural product.

Argan Hair Oil 70% consists of fatty acids that give hair shine, elasticity and healthy appearance, as well as active substances that stimulate cell repair - read, significantly accelerate hair growth.

In addition to all the above, benefit from argan hair oil the following:

  • protects skin from exposure to sudden changes in temperature and ultraviolet radiation,
  • renders anti-inflammatory and antifungal act,
  • neutralizes negative effects of chemicals in decorative cosmetics.

Internet users reviews about argan hair oil mainly are positive.

Next, let's talk about how to apply argan hair oil and combine it with other components.

Instructions for use

As we have already found out, argan oil is not a cheap pleasure.

But due to the fact that only a few drops are enough for one application, even a small bottle is enough for a few weeks of use.

It is difficult to distinguish any special masks with argan oil for hair - as an additional component, the oil will be useful with any ingredients.

It can also be used as an additive shampoo or mask that you regularly use.

Below we offer a few popular recipes from argan oil.

Lightly heat up burdock or olive oiladd a few drops of argan to them. Spread evenly (from the roots to the tips) over the entire length of the hair and hold for at least an hour (to achieve the best effect, the mixture can be rubbed with massaging movements), then rinse with warm water.

Mix egg yolk, a teaspoon of almond (burdock, olive) oil and a spoonful of honey. If you wish, you can add a decoction of chamomile, nettle or hops. Apply to dry or wet hair and leave for half an hour, then rinse and comb (argan oil can also be dripped onto the brush) - the effect will be visible after several procedures.

Argan oil will make your hair so thick and silkyas they have never been before.

The use of argan oil for hair

Real Moroccan argan oil is a fairly expensive product that is not so easy to buy. There is also the danger of fakes of this unique remedy. If you are still lucky enough to get argan oil, then you should definitely use it with benefit for yourself.

The simplest and most popular way to use argan oil for hair is to massage the skin under the scalp with a small amount of oil. The clean product is applied on the palmar surface of the hands and gently rubbed into the skin and hair. After that, you should wear a plastic bag or shower cap, and tie a towel on top. Oil is washed off after at least 60-90 minutes, but some prefer to leave it overnight to enhance the effect. After application, the oil product is rinsed with warm water and a mild shampoo.

In addition, the oil can be used as a balm - rub into the hair, avoiding the area of ​​the roots and skin. The product applied in this way is not washed off, but simply dried the hair with a hair dryer and laid as usual.

After such procedures, the hair becomes more attractive, becoming shiny and soft.

Argan Oil Hair Mask

Argan oil can also be used in the form of various additives, in particular, to hair masks. Such masks are distinguished by their naturalness and effectiveness. Due to the natural components, there is a visible strengthening, nutrition and hair restoration.

What other ingredients can be used for masks with argan oil?

Mask that uses argan oil for dry hair:

  • mix raw yolk, 1 tsp. argan oil, 2 tsp. olive oil, 5 drops of essential oils of sage and lavender,
  • mass is heated to 40 ° C,
  • we rub into the scalp and leave for half an hour,
  • gently rinse with water.

This mask is recommended to use up to 3 times a week for a half to two months.

Mask "Burdock + argan oil for the tips of the hair":

  • we mix two types of oil in equal proportions,
  • we apply the received means on hair and we rub,
  • head wrapped with a towel and incubated for about 1 hour,
  • wash with shampoo.

Regular use of the mask perfectly restores hair and accelerates their growth, as well as prevents and treats baldness.

There are also ready-made masks with argan oil, which can be purchased at pharmacies or cosmetic stores. These masks are fully prepared for use: they are applied to dry or wet hair, according to the instructions.

  • Organic Argan Oil Argan Oil for Dyed Hair 15% is a natural product enriched with vitamins, which strengthens hair color, makes hair glossy, silky and docile.
  • Pharmacy argan oil Planeta Organica - 100% product that restores thin and dry hair, stops hair loss. Apply to the root area for 30-60 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.
  • Kapous argan oil is a combination product in which, in addition to Argan oil, cyclopentasiloxane, dimethicol, bluegrass seed oil, linseed oil, tocopherol, coconut oil and dyes are present. Kapous cures split and dull hair, fills them with strength and moisture.
  • Argan oil Proffs (Sweden) - can be used as a mask (applied for 2-3 hours) or immediately before styling to strengthen the hair. The manufacturer promises effective and rapid elimination of dryness and shine. The product is especially recommended for frizzy hair.
  • The elixir with argan oil Evelin is a complex preparation as a part of which burdock oil, vitamins and other excipients are declared. Elixir is especially recommended for hair restoration, which is often exposed to thermal and chemical effects.
  • Argan almond oil for hair is a very common combination of argan and almond oils. It can also be used for the neckline and neck. The complex drug is a very powerful tool to stimulate hair growth, but is not suitable for those who have an allergic reaction to almonds.
  • Belarusian products with Belita argan oil is a series of cosmetic products based on Argan oil. These include “balsam-shine”, “two-minute mask-shine”, “spray-shine”, serum for all hair types, as well as shampoo-shine on argan oil.The manufacturer promises full restoration and maintenance of healthy hair, subject to regular use of the proposed cosmetics.
  • Oil elixir Garnier Fruktis "Triple recovery" is an elixir based on argan oil, which can be used as a mask before shampooing, hair styling, as well as during the day instead of gel. According to the description, the elixir is instantly absorbed, giving the hair lightness and volume. With constant use, recovery and regeneration of damaged hair occurs.
  • Londa Professional Velvet Oil is a complex cosmetic product based on argan oil, tocopherol and panthenol. Oil smoothes hair, enhances protection against thermal action during styling and drying hair. The manufacturer guarantees a visible improvement after the first application.
  • Oliost Baroks oil (Olioseta Bareks) is a successful combination of argan and linseed oils. This tool can be applied to clean damp hair, or added to the hair dye. The immediate effect claimed by the manufacturer is to make the hair soft, smooth and healthy. Especially recommended for long hair.

Best Argan Hair Oil

At the moment, argan oil is considered almost the most common product among cosmetic products for hair care. Of course, there are people who do not accept the use of oils in cosmetics. They explain this by the fact that oily liquid can clog the natural pores of the skin, which can further lead to deterioration and even hair loss.

The same applies to the selection of the best producer of argan oil. Of course, the best option is to purchase a bottle of oil directly in the country where it is mined - in the south-western regions of Morocco. But not only this is important. As practice shows, you need to properly use the tool.

According to specialists of cosmetologists, the most effective use of oil to improve the condition of hair is its application just before going to bed, all night. In order for the nutrients to be fully absorbed, at least 14 hours is necessary

It is not necessary to apply a lot of money: just a few drops are enough to start beneficial processes in the tissues.

And one more detail: real argan oil for hair is a rather expensive product, therefore preparations based on it cannot be cheap. This criterion is also very important when choosing a cosmetic.

What is useful?

Argan oil affects not only the strands themselves, but also on the scalp (by the way, not every cosmetic oil can boast). Its use for the hair is no less than from the most expensive salon procedures. So this means:

  • restores the entire length of the structure even very dry and badly damaged hair (it doesn’t matter if you heat them with hot styling or frequent staining, your curls will become healthy, and there will be no trace of fragility)
  • strengthens and thickens the strands
  • returns shine to her hair (only natural radiance and no dullness!),
  • activates hair growth,
  • normalizes sebum production (if you are familiar with the problem of fat content and the need for daily washing of the head, you should be pleased with this ability of this tool),
  • moisturizes dry scalp and, as a result, eliminates dandruff,
  • gives a more aesthetic look to split ends, soldering them (of course, this effect is temporary, nothing will save you from perseverance except haircuts, but as an express tool for improving the appearance it will work perfectly),
  • helps to cope with diseases of the scalp (fungus and inflammation),
  • slows the aging of the scalp and allows you to avoid the early appearance of gray hair (this is truly a miracle!).

All these beneficial properties of argan oil for hair are associated with its incredibly rich composition. Here and a complex of vitamins (A, E and F), and antioxidants, and sterols are unique components of youth, stopping the fading of the skin and hair ... The effectiveness of these ingredients has long been proven by scientists.

How to get

Oil is extracted by cold pressing or by mechanical pressing of seeds from the fruit of Argan (name of tree) growing in North Africa. The fruits of Argania resemble olives with an oily substrate. When using the cold pressed method, the finished product receives a high content of vitamins and biologically active components.

Interesting to know! The process of obtaining the therapeutic composition is long and difficult - to get 1 liter, you will need to manually harvest ripe fruit from 6-10 trees.

The composition and benefits of hair

The most widespread oil argan fruit received in cosmetology.

For hair, their use is simply unique:

  1. The strands are saturated with fatty amino acids, for example, oligonolinic acid, which prevents wilting of the cells.
  2. The effect of moisturizing and toning.
  3. Anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. High content of antioxidants and vitamins, intensive hair nutrition.
  5. The composition has bactericidal components that effectively remove seborrhea and dandruff.
  6. The oil composition has a tonic effect on the hair follicles, and the hair shafts gain a smooth surface.

The composition of argan seeds contains the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins A, E, F,
  • triterpene alcohol,
  • antioxidant of natural origin - squalene,
  • carotenoids,
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6, omega-9, palmitic, stearic, ferulic acid.

Types of oil

Argan oil, depending on the purpose of use, has a different method of extraction and refining. The oil is used for food or cosmetic purposes and provides for 3 methods of its extraction:

  • cold pressed roasted bones,
  • pressing unroasted bones,
  • cold pressed from unroasted bones.

Attention! For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use the composition obtained from unroasted sunflower seeds by the method of cold pressing, since it is these seeds that allow you to get the maximum content of beneficial components.

What problems can fix

With the help of argan, you can get rid of dandruff, seborrhea, moisturize your hair and give it a natural shine. The chemical composition of the tool has a tonic and tonic effect on the curls, giving them a healthy glow. Well-groomed hair will delight with its beauty and will keep the volume for a long time.

With regular and balanced application, argan elixir protects the hair from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, and will have a regenerating effect. The main reducing component of the elixir is tocopherol, which quickly eliminates strands from split ends.

Terms of use

Argan elixir can be applied to the curls with a comb or comb. It is better to apply it on dried hair after washing and not to mix with water. The method of application of the remedy depends on the problem being solved. In some cases, it is enough to lightly rub the composition into the hair roots, and sometimes it is necessary to use the product as an indelible conditioner.

Argan oil can be used not only in pure form. It is perfectly combined with other substances in the composition of medical masks. Regardless of the chosen method of application, before applying to the hair, it is recommended to check the sensitivity of the skin to argan oil.

Important! Argan cosmetics are recommended for use no more than 1-2 times in 7-10 days, for 3 months.

Mask Recipes

To enhance the effect of the mask, you can create a "greenhouse effect" with a plastic cap and a large terry towel.

  1. Fortifying. Pure oil is applied over the entire length of the strands and on the hair roots for 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask has a moisturizing effect on the hair shafts and can be used for all types of hair,
  2. Intensive moisturizing. Argan and almond oil in a 1: 1 ratio is used for the preparation of the therapeutic composition. Instead of almond, you can use flaxseed, walnut or grape seed oil for the mask. The mask can be applied to any type of hair,
  3. For very dry hair. To argan oil (2 tbsp) is added a few drops of sage and lavender oil, egg yolk. For oily hair, instead of lavender is better to use tea tree oil,
  4. Intensive nutrition with microelements. For the manufacture of a therapeutic product, it is necessary: ​​argan and liquid honey are taken in equal proportions (4 tablespoons recommended). The mask acts as a tonic and suitable for all types of hair,
  5. Against hair loss. A mixture of argan and burdock oil (2 tablespoons) is rubbed into the roots and left for 20-30 minutes. The recipe is especially relevant for dry, brittle and prone to falling out strands.

Due to the tonic and tonic effect, argan oil not only nourishes the hair with necessary vitamin complexes, but also activates their growth. With the help of properly selected components of the mask, you can significantly increase the growth rate of hair length and make them beautiful.

Review of the best folk remedies for rapid hair growth:

  • Birch tar,
  • apple masks,
  • pepper tincture,
  • cucumber masks,
  • kefir for hair growth,
  • restore and extend curls with mustard masks.

Useful properties and composition of the product

Unique oil is produced in Morocco from the fruit of the argan tree. The high price is due to the manual mode of production plus a large number of cores needed to produce 1 liter of valuable elixir.

In the finished product there are separate components that are not in other oils. The rich chemical composition is the cause of the high activity of the beneficial agent.

Scientists have discovered in an oily liquid:

  • high percentage of tocopherol,
  • polyphenols,
  • phytosterols,
  • carotenoids,
  • Omega-3 and 6 valuable acids (linoleic and oleic),
  • natural antioxidant squalene,
  • antibiotics
  • triterpene alcohols,
  • ferulic, palmitic, stearic acid.

Indications for use for hair

Liquid gold of Morocco, as it is often called argan oil, is suitable for any type of hair. With the help of an exotic elixir, it is easy to improve the hair, to return the natural beauty to it.

Use a valuable product with the following headache troubles:

  • hair loss,
  • lifeless, “burn-through” strands after dyeing or “chemistry”,
  • dull color, breakage, excessive dryness,
  • fluffy hair,
  • split ends,
  • strands are difficult to lay, bristling in different directions,
  • poor hair growth,
  • dandruff, seborrheic manifestations,
  • weakened hair follicles,
  • irritation of the skin.

Effects on hair and scalp

After a month of regular use or even earlier, you will admire healthy hair with admiration. After the course of masks, aroma-rinsing, you will not recognize your curls, their condition will improve so much.

Find out the instructions for use of vitamin Perfectil for hair.

The benefits of decoction of a coltsfoot for hair, read this page.

The result of the application of Moroccan argan oil:

  • the tip section disappears, the hairs are saturated with moisture,
  • the structure of the hair shafts is restored,
  • hair loss decreases, growth improves,
  • curls are protected from exposure to high temperatures during thermal laying, the influence of ultraviolet radiation,
  • "fluffiness" of hairs disappears,
  • the quality of the hair is improved,
  • natural shine returns
  • strands easily combed, fit well into the hair,
  • scalp becomes softer, dandruff disappears.


A regenerating hair mask that has been badly damaged is done like this: argan and burdock oil are taken in equal proportions (a tablespoon will be enough). The oil mixture is heated, and then into it egg yolk is added. This mask is applied to the roots. Hold it for 40 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water (be sure to monitor the water temperature: if it is too high, it will be very difficult for you to wash the egg out of your hair!). The effect of this mask on the roots will be reflected on the hair along the entire length - they will look more well-groomed and healthy.


Elite product can be applied without fear. People suffering from hypersensitivity to various allergens should do a simple test. The results will show whether you can use the elixir from argan nuclei or not.

  • apply some oily liquid on the inside of the elbow or on the wrist,
  • See how the skin reacts
  • if redness does not appear on the treated site after 30–40 minutes, the body does not itch, use a valuable elixir without restrictions.

General rules and secrets of use

To get a valuable elixir is not so easy, and the price is high enough. It is important to know how to properly and economically use the miracle product for the beauty and health of hair.

Gentle, light texture allows you to apply a small amount of oily liquid, even for long curls. You can use the pure product or add a little homemade cosmetics.

How to apply Moroccan oil:

  • put a little elixir on the strands before washing your head,
  • process the hair before applying home masks,
  • use during styling for luxurious shine,
  • Grease the hair before applying a hair dryer, ironing or curling to protect the hair from high temperatures.

Useful tips:

  • to restore oily hair, add lemon juice, calendula tincture to the mix,
  • before use, lightly heat the argan oil in a water bath,
  • apply healing elixir to clean or unwashed strands depending on the situation,
  • Be sure to warm the hair after applying a homemade mixture,
  • rinse off the oil masks correctly: moisten the strands, pour a little shampoo directly on the hair, foam it, combine it with the remnants of the household mixture, then wash the hair with warm water.


Another effective way to heal damaged strands. Apply a few drops of valuable product on a wooden comb, slowly comb the curls in all directions.

The duration of a pleasant session is 5-7 minutes. Perform aroma cleavage 3-4 times a week, and your curls will acquire a natural shine, softness, become obedient and silky.

Argan oil plus esters

Restoring the health of curls and scalp will help rubbing the active mixture for half an hour before washing the hair. Regular use of esters and Moroccan balsam will give an excellent effect.

Suitable essential oils for various problems:

  • dandruff - bergamot,
  • increased greasiness of hair - petitgrain,
  • for the growth of hairs - basil,
  • against alopecia, weak hair follicles - chamomile, grapefruit.

On 1 tsp. Moroccan elixir Take 2 drops of the desired ester.

Enrichment and addition of shampoo

This method of using "liquid gold of Morocco" will stop hair loss. If you get a clean product, add 7–8 drops of oily liquid per 250–300 ml bottle.

Regular washing with a shampoo enriched with a natural elixir will improve the health of the strands, strengthen the hair follicles. Gradually, you will no longer find matted hairs on the comb.

The best and effective recipes for masks

What recipe to choose? Together with the doctor-trichologist find out what problems you have hair. Perhaps you do not notice something, or, conversely, overestimate the seriousness of some things.

After consulting a specialist, stop at two recipes, complete a full course of masks. Then try the new compositions.

Against dryness and split ends

Take a teaspoon of argan and burdock oil, mix, heat a little in a water bath. Distribute the nutritional mixture over the scalp, carefully comb the strands. Try to get to the tips. Be sure to create a thermal effect with a plastic bag and a terry towel.

The duration of the session is 50 minutes. Wash strands with sulfate-free shampoo. If time permits, dry the curls naturally.

Nutritious for strengthening and growth of strands

It will take an equal amount of three types of oils: burdock, argan and castor. Take no more than a teaspoon. Apply the oil mask on the root zone, massage for 10 minutes, then spread the composition over the entire length, wrap the hair.

After an hour with a mild shampoo, wash the strands. Be sure to rinse the curls with a decoction of nettle or burdock root.

The mixture against the heavy fat curls

The correct composition reduces the activity of sebaceous glands, reduces the greasiness of the hair. Combine in a teaspoonful of argan elixir, avocado oil and grape seed. Add 3 drops of mint and cedar ether.

Spread the mask for oily hair over the entire length, slightly massage the scalp, warm in the usual way. Keep the mixture on the curls for half an hour, then rinse the strands well.

To accelerate the growth of hair follicles

In a porcelain or glass bowl, mix in a teaspoon of castor and argan oil, pour in the same amount of lemon or lime juice and thin medca. Enrich the composition with an ampoule of vitamin E, pour in 10 drops of retinol (vitamin A).

Well comb hair, dry hair treat nutrient. Make sure that the composition fell on all parts of the hair. Massage your head, wrap. The duration of the effective procedure is 1.5 hours. Wash off with shampoo, apply decoction of calamus roots or burdock to the strands. Feed loosened strands 1 time per week.

Learn all about the use and benefits of sea salt for hair.

What is the useful whey for hair? The answer is on this page.

At, read about how to cascade nicely on medium hair.

Restoring for damaged hair

After a perm, dyeing with ammonia paints, nutrient compositions are indispensable. If you got a clean Moroccan product, be sure to restore the hair structure with this compound a couple of times a week.

You will need pounded yolk, a teaspoonful of argan and olive oil, 5 drops of sage ether. Components mix until smooth, rub into the scalp, well lubricate the strands. Cover the hair with cellophane and a towel, after half an hour, wash off the nourishing mask. Supplement - decoction of chamomile.

Simple composition of firming mask

The easiest recipe. Put a little oily liquid on your palm, wait a minute for it to warm up. Massage argan balm into the scalp, rub the composition on the strands, gently comb the hair. If necessary, add a few more drops of the Moroccan elixir.

For treatment of split ends, treat damaged areas with valuable oily liquid. After several procedures, the tips will stop splitting. Perform the procedure twice a week for two to three months. If possible, dry the curls without a hairdryer, do not use the iron or curling.

General Product Information

This argan oil is not easy to buy. The pure product is sold only in Morocco. You can order on the Internet a natural remedy and cosmetic compositions containing “liquid gold of Morocco” in the “House of Argan”. The official representative of Moroccan companies represented only quality products.

The price of argan oil is quite high, but the use of an exotic product gives an excellent effect. The volume of the bottle from 200 ml, the price - from 1200 rubles.

Many girls seek to get a bottle of precious balsam. Having experienced the effect of the elixir from the nuclei of argan, it is impossible to abandon this miracle cure. Feedback on argan oil is always positive.

Tip! To enhance the effect, order a quality shampoo with a Moroccan elixir. Volume - 200 ml, price - 500 rubles.

Further, a video about the properties and application of argan oil for the recovery of strands:

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I have a blend of horse oil force. It contains 10 oils and one of them is argan oil. Now I understand why after him such gorgeous hair)

And I always used burdock oil. Now I will expand the number of oils) And from hp I have a shampoo based on oat surfactants. It is free of sulphates and therefore gently washes hair and gives them volume.

And ketoconazole shampoo helped me with dandruff, it is a horse force brand and as soon as possible helps to get rid of dandruff

And my professional ultra moisturizing mask on amino acids of oat germs and cationic polymers helped me to restore the hair shine and make them soft and silky.

and whose mask is it? expensive? in prof. store bought?

This mask from horsepower, with a very cool composition and with huge volume, bought it at the pharmacy.


Watch the video: Whats Killing your hair? & Does Argan Oil Elixirs Really Work? (July 2024).