Hair Growth

Vitamins for hair Revalid


Every woman dreams of thick and shiny hair. Since ancient times, the first sign of beauty was considered a long braid. However, under the influence of both external and internal factors, the lush head of hair may lose its former luster, thin. Only an integrated approach to the issue of recovery and treatment can correct the situation. Along with nutritious masks and special shampoos, trichologists recommend using vitamin complexes. In today's article, we will focus on Revalid in more detail. Instructions for use will also be presented to your attention.

Means description

Vitamins "Revalid" are produced in Hungary. Externally, they are gelatin two-color capsules. Content has a yellowish brown tint. Vitamins are packaged in blisters. Each of them contains 10 capsules. A carton pack can contain 3 or 9 such blisters.

The manufacturer recommends to keep the drug in a dry and out of reach of children. Shelf life is 3 years. After it expires, vitamins cannot be used. The cost of the drug varies from 300 to 400 rubles, depending on the number of pills. It is sold in almost all pharmacy chains, and a special prescription from the doctor is not required.

Indications for appointment

Vitamins "Revalid" instruction recommends taking in the presence of the following problems with hair:

  • total baldness on the background of medication for therapeutic purposes,
  • brittleness,
  • deterioration in the quality of hair during pregnancy,
  • the presence of seborrhea, dandruff.

In addition, this drug can be taken if there are problems with the state of the nail plates.

Effects on hair and nails

Supporters of proper nutrition believe that a person gets a set of substances necessary for the full functioning of the body from food. However, this opinion is wrong. Our body can absorb no more than 20% of the injected vitamins and trace elements. Individual substances can not be absorbed without other components. For example, calcium from cottage cheese is not fully absorbed by the body without vitamin D.

The instruction attached to “Revalid” positions the preparation as a complex remedy, eliminating the problem of assimilation of useful substances and saturating the body with essential minerals. Thanks to its proper use, the curls become shiny and silky. Nail plates, however, cease to exfoliate and become healthy. In addition, this tool copes with dandruff, excessive dryness of the skin of the head.

The therapeutic effect described above is possible due to the composition of "Revalid":

  1. Amino acids (methionine and cysteine) protect cells from the influence of radicals, thus delaying the natural aging process.
  2. B vitamins are responsible for transporting nutrients. Hair loss is directly dependent on this process.
  3. Vitamin H protects the structure of the hair follicles from exposure to UV radiation, temperature changes.
  4. Medical yeasts promote active cell growth.
  5. Chelating elements provide dissolution of unwanted substances.
  6. Linoleic acid, vitamins of groups D, E and B have a strengthening effect on nails and hair.

Also, trace elements available in the "Revalid", support immunity. This has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism.

Dosing regimen

A positive result from the use of the drug is possible only if used correctly. How to take "Revalid"?

For adults, the instruction recommends using one pill of the drug per day. It is better to do this before the main meal and drink plenty of water. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 2-3 weeks. If necessary, you need to take a break and resume therapy. However, such recommendations are very conditional, only a doctor can prescribe the dosage.

In advanced cases, appoint 2 capsules per reception, but three times a day. Such an intensive course of therapy can last no more than a month. Then take a break and take the drug in the usual dosage. Such an approach may adversely affect the body's work, therefore, it is impossible to do without consulting a doctor. Self-medication is not allowed.

Possible contraindications

Any drug has limitations on use. In what cases it is not recommended to use “Revalid” for hair?

  1. The presence of hypersensitivity to the drug.
  2. Age up to 12 years.
  3. First trimester of pregnancy.
  4. Pathology of the kidneys, liver and the entire gastrointestinal system.
  5. Various diseases of a chronic nature (for example, tuberculosis or diabetes mellitus).
  6. Increased acidity of the stomach.
  7. Avitaminosis, developing on the background of endocrine dysfunction.
  8. Fungal nail infections.

Some of these recommendations are temporary, so before you start taking vitamins, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Side effects

Instructions to "Revalid" warns that a violation of the dosage or incorrect administration of the drug often leads to side effects. The most common are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifest as diarrhea or constipation. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of the drug to one capsule per day. In the same way it is necessary to act if the treatment is accompanied by headaches and weakness in the body.

Side effects from "Revalid" can be expressed in an allergic reaction. In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. The specialist will be able to recommend an analogue with a similar effect on the hair and nails.

Interaction with other substances

Vitamins for hair and nails "Revalid" can not be taken with alcoholic beverages. Doctors advise you to abstain from drinking alcohol a week before the start of the course of treatment and for the same period after it ends.

The drug reduces the effectiveness of medicines, having in its composition levodopa and sulfonamides. This once again proves the need for prior consultation with the trichologist before the course of treatment. Thus you can protect your body and significantly improve the condition of the hair and nail plates.

Alternative means

According to the reviews of trichologists, "Revalid" is not for everyone. Some people have an allergic reaction to the components, others suffer from severe headaches. In these situations, you must re-consult a doctor. The specialist will select an alternative "Revalid" drug. Analogue means are: "Pharmaton Vital", "Ginvit", "Geriton", "Perfectil".

Opinions of doctors and ordinary consumers

Reviews trichologists about "Revalid" are found only with a positive color. Experts note the qualitative composition of the drug, high efficiency and rare cases of side effects. In addition, this tool is relatively inexpensive. Therefore, ordinary consumers can afford it at least once a year.

What do women say after taking Revalid? Feedback from the fair sex is not always positive. However, most women will note the rapid effect of the drug. With prolonged dyeing, the hair becomes excessively brittle and dry. "Revalid" after the first course of treatment corrects this problem. Using the tool as a preventive in spring and autumn allows you to consolidate the result.

Negative opinions are usually associated with a large number of contraindications. For example, the vitamin complex can not be used for chronic ailments and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Such pathologies are not uncommon in our day, so many have to abandon Revalid. Some women note an increase in the positive effect of the drug only when used simultaneously with special masks to improve hair growth.

Operating principle

The action of the drug is aimed at replenishing the nutrients needed by a person, taking into account the daily norm of their consumption. In this case, the source is not only synthetic forms of vitamins, but also natural components that are better absorbed.

The drug is available in capsule form.

One tablet contains such active substances as:

  1. Thiamine Hydrochloride, this vitamin of group B, is necessary for all organism. It increases the rate of metabolic processes in the tissues, which means that they receive more nutrients. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, which helps a person to withstand stress, to be psychologically more stable.
  2. Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) and calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5), increase lipid metabolism, help fight anemia. And as is well known, anemia causes a lack of oxygen in the tissues, which negatively affects the growth of the hair follicles and the nail plate, and they are the last to get nutrients. You can learn more about the benefits of pyridoxine for hair growth on our website.
  3. Iron acts in conjunction with the B vitamins, enhancing the effect when used together. When you receive this element, there is a strengthening of hair follicles and the appearance of a healthy shine of hair.
  4. ZincThis element is very important for curls. Its lack leads to dryness of the skin of the head and the appearance of dandruff. It is a powerful antioxidant and helps to neutralize the negative effects that strands and nails are exposed to.
  5. CopperIt is a mineral against gray hair. He is involved in tissue regeneration, hemoglobin synthesis. With its shortage, anemia may occur.
  6. L-cystine and DL — methionine These amino acids have a detoxifying, immunomodulatory property. Enhance the intercellular interaction, the rate of removal of toxins.
  7. Millet extract the richest product, in which a lot of micro and macronutrients. But for healthy hair and nails, an important bioavailable substance is milyacin and silicic acid, which it contains. They help restore lipid metabolism and increase the rate of tissue regeneration.
  8. Medical yeast normalize the hydrobalance of the scalp, help in the construction of new cells. Contain the entire set of vitamins B and E. When taking yeast, the hair stops falling out, increases their growth. Yeast masks help to grow long and healthy curls; you can find the best recipes on our website.
  9. Para-aminobenzoic acid protects against the negative impact of environmental factors.
  10. Trace elements in chelate complex contribute to the saturation of the follicles with nutrients.
  11. Wheat Germ Extract Bioavailable Vitamin E, which is known for its anti-aging properties.

Such a balanced composition gives excellent results for the rapid achievement of results in the care of curls and nails.

It will be useful for you to find out: food for hair growth.

In what cases helps

The drug gives positive results for:

  • problems with hair loss due to diet or medication, which contributed to the lack of nutrition of hair follicles,
  • pregnancy (in the 2nd and 3rd trimester) and lactation, since it requires a high content of beneficial elements,
  • various physical injuries, for full recovery of the body,
  • dull lifeless hair, split ends and increased brittle nails.

Important! Vitamins help well when the body needs them and if they are drunk with a course. But if problems with hair are related to hormonal disorders, then the drug will not be able to help.

For sale vitamin complex in pharmacies and online stores. You can buy a package of 30 pcs. for 430–650 rubles or 90 pcs. for 1200–1600 rubles. At least 90 pieces are required per course.


Since this is a vitamin complex, it is necessary to respect the exact dosage and course. It is advisable to consult with a physician to determine a more specific dose of the drug and the time of admission.

There are a number of general contraindications:

  • the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the drug,
  • individual intolerance to the components
  • children under 12 years of age due to high dosage
  • first trimester of pregnancy
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs, especially with high acidity.
  • if a side reaction occurred while taking Revalid:
  • diarrhea, bloating,
  • stomach pain,
  • constipation,
  • rash,
  • headache.

You should refrain from taking the drug and drink adsorbing medication. It is strictly forbidden to take Revalid with alcoholic beverages.

Rules of application

Only with a serious attitude and a long course, at least 9 weeks, you can get good, lasting results.

Trichologists recommend a standard course: 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals 9–12 weeks.

In difficult cases, with the permission of the doctor, a course with an increased dose is allowed: 2 capsules 3 times a day for 4 weeks, then 1 capsule 6-8 weeks.

Effect of use

This drug gives positive results after the first week of use. It allows you to comprehensively affect the growth, nutrition, thickness of the hair and the nail plate.

Note, Scientists have long established that many trace elements give the most positive results when interacting with each other. The components for the vitamin complex are based and selected on this basis.

Hair after the course becomes shiny, elastic, gain overall healthy look. Nails no longer exfoliate, their growth increases.

Analogs of the drug

Similar in composition of the complex does not exist. But in the pharmacy chains you can find bada aimed at strengthening the curls and nails, which include some of the elements of Revalid. These are vitamins such as:

Revalid according to consumer reviews deserved only positive characteristics. When properly administered, the hair follicles become stronger, their growth begins, and the loss stops. Nails become stronger.

To grow long and thick hair will help effective shampoo for hair growth. We offer several worthy and proven options:

Useful videos

Vitamins for hair growth revalid.

The best vitamins for hair growth.

The composition of the drug

Revalid vitamins have a positive effect on the state of the body due to its rich composition, which includes such components as:

The drug is available in the form of capsules, the shell of which consists of gelatin.

  • thiamine and pyridoxine hydrochloride,
  • vitamins of groups B and H,
  • amino acids
  • trace elements
  • extracts of wheat germ and millet,
  • medical yeast.

Additional components: colloidal silicon dioxide.

Mechanism of action

Vitamin complex Revalid nourishes the hair with nutrients, gives them a healthy look, strength, density. The components of the drug protect the curls from environmental exposure, restore the natural color and shine of the strands.

Trace elements help to stop hair loss, nourish the bulbs, strengthen the immune system. Antioxidants slow down the aging process.The action of vitamins Revalid is reduced to:

  • improve the structure of the hair,
  • moisturizing the scalp,
  • eliminating fragility of curls,
  • strengthen hair.

Who to take

Vitamins Revalid prescribed to patients who are faced with the problem of excessive hair loss. The drug helps to improve the condition of the strands and the appearance of a person with chronic diseases, exhaustion of the body. Doctors recommend taking vitamins for women whose body is restored after childbirth and lactation.

The tool effectively copes with problems of the scalp and hair, which appeared as a result of long-term use of any drugs. Also, vitamins should be taken if you often face stressful situations.

Revalid can be used not only to treat hair problems, but also for their prevention.

Vitamin complex does not harm the health, if you follow the recommendations of the doctor.

How to use

Before you begin a course of treatment, you should carefully read the instructions or consult a specialist to avoid unpleasant consequences.

For serious hair problems, take two tablets three times a day with a small amount of liquid. If the drug is used for prophylactic purposes, one tablet three times a day will suffice.

The course of reception lasts three months, but the expected effect will be noticeable alreadyafterfirst month. If necessary, after three months the course can be repeated. For a faster and more visible result, you should use firming and restoring masks, rinse the hair with decoction of herbs. Comb strands need thick wooden scallop, during the intake of vitamins, it is desirable to abandon the pleyok, hair dryer, styling products.

Price in pharmacies

The vitamin complex Revalid can be purchased at the pharmacy kiosk or ordered online. Capsules are sold in blisters of 10 pieces. In one carton can be 3 or 9 blisters.

The average cost of the drug:

  • 30 packs - 300 rubles,
  • Packing 90 pieces - 700 rubles.

It is more profitable to buy large packages, since in this case the price per capsule is significantly reduced.

Consumer reviews

A general impression of the effectiveness of a particular drug can be obtained after reading the reviews of patients who have already managed to try out the remedy.

Vitamins Revalid - a universal remedy that will help improve the condition of hair and nails. Due to the unique composition of the drug effectively acts on the state of the body from the inside, fills it with vitamins and minerals.

Indications for use

  • Diseases, accompanied by abundant loss, deterioration of the hair, as well as accompanied by damage to the structure of the nail plate.
  • The need to improve the quality of their appearance, reducing the rate of brittle hair.
  • The need for increased saturation of the hair follicles and nail plate with nutrients.
  • Hair loss resulting from pathogenic environmental factors.

The price of Revalid vitamins for 30 pieces fluctuates around 300-350 rubles, Packing 90 capsules costs 680-750 rubles.

Composition of Revalid

The composition of Revalid is as follows:

  • active substances - thiamine hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, iron, zinc, L-cystine, millet extract, medical yeast, calcium pantothenate, para-aminobenzoic acid, copper, trace elements in chelate complex, DL-Methionine, wheat germ extract,
  • additional components - colloidal silicon dioxide,
  • capsule shell - gelatin, quinoline yellow, indigo carmine.

The effect of Revalid on hair

The clinical effect of the vitamin complex on the hair due to its multicomponent composition, including amino acids, vitamins, useful trace elements and natural extracts of plant origin.

Essential amino acids Methionine and Cystine:

  • promote cell regeneration
  • protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals,
  • participate in the formation of keratin, which is a kind of brick that serves as the basis for the structure of a healthy stratum corneum of hair, skin and nails,
  • promote immunity,
  • nourish the cells with oxygen
  • reduce hair loss.

Vitamins B:

  • provide natural hair shine, nourish them,
  • moisturize the skin.

Vitamin H:

  • protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


  • reduce brittle hair and nail plate and strengthen nails,
  • protect from adverse factors of external influence.

Wheatgrass Extract:

  • natural source of vitamins A, E, K, chromium and selenium,
  • reduces dandruff, relieves itching, prevents seborrhea from developing,
  • rejuvenates blood.

Millet extract and silicon:

  • renew the skin from the inside,
  • reduce hair loss,
  • restore shine and hair structure,
  • solder split ends.

Revalid - instruction

Take the vitamins inside three times a day, 1 pc during or right before meals. Treatment should last at least 2-3 months. Possible repeated course of admission after consultation with a doctor. In particularly difficult situations (with an intense, incessant rate of hair loss), the doctor may prescribe an enhanced course - 2 pcs. Each. three times a day during the first month of treatment, and after that it is recommended to switch to a basic course of application (1 capsule also three times a day). The treatment is performed only strictly following the advice of a doctor.

Ways to enhance the positive effect

To achieve the maximum clinical effect in the process of restoring the structure and quality of hair, long and complex treatment is necessary. Revalid must be taken on a course of at least 2 to 3 months duration. And as an additional hair supply will help burdock masks, or any other nourishing oil, tincture of red pepper, ginger, honey, etc.

Mask with ginger and butter

Stir until a homogeneous mixture of one Art. a spoonful of sesame oil or jojoba oil from one tbsp. Spoon grated fresh ginger. The mixture is gently applied to the skin and leave for about half an hour. After that, the mass must be carefully washed off. The effect is achieved thanks to the strong stimulating properties of ginger. The oil, in turn, protects the scalp from irritation.

Mask based on hot red pepper tincture

For making you need tincture of red pepper, olive oil, one yolk and flower honey. Mix the components in equal shares. Apply the mixture on average for 30-40 minutes. To achieve the maximum effect, you should roll your head in plastic wrap, and wrap in a soft towel on top. Red pepper also has stimulating properties. But be careful, this mask should not be used even with minor damage to the scalp. If, when applied, the skin begins to burn strongly, then rinse the mixture thoroughly.

Release form

Revalid vitamins are available in capsule form. One pack contains 30 encapsulated formations, inside which is placed a powdery substance. Due to this form of release, the complex is convenient to take, and its action is longer than that of similar drugs produced in the form of tablets.

Beneficial features

The active ingredients of a multivitamin formulation have the following effects on the human body:

  • normalize metabolic processes
  • improve the structure of curls
  • reduce breakage,
  • strengthen the trophism of curls, nails,
  • slow down the speed of hair getting out
  • increase the resistance of curls to the effects of chemical type: staining, ultraviolet, X-rays.

When can not take?

Instructions for use of the drug indicates that it should not be taken in situations such as:

  • nail fungal infection
  • inflammation that causes damage to the structure of the nail plate,
  • hair loss caused by impaired metabolic processes of hormonal cells in the body,
  • allergic to its components.

It is best not to risk and in the presence of one or another of the specified diagnosis to replace the complex means of similar action, but with a different composition.

Side effects

Side effects most often occur when the prescribed daily dosage is exceeded. These include:

  • manifestation of allergic reactions
  • dyspeptic disorders.

In such situations, you should consult a doctor to get symptomatic treatment, and also to find out if you need to cancel taking Revalid.

Storage rules

Multivitamins should be stored in a place where it is dry, dark. The temperature there should not exceed 25 ° C. Children and animals should not access it. The shelf life of the complex is 36 months from the date of manufacture. After its termination to use capsules is prohibited.

The price of Revalid vitamins varies from 340 to 900 rubles. It all depends on how many capsules are packed in a cardboard box, as well as on the region where the patient lives.

Drugs similar to those described for effects on the human body are considered:

At the beginning of their use it is worth contacting a doctor for advice, since there are a number of points that prohibit their admission.

Opinion on multivitamins is mostly positive. Almost everyone notes the improvement of hair and nails at the beginning of their use. People indicate that the drug is really useful for the hair, as it stimulates their growth, makes curls stronger, silky, shiny. Moreover, this effect is achieved even without the use of professional cosmetics.

Which is better: Pantovigar or Revalid?

It is known that Pantovigar and Revalid are considered the best hair vitamins. Users often wonder which ones to choose. It is worth paying attention to the constituent elements of the complexes. The Pantovigar contains enough keratin compounds that are not found in Revalide. However, this does not mean that one of the drugs is worse than the other. They both have indications and contraindications, according to which they are appointed by experts.

Instructions for use

Product form: Revalid vitamin complex is available in the form of gelatin tablets. The capsule body has a light green color, and the cap is made in a dark green color. Each pill contains a yellow-brown powder with inclusions of a light or dark shade and a specific odor. Capsules are packed in blisters of 10 pieces. In pharmacies, they can be purchased in cartons containing 3 blisters of 30 shells or 9 tablets of 90 each.

Revalid composition of vitamins:

  1. Vitamins include herbal extracts.
  2. The elements that make up the medication normalize metabolic processes and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and nails.

The composition of vitamins Revalid includes riboflavins of group B:

  1. Acid para-aminobenzoic, B10. It prevents early graying and restores the natural color of the curls.
  2. Pyridoxine hydrochloride, B6. Helps strengthen strands. Interferes with formation of dandruff and the skin of the head protects from an inflammation. It also relieves itching and redness.
  3. Calcium Pantothenate, B5. Shows a good effect on the entire human body. Stimulates the formation of hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands. Well strengthens the immune system. Slows down aging. Increases the growth of curls, preventing their fragility. Due to the effect of calcium pantothenate, the structure of the strands is strengthened, and they are protected from falling out. Element gives hair pomp, silkiness and beautiful shine.
  4. Thiamine hydrochloride, B1. There is a regulation of lipid metabolism, thanks to which the cell membranes are protected from toxins, which are released during peroxidation.

Minerals are also included in Revalid:

  1. Methionine. Aliphatic amino acid, which increases the production of epinephrine and creatinine.
  2. Chistin. Amino acid, which runs the body in cleansing processes and protects against ultraviolet rays.
  3. Trace elements in chelate, intracomplex form. These are compounds of minerals with acids and organic elements, which increase the absorption performance of single insoluble trace elements ions by the thin intestine.
  4. Zinc. It is a unique substance that is able to prolong the youth of cells. Forms the work of the genital and pancreas glands, affects the pituitary gland.
  5. Copper. It is a component that is necessary for the formation of collagen and iron elastin. Provides oxygen in a variety of body tissues.

In addition, Revalid for hair contains the following elements:

  1. Wheat germ extract. This includes vitamins A, B12, B2, E, D. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Allantoin, glycolipid, phospholepid, selenium, triglyceride, which preserve the health of nails and hair, are included in Revalid.
  2. Millet extract. It contains a huge amount of silicon in the active form and polyunsaturated omega-3 acid. Thus, there is support for elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Element contributes to the renewal of the cellular composition of the skin. Activated cell division of hair follicles.
  3. Medical yeast. They protect the structure of the hair follicles from destruction.
  4. The vitamin complex is enhanced by colloidal silicon dioxide. The basis of the shell is gelatin. Indigo-carmine and quinoline yellow are used as sensitizers.

Which is better - Pantovigar or Revalid?

One of the most common analogues of the drug is Pantovigar. The special value of the last drug in keratin. For those who lack mainly vitamins, the answer to the question: “Which is better: Pantovigar or Revalid? ”- is obvious. Experts recommend the latter. It's rich multivitamin complex that gives hair and nails the necessary nutrition.

Reviews of Revalid

Reviews of Revalid report that this tool is effective mainly for nails. It normalizes their condition at the beginning of the course. Reviews of vitamins Revalid for hair growth, too, as a rule, positive. Only a few of those who have tried this remedy complain of such a side effect as nausea.

For hair reviews of doctors about Revalid is also positive. Many experts recommend this tool to their patients.

Some reviews of Revalid, which can be found on the Internet, contain photos of the results. Here are some of them here.

Photo of the result after the use of drugs for hair growth.

Another girl published a photo after a month of taking the drug.

At the site of hair loss after 4 weeks, new ones began to appear.

What causes hair loss?

  1. Stress, especially if it is chronic. As you know, every stress is accompanied by an adrenaline rush into the bloodstream. This leads to a narrowing of the vessels, including those that go to the papilla. The nutrition of the hair, the delivery of oxygen to them are disturbed, they begin to fall out strenuously. Do you need vitamins here? Yes, but in combination with sedatives. Immediately make yourself a mark: if it turns out that hair loss is associated with stress, it makes sense to recommend a sedative. By the way, do you want to laugh? Trichologists say that very often the hair begins to crumble if you lend money. Apparently, the body also perceives it as stress. 🙂
  2. Endocrine diseases: diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, sex glands and the associated hormonal imbalance.
  3. Childbirth, after which the level of estrogen decreases. Usually, everything is restored in six months. If this does not happen, you need to check the level of hormones.
  4. Infections with temperature "candles". At the peak of high temperature, the papilla cells proliferate, and 2-3 weeks after that, the hair begins to fall out.
  5. Cancellation of oral contraceptive. When a woman starts to take OK, she sends her ovaries "to Hawaii". After the cessation of its reception in the body decreases the content of estrogen, since the ovaries have not moved away from the "leave" and are not fully engaged in the work.
  6. Iron-deficiency anemia. Iron provides the transport of oxygen to cells, including the cells of the papilla. Little iron - little oxygen - hair climb.
  7. The puberty period, when the amount of androgens increases, the production of sebum increases. An excess of it clogs the hair follicle, squeezes the papilla, cells can not multiply.
  8. Menopause, in which the rate of metabolic processes inside the cell decreases, and the rate of cell division inside the papilla decreases.
  9. Lack of dietary intake of biotin, iron, cystine.
  10. Taking drugs, for example, cytostatics, which suppress the division of not only cancer cells, but all the others. A man is rapidly losing hair. But the hair follicles do not go anywhere, so after a while the hair grows back.
  11. Cruel diets, long-term chronic diseases in which the body loses the vitamins and trace elements necessary for hair growth.
  12. Exceptionally vegetarian food.
  13. Diseases in which the absorption of vitamins and trace elements in the intestine is impaired.
  14. Fungal lesion of the scalp.

Now look again at this list and think:

  1. In which case you really need a complex of vitamins for hair?
  2. Where is it enough to wait, and everything will return to normal by itself?
  3. In which case is it necessary to first treat the underlying disease?

Preparing for this conversation, I looked at a lot of reviews about various vitamin complexes. And for almost everyone: someone helped, but someone did not see the effect. Because in each case the cause of the fallout is OWN.

I will give an example. A woman takes a pantovigar and asks: “Why doesn’t her hair fall on her head stop, but the body hair grow more?” She, of course, blames the complex. But the matter is not in it, but in an excess of androgens, which caused a diffuse alopecia, that is, hair loss. Therefore, she first needs to go to the endocrinologist.

If you are asked “something from hair loss,” ask at least three questions to find out the reason for this:

  1. When did you notice that your hair began to fall out?
  2. What preceded this? (stress, childbirth, flu, diet, etc.)
  3. Do you have any chronic diseases (endocrine diseases, intestinal diseases, fibroids, finally, in which there are severe bleeding)?

Ask the customer to do the test I told you about last time. Maybe what the buyer calls hair loss is not one at all? And here it is enough to offer an ordinary vitamin-mineral complex - more to soothe it?

And do not forget to clarify whether he is not taking any vitamins now, so that an overdose does not happen.

If you get answers, but you haven’t got any versions about the reasons for hair loss, ask, “what kind of shampoo do you wash your hair with? For which hair? ”Improper care is another reason for the loss and unimportant appearance of the hair.

Well, now go directly to the vitamins.

I looked at the composition of nine popular vitamins for hair:

  • Perfectil.
  • Special dragee Mertz.
  • Revalid.
  • Pantovigar.
  • Vitasharm.
  • Vitrum Beauty.
  • Compliant Radiance.
  • Alphabet Cosmetics.
  • Lady's formula. For hair, skin, nails.

And you know what I'll tell you ... When I analyzed the usual multivitamin complexes, I did not see such a discrepancy in dosages and composition as here.

What did the manufacturers not put into these complexes! Here and burdock extract, and coenzyme Q10, and green tea extract, and wheat germ extract.

I really want to see at least one eye and to hear with one ear how the composition of such products is developed.

Apparently, it happens like this:

There are 5-6 thugs (product managers, marketers) at the round table, and the marketing director says:

"Dear Colleagues! We now have to develop a unique multivitamin hair complex that will allow us to overtake our main competitors: the X, Y and Z complexes.

Our task is to make pharmacy visitors a customer only our complex and no other.

Your suggestions, gentlemen!

- It is necessary to increase the dosage of vitamins of group B in two, no, better, three, no, better 10 times! We will say that high dosages of this group improve all types of metabolism, moisturize the skin, participate in the production of collagen, and soothe. In our age of stress this should work.

- I propose to add there burdock extract! There is such a popular recipe for hair loss. Therefore, after seeing the familiar name, people will buy our product.

- And let's enter coenzyme Q10. He is now extremely fashionable! We will say that it will revitalize your hair, will give energy, shine, increase the density of hair!

- I propose to include yeast. People have long been treating hair loss with yeast.
- Exactly! But we call them "medical." It will sound more solid.

- And nothing that we have already increased the dosage of vitamins c. B, and we still go there and yeast?

- What's the difference! They are non-toxic, water soluble. But it will be an additional lure for a potential buyer.

And then there is the matter of technology. Come up with beautiful phrases in the annotations, launch troops in pharmacies in the form of medical assistants, first forcing them to memorize these phrases and woo-a-la! Went to a vitamin, but what went there, popere.

Do you doubt that this is the case?

But let's look closely at the composition of these complexes: daily dosages of vitamins differ from each other at times. You can download this table by clicking on the picture:

This suggests that there is no scientific justification for such a composition.

Well, how else to explain that in one complex, the daily dose of vitamin B1 is 2.4 mg, and in the other - as much as 180 mg?

In one vitamin A complex - 3000 IU, and in the other - 16 500 IU?

Cystine in one 10 mg, and in another 150mg? Moreover, the readings, as you understand, are similar! I can understand the difference in dosages between dietary supplements and drugs. But between drugs.

Maybe YOU can explain it to me?

In short, let's think about how we will sell all this.

I propose to select criteria for the analysis of vitamins, bearing in mind this:

  • Hair is a keratin protein. For its formation, cysteine ​​(= cystine) is the main amino acid.
  • With hair loss against the background of iron deficiency, it must be obtained from the outside.
  • Regulates hair growth and its fat content of vitamin B7, or biotin.
  • With hair loss due to stress, high doses of magnesium in the complex will be very useful.
  • If the loss is associated with hypothyroidism, iodine is needed.
  • And if - with an increased function of the thyroid gland, then it is contraindicated.

From these considerations, and we will analyze.

Complexes of vitamins for hair


A full complex of vitamins and trace elements for skin, hair, nails.

  • The composition has biotin in an adequate dosage of 45 micrograms with a daily requirement of 50 micrograms.
  • High iron content.
  • Instead of vitamin A, its safe form is betacarotene.
  • There is cystine, however, in a small dosage.
  • Dosages of vitamins B1 and B6 are several times higher than the daily requirement.
  • Yoda 200 mcg.
  • The manufacturer recommends taking it for a month.


  1. May cause allergic reactions to vitamins c. AT
  2. Suitable if hair loss is due to iron deficiency or impaired absorption in the intestine.
  3. When recommending it, you should find out if there are any problems with the thyroid gland. If "there is something, but I do not know what," recommend another complex without iodine and advise you to contact an endocrinologist.
  4. When selling, be sure to warn the buyer that it should be taken only during or immediately after a meal, because it often causes nausea, stomach pain. Perhaps due to the increased dosage of vitamin B6.
  5. Reception within a month is illogical in terms of the stages of hair development.

Why do you think the manufacturer writes such a condition? Maybe because of the negative effect on the stomach?

Special Merz pills

Complex for skin, hair, nails.

In my opinion, a reasonable composition:

  • Vitamin C - 150 mg, and he is involved in the synthesis of collagen - the main protein of beauty and youthful skin.
  • There is biotin, iron, cystine. By the way, the daily dosage of the latter is high (60 mg), and he goes to build protein hair - keratin.
  • Iron is also in high dosage, which means that this complex can be used for hair loss caused by iron deficiency.

But why does not specify the duration of the reception? I consider that it is not necessary to take it for a long time. 3 months. No more!

For people over 35, the manufacturer recommends the Merz Anti-Age Special Dragee complex. Why exactly 35? What is this age so remarkable? Here you go, walk on Earth, and then “bang”, and turned 35. It turns out that old age has come. Urgent need to change vitamins! 🙂 But in the complex for the elderly, I did not find anything special.


This is a complex for hair and nails.

  • It is interesting in that it contains wheat germ extract - a natural source of many vitamins.
  • It contains the highest dosage of cystine - 150 mg - the main building material of hair protein. Therefore, I believe that rewald can improve the condition of damaged hair.
  • In addition, it contains methionine, another important amino acid necessary for the synthesis of proteins and lipids. And lipids are needed for gluing the horny scales of the hair cuticle. Remember we talked about this last time?

In terms of allergy, the high content of vitamin B6 is embarrassing. But since pyridoxine strengthens the nervous system, it can be assumed that rewald is suitable for hair loss caused by stress.


The complex is designed for hair and nails.

Contains not only cysteine, from which the main protein of the hair is formed, but also keratin itself. This is its uniqueness. It is not in any of the considered complexes anymore.

But for some reason it just has a crazy dosage of vitamin B1 - 60 mg, multiplied by three doses - 180 mg per day at a rate of about two. What for? Plunging into the topic of hair loss, I have never found any mention of the fact that thiamin is a super important vitamin for hair growth.

Usually such high dosages of it are used in the treatment of polyneuropathy. Remember, in the milgamme of vitamin B1 - 100 mg? But what does hair have to do with it?

Before the heap, medical yeast was added here - a source of B vitamins.

In the side - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. And no wonder.

In short, I wouldn't buy it myself.


Complex for skin, hair, nails.

It shocked me with vitamin A content: 16,500 IU with a daily rate of 5,000 IU.

Remember that this is a fat soluble vitamin, so you need to be very careful with it? Vitamin A has a teratogenic effect, so planning his pregnancy is also impossible. Well, I would advise smokers to stay away from him as well, since taking vitamin A increases cancer incidence.

Traditionally, high dosages of vitamin A are treated for conditions associated with impaired keratinization of the skin: keratosis, ichthyosis, etc. This is also indicated in the indications for this complex.

Vitrum Beauty

Complex for skin, hair, nails.

As in all Vitrums, there are many different things in it.

Nothing criminal in it did not see.

In contrast, vitamin A is replaced by beta-carotene.

Biotin is more here than anywhere else.

Magnesium is also here more than anywhere else.

This means that with stressful hair loss, this complex can be safely offered.

That's just it contains iodine, which is not always needed. So ask the buyer about thyroid disease.

Duration of admission is not specified. Recommend 3 months. Not more.

Complit Shine

Complex for skin, hair, nails.

Like all Complivity, caution in dosages. All within reason, as befits dietary supplements.

The complex is purely prophylactic. Therefore, in my opinion, it is better to recommend it in cases where you understand from a conversation with a customer that the problem is most likely of a temporary nature (childbirth, stress, past infection).

The recommended duration of treatment is also prophylactic - a month.

The same applies to the complex "Alphabet Cosmetic" . But it contains iodine!

Lady's formula. For hair, skin, nails

It is interesting for its high content of biotin, the presence of cysteine.

Magnesium is also a lot. When stress is the most.

By the way, the last 4 complexes have calcium in their composition, so when buyers complain about brittle nails, recommend them first. Most calcium in Vitrum Beauty.

Complex offer for hair loss

In combination with vitamins, we offer:

1. Shampoo by hair type.

By the way, hair loss shampoo is a marketing fairy tale. This does not happen because the hair is in the skin at a depth of 4-5 mm. We keep the shampoo on the head for 1-2 minutes, so it does not penetrate into the thick skin.

The task of the shampoo - clean! And nothing more.

Shampoo for oily hair cleanses the scalp of impurities and excess fat, squeezing papilla and promotes loss.

Attention! Do not recommend burdock oil for oily hair! It will clog your hair follicles even more with fat, and will only make things worse.

Shampoo for dry hair moisturizes the hair. Dryness is a possible cause of hair breakage.

Shampoo for normal hair supports normal water-fat balance of the skin, healthy hair.

2. Balm for skin hair. It smoothes the flakes of the horny layer of hair that are swollen as a result of water procedures so that the hair is smooth, shiny and easier to comb.

3. Hair mask. Moisturizes, nourishes the scalp.

4. Various hair lotions, for example, amineksil in VISHI ampoules. This is a remedy. They improve the nutrition of hair follicles, increase the number of hairs in the growth stage.

5. And at androgenic Alopecia applied minoxidil based products.

Minoxidil inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which promotes the transfer of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, to which hair follicles are sensitive, has a vasodilator effect, improves hair nutrition, "wakes up" falling asleep follicles. Once again I draw your attention that minoxidil is used for androgenic alopecia. It is, for example, part of the sprays from Aleran's hair loss.

In general, as you can see, there are a lot of reasons for hair loss. The main thing is to communicate with the buyer! And if you understand that the problem is serious here, be sure to advise you to consult a doctor. If you do not know which one, refer to the trichologist, a specialist in the treatment of problems of the scalp. Oh, he will understand!

What do you think about this? Share your thoughts!

Yes! And further. I would be grateful if you write when Perfectil is preferable to recommend and, most importantly, why. After all, they are now divorced as many as four pieces. And the manufacturer again fog let in this matter. Just do not need to copy what he writes on his website. Pervodolnikam important short phrases containing the main feature, "chip" of each type.

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See you next time on the Pharmacy for Man blog!

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

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Increasing the recommended dose

With increasing doses may develop hypervitaminosis of various types.. This includes:

  1. Hypervitaminosis D. It is accompanied by an increase in the spleen and liver, hepatosplenomegaly, impaired blood clotting and decreased vision.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Bone pain.
  4. Anorexia.
  5. Headache.
  6. Alopecia, which is a pathological hair loss.
  7. Gastralgia.
  8. Increased fatigue.
  9. Anemia.
  10. Vomiting.

Treatment is the abolition of the drug..

Hypervitaminosis, characterized by:

  1. Headache
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Thirst.
  4. Polyuria.
  5. Calcification of soft tissue.
  6. Nephrolithiasis.
  7. Nephrocalcinosis.

Treatment is the introduction of an overestimated number of glucocorticosteroids and electrolytes, an increase in fluid intake, with the exception of products with a high content of calcium, as well as the abolition of the drug.

Hypervitaminosis B6, is:

  1. In peripheral neuropathy.
  2. Ataxia.
  3. With a disorder of motility.


  1. Symptomatic.
  2. Discontinuation of medication.

Excess iron accompanied by:


  1. Therapy with deferoxamine.
  2. Induction of vomiting.
  3. Gastric flushing.

Interaction with other medicines

The biologically functional elements that make up the vitamin complex can reduce or enhance the therapeutic effect of some medicinal drugs. In particular, vitamins are not recommended for the treatment of diseases with the following drugs:

  1. Morphine, because its analgesic effect is enhanced.
  2. Sulfanilamide drugs, because the included vitamins B10 are antagonists.
  3. Streptomycin and benzylpenicillin, because the destruction of antibiotics.

Vitamins during pregnancy

Vitamins are safe for pregnant women. But they should be taken with care by patients who become pregnant after 35 years of age if:

  1. The diagnosis was “habitual miscarriage”.
  2. Increased uterus tone.

Drug treatment during breastfeeding can be the root cause of an excess of retinol in a young child and lead to an overestimation of the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid with a spring of protrusion and hydrocephalus - this is the so-called cerebral pseudotumor syndrome.

Storage conditions:

  1. Packaging with vitamins Revalid should be stored indoors at room temperature in a dry form. It is necessary to restrict access to medicine for young children.
  2. With proper storage, the shelf life is 3 years from the date of production. Release date stamped on blisters and packaging.
  3. Vitamins are dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

The average price of Revalid vitamins in Russian pharmacies is:

  1. 800 rub. per pack with nine blisters.
  2. 300 rub. per pack of thirty capsules.

Analogs of Vitamins Revalid

The budget version of the drug are vitamin complexes Hexavit and Undevit. Demand product Pantovigar with a high content of keratin. The concentration and composition of active elements are best suited:

Vitamins for hair Revalid, according to doctors, are considered one of the most effective for a number of problems with curls, graying, brittleness, loss, this includes the following problems: fragility, delamination. This is confirmed by patient reviews. Vitamins are useful to those who often dyes curls, uses chemical means for curling, constantly uses hair dryers, hair straighteners or curling curlers.

Hair after taking the drug become fluffy, acquire shine and silkiness, problems with nails disappear. According to reviews of patients, Revalid copes well with the loss of curls after radiation or chemotherapy.


Revalid vitamins are an excellent tool for nails and hair. They are effective for early graying, alopecia and other problems with curls. Vitamins are prescribed for the separation of nail plates, nail fungus and other diseases. Revalid is available in capsules, which are packaged in packs of 10 pieces. The drug is sold in cartons with a capacity of 9 or 3 blisters.

The tool is prescribed for diseases of the nails and hair follicles, hair loss, intensive loss of color of the strands and other problems. Vitamins must be applied 3 times a day before meals or during meals. A single dose is: one capsule to stop from the intense loss of curls. It should be increased by 2 times if the drug does not have the desired effect. Vitamins are contraindicated in case of personal intolerance. Side effects appear when children who are prone to allergies take the medication. Vitamins can be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Uncontrolled and prolonged use of the drug can lead to hypervitaminosis. Information about the overdose of the drug is not fixed, but too large a dose may increase the risk of adverse reactions. The tool is forbidden to take in conjunction with alcohol. It is necessary to refrain from alcohol products a week before the start of the course of treatment and for the same time interval after it.

Revalid reduces or limits the benefits of medicines containing sulfonamides and levodopa. Before using this drug, you must carefully read the instructions for use, consult your doctor. Thus you can protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, improve the condition of the hair.


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