
Fast hairstyles in five minutes 2018-2019: a simple hairstyle photo ideas


What does a girl need in order to leave the house and plunge into everyday fuss? Of course, this is a well-chosen dress - code, beautiful makeup and styling. The first two things can be thought out in advance: prepare the clothes and take care of the makeup, which must match the appearance. As the saying goes, morning is not long, so there is not always free time to create hair, not to mention trips to the beauty salon. In any case, when going out into the world, the girl should be fully armed and ready to catch on her manly looks. This article will be a kind of advisor to you, who will tell you how to create very light hairstyles to yourself in 5 minutes. What is the result: an amazing appearance and high spirits for the whole day.

Showy tail with pile

Consider the phased creation of a light hairstyle for medium hair, which can be realized on your head with your own hands in a matter of minutes:

  • Combing hair, divide them into two parts.
  • The head zone is well combed, creating volume.
  • We collect all the curls in the tail.
  • From each side of the tail, select a thin strand and begin to wind its base.
  • When the length is not enough, we hide the tip under the gum and fix it with an invisible or decorative hair clip.

There is nothing difficult in this hairstyle. Moreover, you can adjust the tail position yourself. It is not necessary to do it exactly in the place shown in the photo. And, as you can see, medium hair allows you to make a beautiful and showy tail. Imagine, dilute styling hoops, stripes and other accessories.

Sloppy tail with a knot

The next, also light, hairstyle for medium hair is no less stylish, and no more time consuming. It resembles a knot shape and looks very interesting:

  • We comb the hair and divide it into two parts exactly as shown in the photo.
  • Take the two sides and tie the usual knot.
  • Pass the end of one tail over the resulting knot and stretch it a little.

You can use studs or barrettes to keep the knot as long as possible. In less than 5 minutes you can cope with this installation.

An interesting bunch of two tails

Want to add weaving to your hairstyle? No problem. The following styling demonstrates a quick and easy masterpiece that can be made in just 5 minutes on medium hair:

  • We comb hair and divide into two parts.
  • We form high tails from two zones and tie them with thin rubber bands.
  • Next, weave braids of two strands.
  • The left side throws on the right, and vice versa.

Attach the ends of the hair can be any convenient accessories. To make it easier to visualize styling, view a step-by-step photo.

To make your own light hairstyles for medium hair in 5 minutes and in a very short time to bring your head in order, see the step-by-step photos in this section and hone your skills.

Original hairstyle with fleece for medium hair

Consider another stylish and fast styling, suitable for extreme and courageous girls. It is slightly different from the previous ones due to its volume and extravagant appearance:

  • Divide hair into two parts, and the front should be smaller.
  • From the lower zone we form the tail on the back of the head and spray it with varnish.
  • Further, of the two strands weave a pigtail to the very end.
  • When the weaving has come to an end, we make an ordinary bun.
  • We take hair from the upper zone and drop it on the formed bundle.
  • Focusing on the photo, we make the tail and comb the strand.

Such an easy-to-do hairstyle pulls out the face and gives it an intriguing look. You can do it yourself without the help of a professional. Perfectly this styling is suitable for fine hair. The best part is that such beauty does not take much time.
Armed with the knowledge of how to make your own light hairstyles for medium hair in 5 minutes, you are ready for any life situations.

Romantic styling

  • Divide hair into three parts.
  • Braid ordinary pigtail.
  • The tip is wrapped and fastened with a small rubber band.
  • Take the end of the pigtail and bend it under the base.
  • The links can relax a little and give a disheveled look, which will add some zest to the hairstyle.

Light bundle of two strands

The following hairstyle for medium hair perfectly matches the strict appearance. It is convenient to do it at work or at another official event:

  • Dividing the head into two parts, we form a knot of them.
  • The strand, which was lower, we raise up, skirting the base.
  • The upper strand bends around the base on the other side.

It turns out a very interesting basket. Do not forget to spray varnish and use stealth. The center of the figure can be decorated with decorative flowers or other accessories to taste. Then your hair will be irresistible, even in the busiest day.

Weave on wavy curls

This light hairstyle for medium hair gives femininity and looks harmonious, especially on wavy hair. Its creation will require your diligence and 5 minutes of free time. Follow in stages the process of its implementation, repeat yourself and see for yourself.

  • On the right side of the temples we begin to weave the first pigtail consisting of two strands.
  • Making cross movements, do not forget to add new hair, as shown in the photo.
  • Do the same with the left strand.
  • The resulting braids cross on the head and fasten.

Voila, and styling is ready. Nothing complicated, but the image is very gentle and pleasant. Such hairstyles are suitable for girls not only with medium hair, but also for those who have a bob, this styling will look spectacular.

Medium hair provides the ability to create a lot of light hairstyles to itself. Photos and videos presented below, once again confirm this.

Evening styling with a pile

Hair, which we consider, is done very quickly and not difficult. It is good for those girls who do not have bangs.

  • We brush hair at a frontal zone.
  • Throw them back in the center and on the sides and fix the invisible.

In just two steps you can make yourself a beautiful haircut on long hair in 5 minutes. Use any hair accessories: crabs, combs, hairpins and more. Stand out from the crowd and fantasize.

"Bow" of the hair on the loose long hair

All the famous hairstyle "Bantik" has gained immense popularity due to its interesting shape.

  • Having combed hair, we form a tail in the zone of the occiput of the face.
  • Dress gum, the last time we pass through her hair is not up to the end, look as shown in the step by step photo.
  • Fingers form petals, dividing the "bloom" into two parts.
  • The free tip is passed through the center of the bow.

Ideas to create "Bantov" a huge amount. How to make a hair bow from the hair in different versions, see here. Here we consider only the most stylish and lightweight hairstyles for long hair that you can do with your own hands.

Original tail with sections

Haircut, divided into sections, looks very unusual and interesting. To create it, do the following.

  • We make the tail on any convenient side.
  • A little lower gum and pass through the entire tail hole. For greater effect, fluffed hair at the gum.
  • Just below the previous gum dress next. By analogy, we make a hole above the rubber band and pull through the tail and relax the hair in the same way as in the first case.
  • Then we do everything the same with each section, as far as the length of the hair allows.

The plus of this hairstyle for long hair is that it depends on you how much sections it will contain. You can make them two or the entire length of the tail, leaving a small tip.

Hairstyle of three tails for long hair do it yourself

The following styling only at first glance seems difficult. In fact, it is done in 5 minutes and it will take three thin elastic bands to complete it:

  • We form three tails exactly as shown in the photo.
  • We thread the uppermost tail into its base.
  • We twist the second tail into a bundle and fix the tip on the right side.
  • We strand the strand from the first tail into this bundle and pass it again into the second base.
  • Do the same with the third tail.

When all three tails are involved, we correct the pattern with our fingers and spray it with varnish. This light hairstyle has an unusual ornament and looks very impressive.

Hairstyle for summer

The following styling is made in the Greek style. Greek girls have always been the standard of morality and culture. Repeat, making this hairstyle for long hair itself, you can in the summer, when it is particularly relevant.

  • Curl all strands in a convenient way.
  • On the top we dress a strip or hoop, creating a small volume on the top of the head.

Laying embodies the mysterious femininity and tidiness.

Many beautiful Greek styling look here.

Festive bundle

After learning how to make light hairstyles for long hair to itself, you can create a masterpiece in a short time. Moreover, if the styling is also decorated with an accessory, you definitely will not be equal.

  • We make a high tail and slightly relax the gum, creating carelessness.
  • We comb it and also carelessly twist it.
  • To keep laying, we fasten with pins and put on a beautiful elastic band with decor or hairpin on top.

Pay attention to the step by step photos and follow the entire process exactly. The used accessory complements the image, and make the hair very beautiful. Perfectly fit into the evening date.

Fashionable styling for short haircut

This styling will look very nice on girls who have long oblique bangs. Because, with her, we have to work:

  • All hair, except for a bang, is smoothed using gel or foam.
  • Take a curler or curling iron and wind all the strands included in the bangs.
  • When the curls appear, sprinkle them with varnish.

Pay attention to the photo, how such a hairstyle for a short haircut modifies the female image and makes it irresistible.

Similar options for such hairstyles, see the photo below.

Beautiful and easy hairstyles with weaving for short hair

The following installation will take literally 5 minutes and will bring a pleasantly shocking result:

  • On the right we take two strands from the front side and weave a braid.
  • We do the same on the other side.
  • When we cross weave, we simply tie them with a rubber band.
  • Next, select the two strands on both sides slightly lower than the first.
  • We spin two braids and connect them.
  • When the captives are ready, we pass the top through to the bottom and the links are slightly relaxed, giving them a three-dimensional look.

Thus, light hairstyles for short hair can be done in just a couple of minutes. Do not stop at the above styling, but consider interesting masterpieces in the form of weaving, the photos of which are given below.

Casual styling

Pay attention to the short light hairstyles, photos of which show a variety of images, made in a casual style. Recently, this trend in fashion hairstyles.

To decorate the image, use a variety of accessories, hoops and headbands. They will never be redundant.

Combine different styling, creating new ones, and share your impressions.

This article fully answers the question of how to do lightweight hair styles in 5 minutes. You do not have to wrestle with and go to expensive beauty salons. Create a gorgeous image can be at home. Try and create light hairstyles to yourself in 5 minutes, and we can only help with this. Do not forget to monitor your hair and use useful masks at home. If you do not know about the latter, then read the materials in the section "Care and Treatment". It contains the necessary information that all girls need to know in order to maintain the beauty and health of their hair.

Fast hairstyles in 5 minutes to school and work: tips on creating a simple hairstyle in 5 minutes

For a similar hairstyle in 5 minutes you will need to braid two simple braids on the sides and connect them from behind. It turned out a simple hairstyle in 5 minutes, which is suitable, both in a school for a girl, and creates a romantic image for an older beauty.

For the second hairstyle in 5 minutes, you need to collect in the front part of the hair in the tail and braid the braid along the head, tucking the hair behind the ear, and fixing the hairstyle with invisible elastic bands or hairpins. And that's all, a beautiful hairstyle is ready in 5 minutes.

A universal version of the hair in 5 minutes for girls and women for medium and long hair - a hairstyle with a braid. Wrap your hair in a bundle and secure it invisible. Get a pretty nice and simple hairstyle in 5 minutes.

Another simple and fast hairstyle for 5 minutes does not require weaving. Try to make just a voluminous hairstyle, wrapping the inside of the hair combed from the top of your head, and pinning them with beautiful hairpins. Get a very interesting version of hair in 5 minutes.

Ideal hairstyle for five minutes on loose hair, if you do not want to open your ears. Take a strand from the middle of the head and just twist or weave a curl in the side. Get a very gentle way.

The next option for a quick hairstyle in 5 minutes needs a beautiful hair styling. To make such a hairstyle in 5 minutes you get, take two strands of hair and twist them into bundles, then form bows and fix hair with invisible hair.

If we consider in more detail what kind of fast hairstyles in 5 minutes can be made to school, to work, for walks and other occasions, in fact, there are a lot of hairstyles in 5 minutes for medium and long hair.

There is no need for special skills to make simple hairstyles in 5 minutes, it’s enough to arm yourself with a good comb, hairpins, invisible hairpieces, elastic bands and you will get the best possible result.

Fast hairstyles in 5 minutes include beautiful and simple hairstyles in 5 minutes based on a tail (one or several), light hairstyles in 5 minutes based on a weave, original hairstyles in 5 minutes with braids and bindings.

The New Lady Day team has prepared daily quick hairstyles for you in 5 minutes, which you can easily do with your own hands if you carefully read the pictures of hairstyle options in 5 minutes.

We hope simple hairstyles for 5 minutes, the photos of which you will see in our article will make you a real beauty.

And what fast hairstyles in 5 minutes to school for a daughter or your simple hairstyles in 5 minutes for every day are in your arsenal of hairstyles?

Hairstyles in 5 minutes. Popular options

If a girl has long or medium hair, then she can try all the hairstyles listed below for herself. The most popular are tails.

The ponytail is very popular with girls: such styling is done very quickly and at the same time it lasts all day, allowing its owner to feel comfortable and calm. This hairstyle is very easy to create.

  1. Carefully comb all hair.
  2. Collect all the strands on the crown or in another convenient place and secure the tail with a rubber band at the base of the head.

Ponytail and bouffant - the perfect morning hairstyle

At the creation of hairstyles horsetail ends. If you want to modify this styling a bit, you can use a quick comb and a lock of hair instead of a rubber band. To do this, you must also carefully comb the hair and split them horizontally into two parts. The lower part of the hair on time to secure the rubber band. From the top strand need to do bouffant.To do this, you need to divide this hair into two parts along the horizontal parting. Taking the lower part and carefully making bouffant (volume), you need to attach it to the base of the tail. Then the topmost strand must be carefully combed and laid over the top of the hair in order to hide the chaos. All this hair is then collected in one tail. It turns out very feminine, and most importantly - a quick hairstyle for 5 minutes on hair of any length.

Bundles - feminine option for work or for celebration

If a girl likes collected hair, but there is no time to put them in the correct form, then bunches will be an excellent option. Hairstyles for 5 minutes in the form of a collected beam look very stylish and neat. Since not smooth bunches are especially popular today, but slightly disheveled (a result of the “hipster” style), you need to know how to make such a bunch.

  1. Gather hair in the tail and comb.
  2. Choose a small order and do a rich bouffant right at the tail.
  3. Slightly stretch the gum so that the tail hangs down and not tight to the head.
  4. The resulting strands are slightly twisted together in a light braid and wound around the base of the tail in a circle.
  5. The resulting result is secure invisible and varnish.

Hair bow - an option for fine and romantic natures

If you are interested in hairstyles for 5 minutes in the form of a bow of hair, they are also made on the basis of the tail. To do this, carefully comb the hair and collect it in the tail on the top (the higher the better). When tying the elastic at the last turn, the tail should not be pulled completely down, but made an elastic loop and left in that position.

The resulting loop must be divided into two equal parts, and the tail that ends up behind should be thrown over the middle of the tail, twisted at the base and secured with stealth.

Bows and bunches are ideal hairstyles in 5 minutes for medium and long hair. You can do them for a walk, a job or even a party.

Braids, spikelets and other types of weaving

Every girl can weave a pigtail to the simplest one, which means that a hairstyle in 5 minutes can be made with her own hands. The usual three-strand braid has long been fed up with women of fashion, but a spike inside out, and even diagonally, is a very popular option.

For this you need to know the pattern of weaving such a scythe. For many, this instruction will be familiar.

Comb your hair and take one small strand near the temple (choose the side with which it is convenient to weave). Then divide this strand into three parts and make 3 turns of weaving an ordinary braid. After that, holding three strands in your hands, you need to add to each interlacing (strand will be in the middle) a small part of the hair on each side, to the right and left of the braid. Add strands need alternately. In order for the “spike” to turn out to be voluminous, it is necessary to shift the strands not over each other, but below, bringing the hair upwards. When the weaving is finished, the pigtail needs to be fixed with an elastic band.

Other interesting and simple options

If you are interested in unusual hairstyles for every day for 5 minutes, then you should pay attention to the braids and various types of weaving. Girls who know how to weave a braid of three strands, are guaranteed to be able to make themselves an original hairstyle.

For example, a very popular and simple styling of two small braids tied at the back is done in a few steps.

  1. Hair need to be combed well.
  2. Take a strand of hair to the right and left (near the ears), from each of them weave a thin braid of three strands.
  3. Pull the resulting braids to the back of the head and connect them with either an elastic band or an invisible one.

This is a simple option, but if you want to complement it with something unusual, then you can make a bow out of the hair again, but only from tails from connected braids. The resulting hairstyle is very convenient, because the braids act as a rim, do not give all the tucked hair to fly apart and be confused.

When there is no time to think and you need to urgently do something on your head, some kind of modern and stylish styling, you can use one of the options presented above. Even the most ordinary hairstyles can look new, if you modify them a bit, add some detail (bouffant, pigtail, accessory).

Bublik (bun)

Collect all the hair in a high bun at the top. If they are thick and heavy, you can additionally secure the bundle with an elastic band that matches the color of your hair. Wrap the hair around the base as many times as necessary so that there is no sticking tail left. Secure with studs, rubber band, or decorative tape. For owners of hair who constantly strive to break free from any hairstyle, we can recommend the use of special spiral hairpins.

Hairstyle for 5 minutes in the Greek style

For the construction of this feminine styling you need a narrow tape, the diameter coinciding with the circumference of the head. It is desirable that it was stretching and easily held in the hair.

Before you start doing hair, carefully comb your hair, comb it back. Then, putting on the tape, gently fill them, starting with the tips. The further process depends only on your imagination - you can straighten the resulting roller of hair to the entire back of the head, you can leave it behind or move it to one of the edges.

French braid

Unlike traditional braids, this option looks more solemn, so this hairstyle in 5 minutes can be a real find when you find out about the planned party a few hours before it starts.

Before weaving, hair should be divided into a straight or side parting. Then we proceed to the first braid, braiding it from top to bottom, and gradually adding new strands from the same parting part. You should not be zealous, too much tightening the braid - in free form, it will look more stylish and youth. When the braid is ready, leave a small tail and fasten it with an invisible thin elastic band or barrette, and proceed to the second part.

Similarly, we proceed with the second braid. After that we fasten them together in an arbitrary way. Depending on your preferences, you can use an invisible or decorative gum or barrette to fasten it. Further actions depend on your imagination. Some girls stop at this stage, combining both braids into one and decorating them with a voluminous bow. Others, on the contrary, prefer to disguise the tips of the braids, securing them around their heads with the help of studs and invisible women. In this case the braids imperceptibly transform into each other, forming a feminine, stylish and modern look.

Whatever hairstyle you choose, you should remember a few rules:

  • Do not try to give your hair a perfect look - it's okay if several hairs are knocked out of the overall shape or the tail is not knotted too tightly. In this way, you will get a more romantic look that doesn’t need constant preening.
  • Do not be zealous with varnishes, gels and foams, instead give preference to a natural appearance. Most men admit that they do not have the delight of touching the girl’s hard smoothed hair.

Romantic bow

This styling looks great on strands of any length. In addition, it can be performed on both straight and wavy hair. In the latter case, the section from which the bow itself will be made does not need to be twisted.

  1. Good combing strands.
  2. We take on the crown zone a strand of medium thickness.
  3. We tie it with an elastic band, not stretching the tail to the end. A bundle should form.
  4. We split the bundle in half to make a bow.
  5. For fixing each section using studs.
  6. We start the formation of the middle section - we wrap the free end of the hair from bottom to top and pass it under the elastic band. For reliability, we fix or invisible, or a stud.

Another quick romantic hairstyle:

Horse tail with two spikelets

1. Combing and dividing the hair parting in the middle.

2. On both sides we weave two outer spikelets.

3. Both braids are tied together with one rubber band made of silicone.

4. Separate the strand from the tail and wrap the base of the tail with it. Hide the tip under the rubber band.

Bundle with a "fish tail"

  1. We comb and collect the hair in the tail at the crown.
  2. In the middle of the tail we tie another gum.
  3. The rest of the hair weave into a braid (normal or "fishtail"). Tie it with a rubber band.
  4. Throw the braid back and lay the tail in a bun. Gum at the same time should be in contact.

5. For fastening use stealth or invisible.

6. Slightly stretch the weave to give it a tracery look. If you wish, you can leave a pigtail tight.

7. Wrap the bundle oblique, hide its tip under the hair and fasten it with another pin.

8. Spray hair varnish.

Careless shell

  1. We comb hair and beat them with our hands. This will make the hair bigger.
  2. We form a shell so that the ends of the hair hang loosely.
  3. We put them in random order, fix if necessary with a pair of small hairpins.
  4. Spray on the strands varnish.

3 helpful videos with hairstyles for every day:

Step-by-step creation of simple hairstyles in 5 minutes

Any girl wants to spend a minimum of time in the morning to work or to school, university. Most of the time you need to pay hairstyle. Often, to speed up the process, the choice falls on the most simple and uncomplicated types of styling: loose hair or a banal tail, a pigtail or the simplest bunch.

But to spend some time and put something interesting on the head is quite possible. Here are a few options for hairstyles, which will take just over 5 minutes.

Beautiful hairstyle with two braids, laid back

You will need stealth and hairbrush. First, brush your hair well. Then slaughter a few strands behind the Invisibles, gathering them on top of the head (the principle resembles the classic Malvink hair-do). Now, on the one hand, take away all the hair of the temporal zone and braid a braid out of them. Lay it, wrapping the back of your head and placing it over the chipped strands, fasten the braids with stealth at the temple. The tips can be hidden under the strands that are collected the very first. Braid the same braid on the opposite side and similarly position it, placing it under the first one. Hairstyle is ready.

Ponytail tails

To create such a hairstyle, you need a comb and thin elastic bands, preferably to match the hair. The number of gum depends on the length of the strands.

We make a tail, which we have on top. Raise it and form one more of the following strands under it. Now the first tail just below is fastened again with a rubber band. We pass through it the second tail, which we divide into two parts and feed under the second elastic of the first tail. Secure these tips with a rubber band. The algorithm is repeated until the hair runs out. End fix the rubber band. Now we draw a little strands from the resulting pigtail. Spectacular braid is ready.

Pigtail hairstyle and top bun

You will need: hairbrush, gum and studs. We bend down and brush all the hair from the back of the head so that they gently cheer towards the floor. Now we braid the French braid from the back of the head to the crown, in the process we pick up locks on each side. Having reached the crown, we make the tail, it is necessary to comb all the hair from the head. Straighten and lay the tail in a bun, wrapping the strands around the elastic band. Fix it with studs.

For a girl to school, this hairstyle can be made of two braids and bunches.

Spectacular hairstyle in retro style

Necessary: ​​hairbrush, gum, invisible, varnish medium fixation.

The procedure is as follows. We make a high tail on the back of the head. Under the rubber band at the base, we stretch the tail, forming a free “bagel”. Now we gently straighten it and fix it invisible. To better hold, sprinkle varnish. Sticking out the rest of the tail we hide in a bundle and we slaughter the invisible

See more possible options for simple and fast hairstyles.

Hairstyles in 5 minutes: tails

A stylish tail in a casual style is made very simple. To do this, you need to divide it into 2 parts, make one harness and wrap around the second. If you want to get a slight negligence on the head, then the resulting hairstyle should be a little nagging.

Quick tail

This hairstyle will suit owners of long hair, who would like to shorten their tail a little, but it is a pity to cut it off. This hairstyle is done simply - divide the hair into 2 parts and make a knot of them, two or three - depending on your hair length and fasten with a thin elastic band. This hairstyle is suitable for shorter hair.

Original tail

Also, a similar tail can be made by collecting it a little in the side. Looks original and stylish.

Tail on the side

Another similar tail can be obtained in another way - make the tail on the side, leaving loose strands on the sides, and wind them on the tail. Fast, simple and beautiful.

Beautiful tail

A little trick will help create the illusion of a lush and long tail. Just make two tails - one from the bottom and the other from the top, and you will be able to surprise your friends with a sudden long tail. Great idea for those who want to have long hair.

Cheating tail

You can try these hairstyles in 5 minutes - just tie the hair in a ponytail and flip it over the part of the hair at the back of the head, as shown in the photo.

Interesting tail

And having made several such tails, you will get hairstyles in this version.

Stylish tail

You can make a regular tail with a pile. Fast, easy and original.

With tail

But with such a beautiful haircut you can go to any celebration, well, or just take a walk. To make it, you need to separate part of the hair and braid it in a braid. Turn the resulting braid around so that the result is like a gorgeous rose.

Luxurious tail

If you want to make your tail a little more magnificent, then, by dividing it into two parts, imperceptibly to the eye, attach a small crab. Cover it with hair from above, as shown in the photo, and enjoy the lush tail.

Lush tail

Hairstyles in 5 minutes: a bunch

Not only tails, but also original and stylish bunches can be done quickly and beautifully. To do this, you need to collect hair in a ponytail and wrap hair around it. Secure them with studs or stealth. If you want to get a more magnificent bun, then you should first comb your hair.

Fast beam

Simple hairstyles in 5 minutes they surprise not only with their speed, but also with their originality. For example, the next option suggests creating a bundle with fake bangs. You can make it by creating a regular beam on top of its head so that its ends hang down on the forehead, thus depicting a bang.

Bundle with bangs

The following hairstyle will be suitable both for every day, and for festive events. It is easy to make it - tie a tail on the crown and wrap around most of the hair. From the rest of the weave a small braid and also wind it.

Universal beam

A bundle can be given a completely different look, if you make pigtails out of the side hairs and, crossing them, wind it around the already finished bundle.

Pigtail Bundle

And this hairstyle is done in four steps - it is necessary to make a tail, twist the braids of two equal parts of hair, wind them around the elastic and fasten.

Bundle of harnesses

It would be nice to learn such a hairstyle. Such a bundle is done almost like the previous ones, however, the hair is preliminarily braided into a braid.

Spit bundle

If you like low buns, then look at the next option. It is very simple and beautiful - the hair is divided into 2 parts and tied together in several knots, after it is fixed with pins and the hairstyle is ready.

Low beam

You can also try making an unusual bunch.To do this, collect the hair in the tail and through the hair on the crown, run their ends downward, as shown in the photo. Then wrap them gum and secure stealth.

Unusual bunch

Hairstyles in 5 minutes: weaving

You can make and wicker hairstyles in 5 minutes. For example, if you braid a braid from two pre-braided braids, you will get a chic and stylish haircut.

Fast weaving

You can also braid your hair as follows - make two tails and braid pigtails out of them. After cross them together and secure.

Original weaving

But such an elegant hairstyle can serve as a wedding option. Make it easy - make a tail and braid on it the usual braid. Then swip the braid several times through the hair part on the back of the head and secure with hairpins.

Beautiful weaving

You can make another original hairstyle. Just braid two braids and flip them over your head, as shown in the photo below.

Original weaving

To make this hairstyle, you need to braid a couple of braids a little differently than we used to do. The resulting braids folded on top and secure stealth. Hairstyle is ready.

Romantic weaving

To braid a braid on one side is as simple as you need - just train your hand.

Spit on its side

You can make a plain bezel from a braid - braid the side braids and fasten them from above, as shown in the photo.

Braided bezel

Hairstyles in 5 minutes: harnesses

Simple hairstyles in 5 minutes With harnesses are very popular among many girls. And it is not surprising, because they are so beautiful, stylish and also very fast.

Quick harnesses

For example, this hairstyle will not take more than 5 minutes, but it will look quite original. Separate two small strands on the sides, wrap them in bundles and cross them on the back of the head.

Hairstyle with harnesses

You can make a tail with harnesses - the side strands are wrapped in bundles and hair is collected in a tail. It's simple.

Tail with harnesses

Or you can make a harness from the tail itself, dividing the hair into a pair of equal parts and turning them into a braid.

Original hairstyle

Hairstyles in 5 minutes with flowing hair

You can also do quick hair with loose hair. For example, for the famous “waterfall” hairstyle, you need to take two strands, one of which should be placed under the vertical and the other on top, then twist them and repeat with all the other vertical strands. Here you just need to fill your hand and the hairstyle will be very fast.

Hairstyle with flowing hair

To create a quick and attractive hairstyle, you can use a wide bezel on which you need to twist the strands, as in the photo below.

Attractive hairstyle

You can create a very interesting and feminine hairstyle without any special work - make a pile, sprinkle with varnish and slaughter invisible.

Feminine hairstyle

Another simple hairstyle that can be done in a matter of time. To create it, it is necessary to separate a part of the hair and make a small pile. After that, connect the side strands and weave them with a braid or spikelet.

Hairstyle with fleece

The following hairstyle is very original. Despite the apparent complexity, it is quite simple. Separate the side strands and tie them together so that you get a small bundle. This beam should be pulled to the sides, giving it a bow shape. Then secure the bow with invisible hair and the hair is ready.

Original bow

This hairstyle is very beautiful and fashionable. It is done using braids, which are connected in the back of the head.

Hairstyle with weaving

You can also make such a hairstyle by simply twisting a part of the hair in the back, as shown in the photo.

Stylish hairstyle

Well, the next option will be an excellent choice for special occasions and parties. Make a pile, twist part of the hair and hide the top of the resulting bundle. Secure hair and hair ready!

Evening hairstyle


Watch the video: How To Get A Huge Mega Bun On ShortMedium Natural Hair. No Extensions Needed. Only 5 Mins (July 2024).