
6 best firms botox hair


The complex returns strands smoothness and strength. Accelerates hair growth, and ensures the absence of fragility.

The kit includes:

  • therapeutic serum
  • sealing compound.

Active ingredients:

  • Amino acids, peptides.
  • Keratin.
  • Elastin fibers.
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Lactic acid.
  • Vitamins of group A, B, C, D.

How to use:

  • Clean curls with shampoo.
  • Dry hair dryer.
  • Apply a reducing serum, retreating 1-2 cm from the roots.
  • Cover with fixer and leave for 5-7 minutes.
  • The product is washed off with copious amounts of warm water.
  • Make a hairdryer or let it dry naturally.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of a therapeutic cocktail.

Frequent use of the drug is prohibited. Repeat the procedure Once every 3 months such a schedule will help keep the hair structure healthy.

Inoar set

Thanks to innovative technology, the active components of this complex penetrate into the depth of the hair, and restore damage at the molecular level. The chevelure returns a natural glow as well as the saturation of the color.

Mode of application:

  • Wash your hair 2 times.
  • Application means on strands.
  • Wait 15 minutes, dry hair well with a hair dryer.
  • Align the hair with a flat iron.
  • After that, the head is rinsed with water without shampoo.
  • To fix the result, apply a mask.
  • Rinse the curls, put a hairdryer.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of a therapeutic cocktail.

Botox for hair Honma Tokyo

The active components fill the entire structure of the hair - from the roots to the tips, and acts as a cellular renovator, reconstructs and restores the hair. Unlike ordinary moisturizing and caring procedures for hair, H-Brush Botox Capilar products work from the inside.

Active substances: elastin, oils of green tea leaves and the precious fruits of prakaxi tree.

Technology of:

  • Wash your head.
  • Apply the composition of the reenactor, wait 30 minutes.
  • After the period the strands are dried with a hair dryer at 100%.
  • Flatly curls are processed ironing 5-10 times. Watch the temperature, for weak curls, use 160 C, for thickened, not painted to 230 C.
  • After cooling the hair, the head is rinsed with running water without the use of shampoo.
  • Laying is done in a convenient way for the client.

Contraindications: pregnancy, susceptibility to allergic reactions.

Botox for hair Estelle

Ideal for damaged, dry, dull, brittle, splitting, as well as after perming, straightening or frequent lightening hair.

After the procedure, the hair becomes more dense, soft, silky, shiny and well-groomed.

Mode of application:

  • Wash head.
  • Evenly distribute the active mask over the entire length.
  • Wash off the composition and spray the length fixer.
  • Dry strands.

Contraindications: irritation on the scalp, susceptibility to allergies.

Botox for hair Felps

With this tool returns the natural smoothness, shine, healthy look. Curls become strong, elastic. Opened scales smoothed, reduced firing. A closed rod loses moisture less, is not subject to destruction, external negative influences.

Composition: argan oil, macadamia, vitamin complex.

Mode of application:

  • Thoroughly wash your hair with deep cleaning shampoo.
  • Dry strands.
  • Evenly distribute the composition.
  • Hold for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with 50% and blow-dry.
  • To process each strand with an iron for 180-200 С to 10-15 times to fix the result.

BTX - Luxury Caviar dreams

Under the influence of high temperatures, the active components of the product penetrate the damaged hair structure and contribute to its restoration.

Composition: black caviar extract, collagen, panthenol, amino acids and vitamins.

How to use:

  • Wash your hair with shampoo from the set.
  • Apply the composition to the strands of hair.
  • Heat exposure for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off excess hair from hair.
  • Spray Leave-in Spray on wet hair.
  • Drying hair dryer. Laying with ironing.

This complex is not recommended for use at home.

Contraindicated with a tendency to allergies, skin diseases, pregnancy.

Cadiveu Professional Plastica De Argila Keratin

With the help of this complex, the structure of the hair shaft is restored, the appearance is transformed, the elasticity and elasticity increase, the density of the hair increases.

Composition: hyaluronic acid, organic silicones, Amazonian white clay.

Mode of application:

  • Wash your hair with deep cleaning shampoo 2-3 times.
  • Dry hair hair dryer.
  • Evenly distribute the composition over the entire length of the hair.
  • Using a hair dryer, completely dry the curls with cold air.
  • Straighten hair ironing.
  • Wash your hair without shampoo. Apply a deep recovery mask for 5-15 minutes. Rinse your hair again. Blow dry your hair.

Contraindications: skin diseases, irritations, scalp damage or allergic reactions.

Kashmir Keratin Hair System

The botulinum toxin molecule penetrates into the depth of the hair, and holds in it all the active ingredients that restore, nourish and moisturize the hair.

Composition: glycerin, vegetable keratin, silk protein hydrolyzate, Amazonian white clay, Kupuasu tree fruit oil.

How to use:

  • Rinse hair with deep cleaning shampoo and blow dry.
  • Apply the composition on the curls receding.
  • Cover hair with foil for 20 min.
  • Hair open, give them a little cool and dry with a hairdryer.
  • Work out the iron.
  • Wash off the makeup from the hair.
  • Curls dry and lay.

Rio bottox

The product will restore the youth and elasticity of your curls and revive the natural effect of flowing, crumbly hair.

Composition: sunflower seed oil, sericin-silk glue, corn oil, sesame oil, macadamia oil, olive oil, vitamin E, Vitamin B5.

How to use:

  • Apply the composition to all hair, 1 cm away from the scalp.
  • Using a hair dryer, warm air, completely dry the hair on medium temperature.
  • Process curls ironing.
  • Allow hair to cool for 10 minutes.
  • Do not use shampoo to rinse hair. Water should be at room temperature.
  • Blot hair with a towel and apply conditioner.
  • Wash off after 3 minutes.
  • Dry the goal.

Contraindications: irritation on the scalp, a tendency to allergic reactions.

Carmen Sensitive. Vanite

This complex will give strength to your hair without weighting, prevent fragility. Fill it with vital energy, protect it from the adverse effects of the environment.

Composition: aloe and hyaluronic acid, which brings lifeless, curly hair back to life.

How to use:

  • Wash your hair.
  • Blow dry your hair.
  • Apply Botox Carmen evenly.
  • Hold for 30-40 minutes. Rinse hair, completely removing the composition.
  • Broaching the iron 10 times, tonic strands.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components.

This procedure, in addition to the visual effect, also deeply affects the curls, restores the damaged structure, makes them stronger, protects against adverse factors.

Hair Boot - Process and Result

Grooming, shine and smoothness - the requirements that most girls make to their hair. Such popular procedures as Botox, the hero of today's rating, keratin straightening and lamination help to get what you want. What are the unique features of manipulation, and what are their distinctive characteristics - we learn from the detailed comparison table.

Products under the brand KV-1

Botox for hair has become a revolutionary discovery in the care of hair. Spanish brand name company kv 1one of those manufacturers who are aimed at an innovative solution to the problem of hair restoration. Leading technologists and trichologists have long fought for the progressive composition of the drug, which can help the problem of hair.

Brand cosmetics positioned as highly professional, intended for use by craftsmen. Botox for hair not implemented through the trading networkretail buyers. Sellers work exclusively with salons and private hairdressers.

Many stylists who use this product in their work, leave enthusiastic reviews. The drug has lasting recovery effect, the result is not washed out within a few months (from 3 to 6) /

Attention! Does not include formaldehyde, the composition is permissible to use for women during pregnancy, lactation, allergies.

Drug efficacy

The use of Botox promises full regeneration of even severely damaged hair. The result of "repair work" is obvious after 1 application. The hair gets a lively look, elasticity, volume, shine. Remedy great Suitable for any type of hair.

Botox will be the perfect ally to restore hair after:

  • chemical effects (perm, bleaching, dyeing),
  • regular heat treatments (hair dryer, iron, hair curlers),
  • adverse environmental influences (precipitation, temperature drops, scorching sun, sea water),
  • harmful components of cosmetics.

As a result of the effect of Botox, the curls become denser, more springy, more voluminous, smoothed, easier to lay, and retain their shape longer. The problem of cross-section of the ends, electrification of the hair disappears. Damaged rods are restored, new growth is stimulated.

What is part of Botox KV-1

The full range of Essence Shots L + B2 from KV-1 includes:

  • activator (activador de esencias concentradas) - maximally reveals cuticle scales, which greatly enhances the effectiveness of subsequent restorative effects,
  • shampoo (shampoo preparador esencias concentradas) - thoroughly cleans the hair, prepares the strands for the main procedure,
  • lotion essence (botox essence shots L + B2) - has a direct regenerating effect on curls,
  • fixing mask (mascarilla post treatment esencias concentradas) - prolongs the effect obtained during the procedure.

The preparations of the complex contain the following components:

  • hydrolyzed keratin - penetrates deep into the thickness of the hair, covers the voids, damage. Based on it main regenerative effect
  • collagen - improves strength, elasticity, struggling with the problems of cross-section, electrification,
  • amino acids - stimulate internal processes, help to improve the nutrition of hair follicles,
  • B vitamins - saturate, moisturize, increase the supply of follicles with blood, oxygen, activates UV protection,
  • Vitamin E - has an antioxidant, regenerating effect, strengthens the microcurrent of blood, lymph, enhancing the quality of nutrition curls,
  • provitamin B5 - contributes to the compaction of the rod, eliminates dryness, itching, retains moisture,
  • panthenol - reduces fragility, delamination, retains moisture, strengthens the bulbs,
  • grape seed oil - gives elasticity, relieves dryness, helps to strengthen the roots, restores broken capillaries,
  • Arginine - a positive effect on the follicles, provokes enhanced nutrition, strengthening.

Council For the treatment of severely damaged curls, it is recommended to use all the components of the complex. If the main goal is to obtain an aesthetic effect, you can use only the essence.

Procedure procedure

Before the procedure, it is desirable to apply an activator on clean, dry curls. After which you wash with a special shampoo. These funds are sold separately. You can purchase a package of 100, 250 ml.

To prepare the composition of the ampoule (20 ml) it is necessary:

  • heat the jar in warm water until the substance goes into clear liquid,
  • dial the required amount of the drug into the syringe (for the minimum hair length - 3 ml, medium - 5 ml, large - 7 ml),
  • the essence of the syringe is placed in warm liquid (60–70С) in the ratio 1: 6 (1 ml of the preparation for 6 ml of liquid),
  • shake the mixture thoroughly until a uniform creamy consistency is obtained.

Next, perform the following actions:

  1. After washing, remove excess moisture with a towel, combing the head of hair with a frequent comb.
  2. Put the prepared in a special way essence using the brush along the entire length from the roots, problem areas are recommended to be further massaged.
  3. The shampooed hair is brushed with a comb again, removing excess material. Curls are placed in a plastic cap, heated with a hair dryer. 15–20 minutes.
  4. Free hair, allowed to cool at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Wash off the drug under running cold water. If the subsequent application of a fixer is assumed, then the product is completely washed off, distribute a sufficient amount of the composition from the jar (50 ml) and do not remove it. If the mask is not used, then 40–60% of the preparation is left.
  6. Curls are dried with a hair dryer, laid out as needed.

After the procedure is recommended Do not wash the hair at least a day. Further, in the process of cleansing and care, use products that are free from sulfate additives (sls / sles in the composition).

For better performance botox is performed one week before or after chemical exposure (curling, dyeing).

To obtain the best therapeutic result, a full complex of drugs is used, a series of procedures is produced (at least 3). Repeated exposure is recommended after 2 weeks., further, as required. Cumulative effect therefore, with each subsequent procedure, the result will last longer.

Why choose KV-1 products

Most women Botox brand KV-1 is chosen for the safety of the composition. The ability to safely use the drug in cases where other products are not recommended - the main advantage. No unpleasant smell also appreciated.

Many people note that for effectiveness there is no need to “imprint” the composition with the help of an ironing device. The procedure has quite a long effect even without such a significant addition.

According to reviews of girls who have implemented Botox using cosmetics of this brand, curls acquire a special smoothness, obedience, grow better, do not require frequent washing, difficult styling. The procedure does not cause inconvenience, does not require additional preparations.

You should not take drastic measures, mercilessly cutting hair, trying to wait out the difficult period with damaged hair. It is necessary to act, look for a quality tool that can help in the struggle for the restoration of curls. One of the best treatments is Botox for hair.

Useful video

Botox at home.

About hair: botox for hair.

Complete set

  • Activator - prepares the hair for the Botox procedure, straightens the scales, which increases the effectiveness of the therapeutic effects.
  • Shampoo - thoroughly scalp and hair, enhances the work of Botox.
  • Essence - has a regenerating effect on curls.
  • Mask - strengthens and prolongs the effect obtained from the procedure.

What is included in the preparations of the complex?

  • Collagen - helps to improve the quality of hair, increases strength and elasticity.
  • Amino Acids - improve the nutrition of hair follicles, regenerate the structure of damaged hair.
  • Vitamin E - protects against UV radiation and high temperatures, triggers repair processes.
  • Vitamin B5 - eliminates dryness and prevents evaporation of moisture, makes hair thicker.
  • Acai palm berries extract - is a powerful natural antioxidant, contains many vitamins and minerals, as well as oils to soften and shine hair.

We offer to watch a video of the composition of the drug KV-1 Essence Shot L + B2:

What is this tool and what is it used for?

Botox for hair - a revolutionary discovery that helps restore damaged hair even when other means are not effective. Botox is a drug in which there are many active ingredients, additives and vitamins that can penetrate deep into the hair structure and nourish it from the inside.

The only botox with a natural composition is KV-1 from Spain. In 2014, Essence shots L + B2 was created, which combines the effect of lifting and Botox in one package.

We look at the video what is Botox for KV-1 hair:

Watch a video about who and what Botox KV-1 is used for:

Instructions for the procedure

Preparation of the composition of the ampoule:

  1. it is required to heat the ampoule in warm water until the preparation has a liquid consistency,
  2. type in the required amount of essence in the syringe (for the minimum hair length - 3 ml, medium - 5 ml, large - 7 ml),
  3. enter the contents of the syringe into hot water (water temperature 60–70 ° C) in the ratio of 1 ml ampoule per 6 ml of water,
  4. Shake the mixed solution until the consistency of the foam.

Carrying out the procedure:

  1. Apply a small amount of activator to clean dry curls, leave for 5 minutes, then wash off,
  2. thoroughly wash your hair with a special shampoo,
  3. remove moisture using a towel and comb your hair,
  4. apply the prepared tool along the entire length from the roots to the ends of the hair with a brush,
  5. combed shaggy hair removing excess material
  6. put a plastic hat on your head and warm it up with a hair dryer for 15–20 minutes,
  7. take off the cap and allow the hair to cool for about 10 minutes,
  8. wash off the drug with cool water and blot the hair with a towel,
  9. Apply a small amount of a special mask to damp hair, spread over the entire length, massage a little, do not rinse,
  10. dry the curls with a hairdryer with comfortable temperature air and lay them if necessary.

In the process of carrying out the Botox procedure for KV-1 hair, the use of an iron is contraindicated, since the composition of the preparation undergoes destruction during thermal treatment.

The result of the procedure and recommendations for care

It is not recommended to wash the hair during the day after the procedure.. In the future, it is necessary to use non-sulfate shampoos and, if possible, use styling products and an iron less often.

The results of the procedure appear after the first session:

  • the hair will gain elasticity
  • hair density will increase,
  • the structure will be restored,
  • hair will become soft and natural shine
  • color will become richer and brighter.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure in two weeks, and then already as needed. For the best effect, spend at least three procedures.. After each subsequent session, the effect will be longer, as it has a cumulative property.

Indications and Contraindications

Botox for hair KV-1 is absolutely safe and has no contraindications. Can be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Botox for hair KV-1 is shown:

  • with fragile hair structure, increased porosity, dullness and the presence of split ends,
  • in a situation of harmful ecology, stress, the use of non-professional paints and curlers,
  • before dyeing for a uniform result.


It should be noted such advantages of Botox for KV-1 hair, as:

  1. natural composition and hypoallergenic means
  2. has no contraindications
  3. does not contain formaldehyde, ammonia, parabens, acids and other preservatives,
  4. no need to use the ironing during the procedure,
  5. no unpleasant smell
  6. instant result.

We offer you to watch a video about the advantages of KV-1 Essence Shot L + B2:

Options Essence Shots L + B2

Only integrated approach can quickly restore hair, will allow for a short time to achieve the desired result.

The package Essence Shot L + B2 includes:

  1. Activator. It must be used before the procedure.
  2. Shampoo. Shampoo has a different volume. It is used after the activator, to cleanse the hair and scalp, as well as to enhance the effect of Botox.
  3. Lotion Essence. A substance that, acting with water, forms a cream. The mixture is mixed in a special syringe, and then applied to the hair.
  4. Mask after botox. It is used to prolong the action and protect the hair from external factors. It must be used before installation.

Pros and cons of the composition of "KV-1"

The main advantages can be considered:

  • The natural composition of the funds.
  • Efficacy after first use.
  • The absence of parabens in the composition.
  • Does not require the use of a hair dryer or ironing.
  • Full consolidation of the result from 4 to 6 months.

Botox users note such drawbacks:

  • The tool has a cumulative effect. And even if the hair visually improves after the first application, the result will be only after several procedures.
  • High cost of funds and procedures.
  • In addition to the use of Botox, it is worthwhile to constantly use natural oils and masks from natural ingredients.

In each case, the pros and cons are different, because the effect of the drug depends on:

  1. hair condition before the procedure
  2. correct use
  3. hair care after the procedure.


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