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Hair mask with burdock oil recipes for health and beauty!


The main ingredient of the masks is burdock oil, rich in vitamins, minerals and fat-soluble acids, natural oil, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

Burdock oil has long been used in popular recipes for beautiful hair and today it is part of many cosmetics for hair and skin care.

Hair mask with burdock oil is popular for use at home, due to its efficiency, availability and simplicity of the formulation, because making it at home is not at all difficult. It is only necessary to adhere to the basic rules for the manufacture and use of homemade masks on oils:

  1. For application to the hair and scalp mask should be warm, body temperature. The mask should be heated in a water bath,
  2. If you feel discomfort or allergies, you should stop using this mask,
  3. Wash off the masks with warm water or your favorite shampoo for your hair type; do not wash off the mask with other solutions, the more aggressive.

Homemade recipes hair masks with burdock oil

Hair mask with burdock oil and pepper

This mask is considered to be one of the best for hair growth. The magic combination of pepper and burdock oil - the mask has an active stimulating effect on the scalp, enhancing blood supply to the hair roots (hair follicles), thanks to the "burning" effect of red pepper and allows you to better absorb the nutrients contained in burdock oil.

Recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil, take half a teaspoon of red pepper or 1.5 tbsp. Spoon tincture of chilli pepper, mix until smooth and heat. Apply to the scalp with light massaging movements and hold for half an hour. If you feel a burning sensation, wash off the mask and reduce the amount of pepper in the burdock mask. To reduce the irritating effects of pepper, you can add one egg yolk to the mask, as it will also be useful for dry scalp or dandruff.

Mask with yeast and burdock oil

Gorgeous homemade mask to strengthen hair and accelerate their growth. It will add volume and shine to your hair, strengthens hair to the very tips, and will help to overcome split ends and hair loss.

Recipe mask with yeast, honey, burdock and castor oil: Dissolve 2st. spoons of yeast and 1 teaspoon of honey in a small amount of warm milk and put in a warm place for 20 minutes. Stir again and add 1 tablespoon of warm burdock and castor oil, mix again until smooth. Heat as necessary. Apply to the scalp and along the entire length of the hair with a comb or brush, put on a bathing cap and wrap a towel. Wait 1 hour, then rinse with warm water.

Mask with vitamins A, E and burdock oil against hair loss

It has a firming and regenerating effect, a good mask against hair loss.

Recipe: For the mask, we need olive and burdock oil + oil solutions of vitamins A and E - all this can be bought at the pharmacy. We take a tablespoon of burdock oil, add a half of Art. spoons of olive oil and a drop of solutions of vitamins. Thoroughly mix and apply to the hair along the entire length, from root to tip. Dress up the hat and wrap in a towel, wait an hour and wash off with warm water.

Mask with lemon, honey and burdock oil.

This mask has a good toning and firming effect, eliminates excessive “fatness” of the hair, makes them soft and manageable.

Recipe: Take in equal proportions, 1 tbsp. spoon, burdock oil, lemon juice and honey - mix thoroughly, add the yolk of one egg and mix again until smooth. Heat to a temperature of 36-38 degrees in a water bath and evenly apply to the hair with a comb. Head wrapped. The duration of the mask is 1 hour, then wash off with shampoo in warm water.

Antique homemade mask with nettle and burdock oil from split ends of hair

Excellent tonic nourishing mask against hair loss and split ends. It nourishes the hair, giving it a lively silky sheen and returns a healthy natural look to the hair.

Recipe: For this mask, you need to find nettles. Take 2-3 tablespoons of nettle leaves and steam in 200ml. in odes with a temperature of 95 degrees (not boiling water) and wait until the infusion has cooled to "very warm." After we filter the resulting infusion from nettle leaves, add 3 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil and beat. The resulting mask is applied to the hair and scalp, wrap with a towel for an hour, then wash off.

Mask with yeast, brandy and burdock oil.

A nourishing stimulating mask, in its action is similar to a pepper mask, only the role of pepper is assigned to cognac. The mask is useful to apply against hair loss and to stimulate hair growth at home.

Mask recipe: For the mask we need the following components: castor and burdock oil, natural honey, brewer's yeast, a little cognac and egg yolk.

We take in equal proportions, 1 tablespoon, burdock, castor oil and honey, mix and heat to a temperature of 38 degrees, add 1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast and brandy, mix again. Separately, beat the egg yolk and add to the mask, mix everything until smooth. The mask is applied along the entire length of the hair and on the scalp, up to 3 hours.

Dandruff mask with burdock oil and kefir

Well suited for dry and normal hair, nourishing and normalizing metabolic processes in the hair and scalp. A good mask with burdock oil for dandruff, gives the hair a natural healthy look and shine.

We need 4 tbsp. spoons of fatty kefir (3.2% fat) and 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil - mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous paste is formed, gently heat to body temperature in a water bath. The mask is applied over the entire length of the hair and rubbed into the scalp, put on a hat and wrap up the head with a towel. We wait half an hour and rinse with warm water.

Burdock masks are not difficult to prepare at home, and they are superior in effect to many professional cosmetic hair care products. In which, by the way, often also contains burdock oil or burdock extracts. Just follow the simple rules for making masks, described at the beginning of the article, and everything will work out for you!

Contraindications to use

Despite the fact that burdock oil is a valuable hair care product, it may not always be used. You can not use a mask if a person has an individual intolerance to this tool. Although allergic reactions occur very rarely, before the first application of the agent on the scalp, you need to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of oil should be applied to the skin of the wrist for half an hour. If after this time there is no negative reaction (redness, itching, rash), then burdock oil can be safely used for hair care.

Now available for sale burdock oil, which in its composition contains not only the original product, but also auxiliary components. Therefore, in the presence of hypersensitive scalp, you need to carefully study the label.

Do not use an expired product. At a minimum, such a product will not be beneficial, and may also provoke irritation.

When pregnancy. During the carrying of the child in the body of a woman there are many changes that often negatively affect the condition of the hair. It is therefore not surprising that women begin to look for funds that would allow her to put them in order. The most common problem during pregnancy is hair loss. It can be fought with burdock oil.

However, during pregnancy one should exercise increased vigilance and acquire only burdock oil which does not contain fragrances, chemical components and preservatives. Otherwise, there are no contraindications to the use of burdock oil during pregnancy.

Children. Parents are often concerned about poor hair growth in a child. This problem is especially relevant for girls. The reasons may be many, but in the first place is genetics. Of course, to make the hair of my daughter incredibly lush with burdock oil in this case will not succeed. However, strengthen the hair roots, awaken dormant hair follicles and make the hair core more durable masks fully able.

There are no age restrictions for the use of such masks. However, it is best to start using them for children over 4-5 years old. At this age, temporary hair completely leaves the head and is replaced by "real" hair. Therefore, it is already possible to activate those hair follicles that are at rest.

It is important to consider that the composition of the hair mask should not be aggressive components or chemicals. As a supplement to such means you can use egg yolk, kefir, honey, decoctions of herbs. Before the first time to apply a mask on children's hair, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test, which is described above.

How to choose burdock oil?

The range of burdock oil, which is presented in pharmacies and stores today is very diverse. The main criterion for the selection of high-quality burdock oil is the absence of perfumes and preservatives in it. In addition, you need to pay attention to the following points:

The best can be considered the oil, which is 100% squeezed burdock root. If this oil contains additional components of plant origin, it is rather a plus. They will enhance the therapeutic effect and a more complete disclosure of all the beneficial substances.

The packaging in which the oil is located should not be transparent. Well, if it is poured into dark glass containers, which are additionally placed in cardboard boxes.

The label must contain the composition of the product, details of its manufacturers, the shelf life of the oil and the required storage conditions.

Focusing on these criteria, you can choose the highest quality and useful product.

General rules for the use of masks for hair with burdock oil

The guaranteed effect can be obtained only when masks are applied by courses. It is impossible to heal your hair in just one procedure and make it stronger. The optimal course duration is one and a half month, after which it is necessary to take a break for 14 days.

To each procedure gave the maximum effect, it is necessary to warm up the oil before applying to the scalp. It is best to do it in a water bath.

In order for the active components of the mask to penetrate the hair follicles, after its application, it is necessary to create a "greenhouse effect". To do this, use a plastic hat and a towel.

The minimum exposure time of the mask on the scalp is 30 minutes. If the mask does not contain aggressive components, for example, mustard powder, then it can be left for a longer period and even overnight.

For putting oil it is very convenient to use a brush. Thus, it will be possible to use the tool sparingly and distribute it over the entire surface of the scalp and the hair roots. If a special brush is not at hand, then you can use a regular toothbrush.

After applying the oil, you need to gently comb your hair with a comb with wide teeth and massage your scalp well with your fingers.

Burdock oil can and should be packaged with other ingredients. This will make the mask more effective and choose the composition that is best suited for a particular person.

The burdock mask is not suitable for daily use. You can not overload the hair with nutrients, as this will affect their condition is not the best way.

Apply the mask to dry or slightly moist hair. Wash your hair before using burdock oil should not.

You should not put too much oil on your hair, because the effectiveness of the procedure will not increase with its amount. For medium-length hair, a teaspoonful of oil is enough for one use.

How to wash off the mask?

Many women refuse to use masks with burdock oil for the reason that it is heavily washed off, leaving a greasy luster on the hair. First, if part of the oil remains on the hair, nothing terrible will happen. This will only enhance the useful effect of the applied means.

Secondly, if a woman is still concerned with the aesthetic appearance of her hair, then the oil should be washed off correctly. It repels water, so you should not rush to wet your head. Otherwise, the shampoo simply does not mate with the surface of the hair.

First you need to lather in the palms a little shampoo with the addition of water before the formation of foam. This foam is applied to the hair, covered with burdock oil. Now you need to try to foam the applied composition on the hair. If you can not do this, then you can slightly moisten your head. Water should be hot, naturally, within reasonable limits.

Then you need to apply a little more shampoo on your head, lather it and rinse your hair. Two or three repetitions of the procedure is enough to completely clean the hair from burdock oil. After washing your hair you can not use a hair dryer, your hair should dry on its own. Otherwise, most of the effect obtained from applying the mask will be lost.

The following components help to neutralize the oil and absorb excess fat from the hair:

Egg yolk. In order to remove the oil from the hair, you need to drive two yolks into them, and then wash your hair with a regular shampoo. In this case, the water should not be hot.

Shampoo with the addition of soda will get rid of oily shine on the hair. Soda just needs to be added to the shampoo in a 1: 3 ratio.

In a liter of warm water you can dissolve mustard powder and rinse your hair with this composition. Then you just need to rinse them with warm water. You can use shampoo.

You can add lemon juice to water. One liter of water will require the juice of one lemon. By reacting with the oil, the acid will effectively remove it from the hair.

With these simple and affordable recipes, you can easily remove the remains of the mask from the hair without harm to their health.

Multicomponent masks

Recipe 1. Mask with burdock oil and kefir will allow to restore dry and lifeless hair. It is good to use in the case when they are exposed to a hair dryer or coloring matter. To prepare the mask you will need 50 ml of kefir, a teaspoon of burdock oil, half a tablespoon of any liquid honey and chicken yolk. All components must be thoroughly mixed with each other and applied to the scalp and hair roots. The exposure time of this tool is from 40 to 60 minutes.

Recipe 2. The vitaminized hair mask will improve their structure, make the hair thicker, silky and smooth. To prepare the composition, you will need a tablespoon of oil, vitamin A and vitamin E in a volume of 5 ml. Vitamins are added to the preheated oil and left on the head for 30 minutes.

Recipe 3. Oil mask for hair.The composition of this mask contains a teaspoon of burdock and olive oil, which must be further enriched with two drops of vitamin A and E. All components should be mixed, and then heated in a water bath. The exposure time is half an hour. It is good to apply such mixture not only to the hair roots, but also to distribute it along its entire length up to the tips. Regular use of the oil mask will make the hair silky, shiny and thick.

Simple masks

Recipe 1. To soften the hair, enhance their growth and prevent early baldness, you can use the mask "burdock oil + honey." For its preparation will need to mix both components in the amount of one teaspoon. The product is applied on the scalp, on the hair roots and throughout their length. The minimum exposure time is 1 hour.

Recipe 2. Mask with burdock oil and decoction of nettle. To prepare the composition will need to pour two tablespoons of nettle 250 ml of boiling water and cover with a lid. After half an hour, the infusion needs to be drained. To prepare the mask will need 2 tablespoons of the finished infusion mixed with 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. Leave the mask on your hair for an hour. To the remnants of the infusion of nettles are not lost, they must be mixed with a liter of warm boiled water and after washing the head, rinse their hair.

Recipe 3. You can drink hair with vitamins, eliminate their fragility and speed up growth by adding egg yolk to the oil. The composition is very simple: you need 1 yolk and two teaspoons of oil. The exposure time of such funds on the hair is an hour.

Recipe 4. To get rid of dandruff and flaking of the scalp, you can add a teaspoon of aloe juice to one tablespoon of warm oil. This composition is applied to the hair roots and rubbed into the scalp. You can leave the mask for exposure for several hours or even at night. High-quality hydration after using such a combination is guaranteed.

Recipe 5. In order to enhance hair growth and more effectively deal with their loss, you can use the mask "burdock oil + onion." For its preparation you will need a tablespoon of freshly squeezed onion juice, a tablespoon of burdock oil and a teaspoon of honey. All components are mixed and applied to the scalp for half an hour.

Masks for blondes and brunettes

Recipe 1. Mask with burdock oil and cocoa. This remedy is great for women with dark hair. Blondes are not recommended to use such a mask, as it can give the strands a dark shade. In order to make a mask, you will need to dissolve 50 g of cocoa powder in warm milk to make a slurry. Then a tablespoon of burdock oil is added to this mixture and applied to the roots. If desired, you can distribute the mask over the entire length of the hair. The dwell time of the mask is 2-3 hours. In addition to strengthening the hair, a woman is guaranteed to gain their shine and brilliance.

Recipe 2. For blondes fit mask with burdock oil and lemon juice. In addition to healthy hair, this composition will make them a little lighter. Women with dark hair should not use a mask. For its preparation will require the juice of half a lemon and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. After mixing these components, you need to apply them to the scalp with the capture of the root of the hair and leave for half an hour. Thanks to this mixture will be able to get rid of dullness, dandruff and hair loss.

Masks that require an allergy test

Recipe 1. To accelerate hair growth, increase blood flow to the scalp and get rid of early alopecia, you can use an oil-mustard mask. For its preparation, you will need to dilute a tablespoon of mustard with a tablespoon of water, add to the mixture one chicken yolk and 2 teaspoons of burdock oil. The resulting composition must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. The exposure time of such a mask should not exceed half an hour.

Attention! If the scalp is irritated or has any damage, then the use of a mustard mask should be discarded. The mixture is applied only on the scalp and on the hair roots. This mask over the entire length of the hair is not distributed.

Recipe 2. Mask with burdock oil and pepper. Due to the warming effect, it will be possible to increase the blood flow to the hair roots, which will contribute to their accelerated growth. To prepare the mask will need to mix a teaspoon of oil and concentrate tincture of red pepper. It is best to apply such a mask only on the hair roots. The exposure time should not exceed 30 minutes.

Attention! Before the procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. Apply to the skin of the wrist should have a ready-made mask. If an itching, burning or irritation occurs, it is better to refuse to use such a remedy. In addition, you need to take special care when washing the mask from the head so that it does not get into your eyes.

All of the above masks have useful qualities. However, it is not at all necessary to supplement burdock oil with any components. Oil in itself is an excellent source for enriching hair with nutrients. It can be used in its pure form, which will also help to improve and strengthen the strands.

How long should masks be used to achieve a visible result?

In fact, after the first use of the mask with burdock oil, the hair becomes healthier and stronger. However, to see the result obtained immediately will not work. To visually assess the effect of the masks you need to undergo a course of hair restoration. Depending on their condition, it can be stretched for 1.5-2 months. After this time, the hair will no longer fall out, will become smoother, silky and thick.

If the hair loss has not stopped or has increased, then you should seek advice from the trichologist. It is possible that the cause of alopecia lies in the wrong diet, lack of vitamins or any disease. In this case, masks with burdock oil can not provide sufficient effect even with their regular use.

The use of masks based on burdock oil

Their composition is rich in such polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a particularly positive effect on human skin and hair.

  • Stearic. Makes curls soft and docile,
  • Palmitic. It has a rejuvenating effect, fights free radicals. Prevents hair loss.
  • Ricinole. It nourishes and strengthens.
  • Nicotine. It has all the properties of a group of vitamins B.
  • Oleic acid. Normalizes the hydrobalance, moisturizes, which contributes to the saturation of thinned, dry tips - allows you to saturate them with moisture, heal microcracks, get rid of dandruff.

General rules for the use of burdock masks

To get a positive result, it is necessary to take into account a number of certain rules:

  1. The mask is used on dirty dry hair, before washing the head,
  2. Apply with a massaging motion, rubbing into the hair roots heated composition in a water bath,
  3. It is desirable to create a "sauna effect", with his head covered with a warm cap,
  4. The exposure time is not less than an hour
  5. After the procedure, the head is washed with warm water, with a mild shampoo for every day.

Good to know! To obtain a stable result, cosmetologists advise using such masks for 3 months or more:

  • With oily hair twice a week,
  • With normal and dry once a week.
  • When treating weakened and thinned 3 times a week, every other day.

Oil is a gentle form of care and the most effective for restoring beauty and health of hair. The main thing when choosing a product is to look at the purity of the composition, not to take a product with a multitude of chemicals.

Unpleasant smell, a sign of oxidized spoiled oil.

Burdock oil can be prepared by yourself. Let's give a couple of recipes!

Recipe No1. Cooking burdock oil for 2 weeks


  • Burdock root 100 gr.
  • Olive oil 200 gr.

Preparation method:

  1. Rhizomes wash, lightly dry,
  2. Grind, put in a glass jar,
  3. Pour over the oil to cover the rhizomes,
  4. In a dark room insist 2 weeks,
  5. After this time, the oil is ready. It can be drained into the desired container.

The best time for harvesting burdock root is from September to October.

Recipe No2. Quick cooking burdock oil


  • Burdock root 100 gr.
  • Sunflower oil 300 gr.

Preparation method:

  1. Rhizomes wash, lightly dry,
  2. Grind, put in a dark jar,
  3. Pour over the oil to cover the rhizomes,
  4. In a dark room for 24 hours,
  5. In a water bath, bring the oil to a boil, boil for 5 minutes,
  6. Cool, strain, remove to a cold place before use.

Having made oil independently you will be sure of its purity and freshness.

Mono - mask with burdock oil

The progress of the procedure:

  • Oil is heated
  • Add capsules of vitamin A, E, D,
  • Apply a cotton swab on the hair roots, gently rubbing.
  • The remains are distributed to the full length,
  • Wrap your head in warmth
  • Exposure time from 60 minutes
  • After being washed off with shampoo.

This mask for hair with burdock oil is able to heal hair and make it shiny, silky. Recommend to spend at least 20 procedures, after which you can take a break of up to 2 months. The food that the hair follicles will receive will be enough time for this intensive growth!

Repairing oil mask for lifeless, dry hair


  • 30 gr. burdock oil,
  • 20 gr. jojoba oil,
  • 20 gr. olive oil.

The progress of the procedure:

  • The oils are mixed, heated,
  • Apply with a cotton swab on the hair roots, gently dividing into strands, massage for 15 minutes,
  • Spread over the entire length
  • Create a "sauna effect",
  • The exposure time of 60 minutes, you can leave for the night,
  • After being washed off with shampoo.

This mask for hair with burdock oil does not require daily use. One mask per week is enough and the hair will be saturated with moisture, the tips will be strengthened, the hair will become well-groomed and healthy!

Firming, vitamin mask for badly falling hair


  • 40 gr. burdock oil,
  • 20 gr. honey
  • 1 PC. egg.

The progress of the procedure:

  1. From the egg take the yolk,
  2. Ingredients are mixed, it is desirable that they were at room temperature. Masks with yolk is better not to warm,
  3. Apply to the roots of the hair spreading over the entire length, massaged for 15 minutes,
  4. Create a "sauna effect",
  5. Exposure time from 40 to 90 minutes
  6. After being washed off with shampoo.

A mixture of vitamins and microelements, which this hair mask has with burdock oil, will charge tired bulbs, restore the balance of nutrients of the hair structure. This will enable him to grow slower and fall out less often. Curls after a course of 15 procedures will be strong and shiny!

Firming mask with burdock oil and aloe juice


  • 20 gr. burdock oil,
  • 1 PC. fleshy leaf aloe,
  • 15 gr. honey
  • 10 gr. cognac.

The progress of the procedure:

  1. Crushed aloe leaf with honey,
  2. Add butter and brandy,
  3. Apply to the hair roots neatly spreading over the entire length, massaged for 15 minutes,
  4. Head wrapped in a warm cap
  5. Exposure time from 60 to 100 minutes
  6. After being washed off with shampoo.

It is recommended to apply such procedure once a week.

Sheet aloe, preferably taken after 3 days in the refrigerator. Since it is such a juice, is a powerful bio-stimulator for cells. It nourishes, gives energy for regeneration, which makes hair more viable.

Mask, normalizing the sebaceous glands


  • 50 gr. fresh nettle,
  • 40 gr. burdock oil,
  • 2 gr. salt.

The progress of the procedure:

  1. Ground nettle with salt,
  2. Add butter,
  3. Applied to the hair roots by massaging your head well,
  4. Insulate your head,
  5. The exposure time from 20 to 30 minutes
  6. Wash off with shampoo.

For damaged curls and high-fat, care with burdock oil and nettle will provide softening, nutrition. Will create a protective film that prevents leaching of nutrients from them. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week for 3 months and the mask for hair with burdock oil will create a noticeable effect and transform your curls.

Burdock mask "Super Shine"


  • 40 gr. cocoa powder,
  • 50 ml. milk
  • 20 gr. burdock oil.

The progress of the procedure:

  1. Milk is heated to 40 degrees,
  2. Add cocoa to a creamy consistency,
  3. Add butter, mix well,
  4. While the paste is warm applied to the roots, gently spreading over the entire length,
  5. They do the “sauna effect”,
  6. Exposure time from 40 to 60 minutes
  7. After being washed off with shampoo.

Cocoa activates the growth of curls, as there is an intense heating of the skin of the head and the impact directly on the hair follicles. This allows you to accelerate hair growth and become incredibly shiny!

This mask for hair with burdock oil, with constant use slows the aging process, thus avoiding early gray hair. And the aroma of chocolate, soothes and relaxes.

You should not use a mask for blondes, perhaps a slight coloring.

Mask for resuscitation split ends


  • 30 gr. Sahara,
  • 20 gr. burdock oil,
  • 20 gr. castor oil
  • 10 gr. yeast,
  • 1 tsp. Brandy.

The progress of the procedure:

  1. Heat up butter with sugar, brandy in a water bath,
  2. Add trembling, better to take "live",
  3. Put in a warm place for 25 - 30 minutes,
  4. While the mixture is warm, you need to apply to the roots, gently spreading over the entire length,
  5. Make a “sauna effect”,
  6. The exposure time from 30 to 40 minutes,
  7. After rinse with warm water.

This composition is used once a week, a course of 10 times with a break for 2-3 months.

Yeast is rich in vitamin B, which allows you to saturate the tips with these essential protective elements. They allow you to keep the hair structure and remain water inside it.

Egg - burdock shampoo


The progress of the procedure:

  1. Separate the yolk from the protein,
  2. Need 3 yolks,
  3. Beat them with butter,
  4. Apply to curls and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

This shampoo, not only gently cleanses, but also gives shine, strength to hair. It can be used in courses for 1 month or periodically as an express mask.

Contraindications for burdock hair masks

As such, categorical contraindications, this is a miracle - the tool does not have! But! The human body can respond to certain constituent elements of a mixture of masks with an allergic reaction. Therefore, before the first use of the day is recommended to test on a small area of ​​skin.

In the presence of reddened areas, itching - the composition is washed off with water, taking antihistamines. The use of burdock mask with components that caused such reactions is not recommended. Try burdock hair masks with other ingredients that do not cause discomfort!

Pros and cons of burdock masks

The main advantages are:

  1. Lasting result: the hair is shiny, soft,
  2. Intensive hair growth and after the course of masks,
  3. The harmlessness of the drug,
  4. Low price.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Long time exposure mask
  2. The duration of the course of application,
  3. Heavy leaching of the composition of the hair.

Many who used such a tool for healing, note that a burdock hair mask acts positively on the entire structure from the roots to the tips of the curls!

Reviews of burdock hair mask

Nastya Lebedeva, 26 years old:

I used this oil of burdock in childhood, my mother often rubbed herself and me when I was a teenager before a bath. Her spit was 10 cm in girth, and my hair was twice as thick as it is now. Sometimes added honey there. I decided to remember the old home remedies, I have already made 2 masks. While the result is not noticeable.

Ekaterina Nechaeva, 33:

I love this oil, I drink it for problems with gall, I smear my face, eyelashes, and of course I apply it for my hair. I collect what is in the house: egg, honey, cognac, aloe and add to the oil. Sometimes I mix several types of oils. The main thing is to keep the composition on the head longer. I often go to bed with him. I can say that the mask for hair with burdock oil works! I always get compliments about my hair. In addition, I do nothing more. I advise everyone inexpensive and effective!

Kristina, 28 years old:

This mask was recommended to me by a beautician when I came to him for an appointment with the problem of dry, thin hair. Did it every other day for 5 weeks. Of course, tired, wash your hair hard. Then I learned. It is necessary to distribute the shampoo evenly right away without wetting the hair. Then just rinse. The result was noticeable after two weeks. From a lifeless sponge, hair turned into a luxurious mane, it motivated me to continue the course to the end. Saw more vitamins Mertz.

Irina Sumin, 23 years old:

Once by mistake, instead of castor oil bought burdock. There was nowhere to go, an article with masks recipes got on the Internet, I began to try. Probably 10 options exactly made. Most liked with yeast and cocoa. What a smell! At the same time and aromatherapy! ) It seemed that it was after them that the hair was softer, more docile. I have them curly and a little dry, especially the ends. I did 1-2 times a week, as time was. The result is +3 cm per month, judging by the fringe. Beautiful, shiny, silk!

If you also tried these masks - leave your review about the hair mask with burdock oil in the comments!

If you have not yet decided on the mask - look at all the options on the links below and choose the most suitable for you!

Indications for use of burdock oil for hair

Burdock is used in air conditioners, masks, oils and other formulations. Hair mask with burdock oil, purchased or own production, can solve many problems. However, there are a number of specific indications for the use of this tool.

  • It has a great effect on the scalp, moisturizes and nourishes it. If you have sensitive skin that is prone to inflammation, then this mask fits perfectly. It perfectly restores and heals, accelerates and stimulates blood circulation in the capillaries, thereby achieving active growth,
  • It relieves itching, which is important for dandruff sufferers, and soothes,
  • Loss is one of the main indications. The mask of burdock oil for hair will effectively strengthen the roots, will promote the active regeneration of scalp cells, and the increased blood circulation activates the growth of new hair,

Hair loss can be won with oil

  • The process of baldness in both men and women can be significantly slowed down or stopped in this way. There are new hair
  • If the strands grow back slowly, burdock will help to accelerate their growth, and also improve their condition, prevent breaking off and cutting the tips,

Burdock mask sold already finished

  • Fragile and brittle strands will be smoothed and strengthened. As a result, they will look healthier and more brilliant, full of strength. They really strengthen, burdock extracts will close the scales, restore their structure and prevent further destruction of hairs,
  • To some extent burdock hair mask will help fight dandruff. Of course, it will not be effective when dandruff is caused by infection by a fungus. But if dandruff is the result of excessively dry scalp, its peeling, then burdock extract will be very useful,
  • This mask effectively moisturizes and nourishes dry, dull curls. Too thin hairs, strands without volume will look healthier,
  • Dull, too fluffy curls, brittle and inelastic can also be “put in order” with the help of such a tool.

Using oil for the first time, consider its unpleasant feature - high fat content in comparison with other oils. It is difficult to wash it off with a head of hair, the procedure may need to be performed twice.

How to make a mask with burdock hair

Before proceeding to the recipes of 8 homemade hair masks with burdock oil, familiarize yourself with the precautions and tips for preparation, application, procedure time and rinsing - it is important!

  1. Before using the oil, pay attention to it. term and storage conditions. An expired product, at a minimum, will not bring the desired result, as a maximum - is capable of harm. And remember that after opening the bottle all the useful properties of the burdock are stored only for 2 months. Do not cause real damage to your hair from a sense of false economy.
  2. Duration of the procedure. The optimal time for the mask is 40 minutes. This is enough to absorb the product into the hair and scalp, giving its beneficial properties. But pay attention! That some recipes contain burning ingredients. And in this case, the duration is reduced to 15−20 minutes, no more!
  3. Oil temperature. Experts advise, and consumers confirm empirically that before applying the mask, burdock oil should be heated to a warm temperature. This can be done in a water bath. Oil temperature should not exceed 39C.
  4. Greenhouse effect. To enhance the positive effect of the procedure, after applying the mask, wrap the head with a shower cap or a plastic bag, and wrap a scarf or towel over the top.
  5. Oil flushing. After the time is up, the warming headgear is removed, do NOT wet the head immediately with water. The first should go shampoo. Choose the one that best foams. Disassemble the hair into strands and apply shampoo on each of them. This in the best way will allow its components to come to grips with residual oil and neutralize so frightening greasiness. Now you can rinse - preferably with a powerful shower jet - so the shampoo will once again be able to come into contact with the oil, leaving no trace of it.
  6. Precautionary measures. Before you begin to prepare a burdock mask, test for allergies: put a few drops on your wrist and wait 15 to 20 minutes. If during this period there was no redness or rash on the skin, you did not feel a burning sensation and itching, you are most likely not allergic to the product.

How to use the mask

Natural and painted blondes mask with burdock oil is contraindicated. Burdock can give their curls a yellow tint. Even with a minimum of its content in the tool, it is better to conduct a test on one strand to determine whether yellowing is manifested. This shade is “washed out” quite difficult and remains on the head of hair for a long time.

The component is not used for hair prone to fat. It moisturizes the hair and it will look dirty after use. This has a negative effect on the scalp. When it actively generates sebum, together with it the oil forms plugs in the pores. This activates hair loss and even more fat.

Apply the compound carefully, using a comb, dividing the hair into strands. Start application from the parting, then remove the parting and reapply the agent, etc. strands before that must be carefully combed.

There are some more rules

  1. Apply a mask or oil in its pure form only warm, cold, they are ineffective,
  2. Wash it off only with gentle, high-quality shampoos, shower gels and the like will not work,
  3. Do not pull or pull the hair covered with a mask, as they will tear off and break off easily, apply the product gently,
  4. Do not use oil after the expiration date, buy it only in proven retail chains, pharmacies, as the percentage of fakes is high,
  5. When used in yolk masks, it is necessary to remove the film from it, which is very difficult to wash off the hair,
  6. Choose tools from proven manufacturers.

Compliance with these simple rules will help to get the maximum effect from the use of oil.

Recipes that can be cooked at home

Egg is a frequent ingredient in traditional burdock masks recipes. It is suitable for dry hair, moisturizes, smoothes, gives shine. The most famous such mask involves mixing the whipped yolk of one egg with warm burdock oil. After that, the composition is applied to the hair for 1 hour. But there are other, no less effective, recipes.

Mixture of oils

A blend of heated oils — olive, burdock, almond, jojoba, etc. — will suit weakened hair. Exactly half of the mixture should be burdock oil, the other half - the rest, in the same amount. The mixture effectively moisturizes, nourishes the strands, if you apply it for 45 - 50 minutes. You can add vitamins A and E from capsules.

Honey and burdock oil for hair - an effective combination. Based on it, an Arabic mask has been developed. Connect 2 yolks, 30 ml of honey, and 45 ml of oil. Heat the composition in a water bath and apply to the strands. Action time - 1 hour, rinse with shampoo,

To activate the growth of hair, use a mask with pepper. Owners of delicate scalp can not use it. Combine in equal quantities alcohol tincture of capsicum and burdock oil, pour in the yolk (about the same amount). Shake with a fork, heat over a kettle and apply on moist hair and scalp for 60 minutes. Rinse without shampoo.

With pepper tincture

An even more extreme mask of this type involves applying only to the scalp and to the roots to a minimum. To make it, combine the oil and pepper tincture in equal quantities and heat up. Apply the composition on the roots and skin. It is not necessary to add the yolk. Effectively activates hair regrowth, reduces prolapse, activates blood circulation.

Oil, Juice, Lemon and Honey

Universal, fortifying mask for any type of hair. Combine in equal quantities butter, lemon juice and honey. Heat and pour the yolk in the same volume. Soak for 60 minutes on wet curls. Hair for the time of wearing is best kept wrapped in a towel. Rinse with water without shampoo.

With castor oil, honey, brewer's yeast, brandy and egg yolk

Another effective mask with burdock oil and egg smoothes curls, gives shine, silkiness. Combine burdock, castor oil, honey, brewer's yeast and cognac in proportions of 1 to 1 to 2 to 1 to 1, respectively. Heat the mixture to a pair and pour the two parts of the yolk into it. Beat the mixture thoroughly and apply, spread from the roots down. Wrap the strands in a towel and hold for two hours. Wash your hair with shampoo,

With nettle

The composition of burdock and nettle will give the curls a healthy look. Two tablespoons of dried nettle leaves pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Strain and pour into the infusion two tablespoons of oil. Move and apply on wet strands for half an hour. Then rinse with shampoo.

Do everything according to the recipes and the result will not take long

Traditional recipes will help improve the strands. The mask is effective only with repeated use of courses. Can cure and running hair with systematic use.

1 Honey, egg and burdock oil

This mask, consisting of three components, is a recognized leader in the fight for delicious curls. The hair care professionals who understand the very essence and strength of this mask advise against hair loss. Honey will boost metabolism, strengthen follicles, make hair softer and accelerate their growth. Egg yolks will fight dandruff, alopecia and brittleness.

The composition of the mask:

  • Egg yolks - 2 pieces.
  • Burdock oil - 30 grams.
  • Honey - 15 grams.

Your next steps:

  1. Heat the oil in a water bath, whip the yolks in a separate bowl and mix both ingredients.
  2. Add honey to the mixture and stir thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Massage the mask into the hair roots. Do not be lazy, massage!

2 Hair mask with burdock oil and brandy

The composition of this regenerating mask with brandy is already legendary. The weakened hair will become stronger, smoother, the follicles will receive nourishment and strength.

The composition of the mask:

  • Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  • Burdock oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Egg yolk - 1 piece.
  • Cognac - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Separate the yolk, whisk and add honey to it, mix.
  2. Pour in the mixture warmed oil of burdock, whisk and pour brandy.
  3. Apply a mask on the roots and spread over the entire length of the hair.

3 Hair mask: onion and burdock oil

Masks with onions are recommended by all experts - even in cases of progressive alopecia. One problem - the smell. He can prove himself even after a week while washing his head. But it leaves when the hair dries, so do not be alarmed, but, on the contrary, adopt this powerful tool that prevents hair loss and gives them silkiness and shine.

The composition of the mask:

  • Onion juice - 30 milliliters.
  • Egg - 1 piece.
  • Burdock oil - 30 milliliters.
  • Honey - 10 milliliters.

Mask recipe:

  1. Heated thistle oil mixed with onion juice.
  2. Whisk the egg separately and add to the mixture. Tip: for oily hair, use only protein.
  3. Now honey.
  4. And once again warm up the mask. Can be applied.

4 Hair Mask: Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Burdock Oil

Antioxidants retinol and tocopherol strengthen hair follicles, stopping hair loss. To the beneficial effects of plus nutrition, strengthening and strength of the hair, as well as their shine.

The composition of the mask:

  • Burdock oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Vitamin A - 5 milliliters.
  • Vitamin E - 5 milliliters.

Your next steps:

  1. Everything is very simple, but note that as soon as the mask is prepared, it was immediately inflicted - do not be distracted, otherwise you will have to make a new one.
  2. Heat the oil and add both vitamins to it, mix.

5 burdock oil with pepper

Recommended against hair loss. Pepper, as a burning agent, accelerates blood circulation and tissue repair. Promotes the awakening of hair follicles. And in combination with oil of burdock prevents fragility and gives hair strength.

The composition of the mask:

  • Burdock oil - 30 grams.
  • Hot pepper - 1/6 tsp.


  1. Heat the oil. Gradually, stirring, but not delaying, add pepper to it.
  2. Rub into the scalp and cover it.
  3. Despite the fact that the recommended time for this mask is 30 minutes, practice shows that the feeling of light burning comes in 15-20 minutes. We advise you not to wait for the maximum period and at the first hint of a burning sensation, go wash off the mask.

6 Mask for hair growth: mustard powder, burdock oil and egg

The mask with mustard and burdock oil will do everything to grow your hair, adding a successful fight against dandruff and hair loss. Soften the scalp, make hair smooth and supple.


  • Mustard powder - 1 tablespoon.
  • Burdock oil - 15 grams.
  • Egg - 1 piece.

How to make a mask:

  1. Add the beaten egg separately to the heated oil, mix.
  2. Pour the mustard powder into the mixture and mix everything well.
  3. If your skin is prone to dryness, you can add aloe vera gel to your mask - 10-15 grams.

7 Hair Mask: Honey and Yeast

It is recommended for strengthening weakened and prone to severe brittle hair. The mask promotes growth, increases elasticity and elasticity, prevents the cross-section, making the hair at the same time strong and soft.

The composition of the mask:

  • Baking Yeast - 1 tsp.
  • Milk (we recommend whole) - 40 milliliters.
  • Burdock oil - 15 grams.
  • Honey - 10 grams.
  • Castor oil - 15 grams.

Your next steps:

  1. Pour the yeast into the milk, stir and heat it.
  2. Add honey and mix thoroughly.
  3. For 20 minutes, move the mixture to a warm place to ripen the yeast.
  4. Pour castor and burdock oil into the raised mask blank and stir.
  5. Do not be surprised that the mask turned out to be somewhat watery - everything is in order, as it should be.

8 Mask for hair with castor and burdock oils

Only 2 ingredients, and the effect is amazing: a mask with therapeutic oils perfectly copes with dandruff, a sure sign of dry scalp.


  • Castor oil - 15 grams.
  • Burdock oil - 15 grams.

Mask recipe:

  1. After mixing both oils together, heat the mixture in a water bath.
  2. Be sure to achieve their complete mixing to a uniform consistency.
  3. To apply this mask, it is better to arm yourself with a hairbrush - apply it on the roots, comb it, and the mixture itself will envelop your skin further, absorbing it beneficially.


Watch the video: 22 POWERFUL BEAUTY HACKS FOR A GORGEOUS LOOK (June 2024).