Eyebrows and eyelashes

9 best oils for eyelashes


Every woman gives a lot of time to her appearance. Make up and dress up for us is sacred. Not last place and personal care. But for some reason, daily applying daily / night creams on the face, hands, washing off cosmetics, making masks, we completely forget about eyebrows. At the same time, each sincerely wishes that they were thick and beautiful, because this is now - the last squeak of fashion.

Trying to achieve this effect, very many people resort to regular corrections, haircuts or staining. Of course, the result of such actions is noticeable, but not for long. But to achieve the beauty of eyebrows can be a much simpler way - a systematic care. And oil for the growth of eyebrows will become an irreplaceable assistant in this.

Healing Castor Oil

Even our grandmothers know that castor oil is an excellent stimulator of hair growth. They must have been very actively using it for the lack of industrial alternatives. But today, the fashion for all natural has forced us to return to the "grandmother's" recipes, and to verify their effectiveness.

Eyebrow oil is used as often as for hair. And his action is not limited only by the acceleration of their growth. It also nourishes the bulbs. And if you are exhausted by regular plucking or painting, then you can not do without it. This oil activates the regenerative processes, and with its regular use, you will eventually notice that the eyebrows have become much stronger and thicker.

Do not rely on lightning fast results. This tool has healing functions, because only a few months later you can see for yourself the correctness of your decision. So do not give up, because the main thing in the process of care - is systematic.

How to use?

To begin with, the frequency of the procedures should be at least three or four times a week. Eyebrow care should be an integral part of the evening dress. Prepare the skin for the application of the drug, after clearing and slightly steaming it. It is best to do this for an hour and a half before sleep, in order to allow the oil to absorb completely. Otherwise, you will at least stain the bedding, and if you have a tendency to allergic reactions, there is a chance to wake up with swollen eyelids.

For drawing you can use a brush, and in the absence of that - a usual cotton swab. Dip it into the oil heated on the steam bath, spend at least three times along the eyebrow line, first in the direction of growth, then against. Light massaging will help the oil to absorb faster and greatly enhance its effect.

Anyone who has used castor oil for eyebrows in this way is simply incredible!

Try burdock oil

No less effective and equally useful for health in the whole will be burdock oil. But before applying it, you'll have to limit yourself a little. First of all, for some time it is worth tying up with regular plucking. Yes, it will be difficult to hold on and not grab tweezers at the sight of a hair growing back and sticking out, but hold on, the result is worth it. Well, of course, for a period of intensive treatment, forget about chemical staining, since they will negate the entire effect of the procedures.

There are several ways to use burdock eyebrow oil. The most common is a simple application. Its technology is no different from the one described above. But there is less standard - a compress for the eyebrows. We will tell about it in more detail.

To begin with, cut out strips of a cotton pad that match the size of the eyebrows. Pre-need to heat the oil in a water bath. Then, the prepared strips are soaked with warm oil and applied to the hairs. So that the oil does not spread and does not fall on the eyes, it should be covered with a napkin or parchment paper. Finally, the entire structure is fixed with a patch. The minimum duration of such a beauty procedure is ten minutes, if you do not have discomfort, you can increase to fifteen. The use of such burdock eyebrow oil has excellent reviews, so feel free to proceed.

Care for eyebrows with oils

The use of castor oil for eyebrows will give a result even if you use it without any impurities. But there are many tools that are made on the basis of both castor and burdock oils, which with the help of various additives will help to achieve a more pronounced effect.

For example, to strengthen the hair, get rid of brittleness, it is worth mixing the oils with vitamin A. Both pharmaceutical solution and ordinary carrot juice, which contains it in excess, are suitable.

Adding a few drops of olive or sea buckthorn oil, we get soft, docile hairs. The result is especially noticeable on barely regrown tails, which cause the most problems.

Having made a mixture of burdock and castor oils, we get a wonderful natural make-up remover suitable not only for makeup and eyebrow treatment, but also for the entire face.

A cocktail of burdock and almond oils is excellent to cope with the loss of any type of hair, and if you add peach seed oil to them, you will get the effect of toning. It is also possible to tint and heal at the same time if you use a mask based on castorca and camphor. It is necessary to mix them in equal proportions, then, the heated mixture is applied on the eyebrows. As a result, the eyebrows become not only well-groomed, but also darkened by several tones.

With a very rapid hair loss will help the drug on the basis of alcohol perfectly: to one part of castor oil you need to add two parts of vodka. Then, after thorough rubbing, the drug is left overnight.

As a rule, masks are not a daily care method. It is recommended to use them no more than once or twice a week. It is also worth paying special attention to the shelf life of oils, as they are overdue, they not only will not give the desired result, but also, most likely, will cause an allergic reaction.

For both castor and burdock oil, this period is 24 months from the date of production.

How to apply eyelash oil

The eye zone is the most delicate on the face, therefore, applying oil on the eyelashes, you need to be very neat and try not to fall on the mucous membrane. Professionals advise treating hairs starting from the tips, to allow the oil to gradually drain to the base of the cilia. If there are lenses, it is better to remove them.

You should not scoop too much money - an excess of oil can cause swelling and redness of the eyes. And the more so it is not necessary to leave it on the eyelashes for the night, in order to not be surprised in the morning by puffiness. It is enough to hold the oil mask for one to two hours. The procedure is recommended in the evenings.

For application, you can use a cotton swab, but it is most convenient to use a thoroughly washed and dried brush from the old mascara - so the oil can be evenly distributed over the hairs, gently combing each of them.

And in order for the mask to function more efficiently, you must first slightly warm a portion of natural oil in the steam bath or in a container with hot water.

And, of course, it is necessary to clean your face from make-up before mashing.

Important nuances

Allergy sufferers and girls with sensitive skin should choose a clean oil without any additives, and before the first use try it on your wrist.

Before buying, be sure to check shelf life and do not ignore the instruction - it contains useful information on how to properly store the product, and a list of possible contraindications.

If the goal is to strengthen the eyelashes or speed up their growth, it is recommended to do it with courses of 10-15 masks in a row, then there is a monthly break and you can repeat it again. If you just want to feed the cilia and make them more silky and elastic, you should resort to oil masks 2-3 times a week.

And to choose the right oil, which will allow you to quickly get the eyelashes of your dreams, will help our ranking of the best, made up of expert opinions and reviews of ordinary users.

Varieties of oil products

On the market you can find a whole variety of cilia care products. Some are pure oils, in other formulations they come in a mixed complex with vitamins and plant extracts.

But which oil strengthens eyelashes really effectively?

Consider the most useful and common:

  1. Burdock - considered the most popular. It is rich in high content of vitamins, mineral salts and acids, which are able to strengthen the hair trunks and thus make them denser and thicker. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the compositions of many cosmetic products for eyelashes and eyebrows, the burdock is in the first positions.

Burdock oil - an indispensable product for hair care

  1. Strengthening eyelashes with castor oil is not only an effective and efficient method, but also the cheapest. Linoleic and oleic acids in the composition have a fortifying and regenerating hair follicles action, similar to burdock oil.
  2. Olive oil is most likely found in every home.. Contains fatty acids, vitamins A and E. It is able to penetrate deeper into the structure of hairs and nourish them from the inside, and this has won the popularity and love of women as home care.

The inexpensive price and availability of natural oils makes them very popular.

  1. Peach oil is also rich in vitamins A and E, as well as calcium, potassium and iron.. Pangamic acid in the composition contributes to a deeper and more efficient absorption of these beneficial trace elements.
  2. Almond oil contains a real storehouse of useful vitamins - A, E, F, B, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. In addition to the action aimed at the growth and strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows, it has a pleasant aroma and relieves skin irritation and promotes the rapid healing of minor scratches or wounds.

This product is rich in nutrients.

  1. Jojoba oil is a natural vegetable wax.. Richly rich in vitamin E, which makes it a powerful antioxidant that can also protect against UV rays. It is well combined with other base oils, but unlike the others, it has strong penetrating power. Quickly absorbed and without leaving a greasy film, effectively delivers healthy substances to the hair follicles.

Before using any oil for cosmetic purposes, test it for allergenicity by smearing a small area of ​​skin.
If there are no irritations or other reactions within 12 hours, it can be considered safe for you.

Looking after the framing of the eyelids, do not forget about eyebrows

The described natural remedies not only impress with their beneficial properties, but are also easy to use and blend to create caring mixes with your own hands.

Additional advantages of their use is a small price and availability in pharmacies and perfume and cosmetic stores.

Special brush will facilitate the application process.

How to make money at home?

There are many recipes to accelerate the growth of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, but in general it is enough to connect the imagination. Certain oils can act on each differently. Therefore, identifying suitable for yourself, you can create the most effective.

How to strengthen the eyelashes with castor oil or any other whose action you like? The simplest is to use it in its pure form, but by mixing several base oils, as well as adding useful components, you can significantly enhance the positive effect.

For example, with castor or burdock, you can mix Aevit in oil or vitamin E in equal proportions, and then add a little aloe juice. The use of strong brewing of black tea in the mixture will enhance the natural pigment of the eyelashes.

The addition of chamomile or calendula extracts to base oils will allow you to prepare not only a means to enhance growth, but also softening and caring for eyelid skin.

Regular use of oil will strengthen eyelashes and make them much longer

Do not get involved with the use of ingredients such as pepper, garlic or alcohol to stimulate growth.
This can cause not only the opposite effect, but also irritation of the mucous membrane.

It is better to make a home remedy for growth for 1 time so that it does not deteriorate, or to keep it in a glass bottle in a refrigerator tightly closed. For its application it is best to use a special brush for eyelashes and clean it before and after each use, or use cotton buds.

Photo of the correct application of the oil mixture on the eyelashes

How to use?

It is undesirable to leave the caring oil mixture for eyelashes on the skin for the night, otherwise in the morning you can get swollen eyelids. Therefore, the application procedure is best carried out 1-2 hours before bedtime so that it has time to act.

Apply the oil in its pure form using cotton swabs

Instructions for the correct application of firming oil for the eyelashes is as follows:

  • It is necessary to wash off all makeup from the eyes. It is better to do this with plain water and facial wash, and not with milk or micellar water, so that an undesirable chemical reaction occurs after the oils are applied,
  • It is desirable to use the mixture at room temperature, so the oils will better reveal their properties. It is possible to heat the product in a water bath,
  • Apply the mixture with a special brush from the middle of the eyelashes to the tips. So the easiest way to avoid getting oil in the eyes, which can cause unwanted irritation of the mucous membranes,
  • After waiting from 30 minutes to 2 hours, the oil can be rinsed off with warm water and gel or facial wash.

It must be remembered that this method of restoring and accelerating the growth of eyelashes requires regularity and duration of the course.
The best option would be to conduct a similar ritual of 1 month and at least every other day, and best of all, every day.

By mixing several different oils, you can get an effective reducing agent.

Of course, to achieve a quick result is easiest with the help of various tricks in the make-up or resorting to salon procedures for building. But it is much more pleasant to enjoy your natural, long and lush eyelashes, obtained through inexpensive and useful home remedies in the form of oils.

In the video in this article, you can explore more detailed information on this topic.

When choosing care products, you should focus primarily on natural, natural substances. For example, if you want to increase the growth of eyebrows, then the ideal option would be the use of vegetable oils, which include vitamins and trace elements. In addition, they can be used for eyelashes, so that they will be long and durable.

Photo: even ordinary burdock oil applied with a brush will help boost eyebrow growth

Today we will talk about what oil for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows should be chosen and how to apply it correctly. Of course, first of all we will focus on activating the growth of hairs and their strengthening.

What is the use?

Some doubt whether a vegetable or an essential oil will really be beneficial. To finally verify this, carefully review the table, which describes the main components of the oils.

In vegetable oils in large quantities contains a variety of vitamins.

Choosing eyebrow oil

Today, you can buy eyebrow oil at any pharmacy, and there is no shortage in ordinary stores either. They cost each - in different ways, but especially the prices do not bite. You will have to fork out for exotic products (jojoba, ylang-ylang, etc.), and our habitual castor oil or burdock oil will not ruin you. There are a lot of advantages, but one of the most pressing problems is how to choose from the proposed variety exactly the miracle tool that will help you? A little reminder of the beneficial properties of eyebrow cosmetic oils will help you to feel yourself in this matter like fish in water.

  • Amla - this is the silkiness and softness of your eyebrows,
  • argan - oil for the growth of eyebrows, their thickness and volume,
  • grape - for daily food,
  • jojoba softens and moisturizes
  • wheat germ stop eyebrow loss
  • ylang-ylang restores the eyebrows after damage,
  • cocoa need to moisturize, it stimulates the growth of eyebrows, gives them shine.
  • castor eyebrow oil is considered the best way of care, as it solves almost all problems: makes them obedient, soft, shiny, activates growth,
  • coconut oil - to strengthen the eyebrows, against their loss,
  • flaxseed strengthens the roots, activates growth,
  • macadamia It has excellent moisturizing properties.
  • almond eyebrow oil ensures their uniform growth, eliminates ugly tufts and "stumps",
  • sea ​​buckthorn save you from falling out and thinning
  • peach eyebrow oil - an ideal tool, the use of which makes the process of plucking hairs painless and more pleasant,
  • burdock eyebrow oil, perhaps, is the most demanded, since, having a low fat content, it does not leave behind a greasy luster, nourishes and gives the impression of grooming,
  • usma - oil, which will make hair grow faster, and eyelashes will make longer, and turn eyebrows into a thick, beautifully shaped strip.

Which of the above - the best eyebrow oil, it's up to you. Here the individual tolerance and reaction of the organism will play a big role. Someone does not like burdock, because he is allergic, and someone does not like the castor for its too oily texture. Others may just be delighted to see the results after the first application on the basis of these oils. Therefore - choose, experiment, draw conclusions and make up your own beautician to care for your eyebrows.


Usma - a plant from the mustard family. Based on its healthy, nourishing juice, it produces excellent cosmetic oil, with which you can quickly fix not only eyebrows, but also hair and eyelashes.

The most effective remedy for the loss of eyelashes: https://beautiface.net/brovi-resnitsy/vypadayut-chto-delat.html. Folk recipes and cosmetics.

TOP homemade recipes for strengthening eyelashes: restoration rules, selection of oils, recipes.

Eyebrow oil application rules

After you have decided how to apply eyebrows with oil, you should familiarize yourself with the main recommendations on how to do it. Too active Madame often make a serious mistake, processing eyebrows without any rules and regularity. As a result, the result is not waited and abandoned to use oils as part of home care for the eyelashes. But it is enough just 1 time to study this simple instruction from cosmetologists - and the effect can be assessed after the first procedure.


  1. Cosmetic eyebrow oils are better. preheat. To do this, arrange a special water bath. The optimum temperature should not exceed 50 ° C, but should not be less than 40 ° C. Heat accelerates the penetration of biologically active substances contained in oils (in particular, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids). Their consistency becomes more fluid, they are easier absorbed by the cells, penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis.
  2. For eyebrows, you can use the oil in its pure form, you can mix them with each other, and you can - with various foods. If you choose a medical mixture, do not use a blender: it will be very difficult to wash off the oily film. It is better whip everything with a special whisk.
  3. Before you apply the oil on the eyebrows, drip the shampoo on a wet cotton pad and wash it with eyebrows, then rinse. First is washing eyebrows does not hurt. Secondly, the oil will fall better on clean, dried hairs.


  1. Wrap your index finger with a large cotton pad. Dip it in the prepared eyebrow oil so that the fabric is soaked through with this solution.
  2. Now, with pressure, swipe this finger several times on both eyebrows so that as much oil as possible remains on them.
  3. Watch out for so that eyebrow oil does not trickle downotherwise they may blush and swell.
  4. Place two thin strips cut out of cotton discs over the eyebrows, and the next layer is strips of cellophane bag. for insulation. So all the chemical reactions will go much faster. If your eyebrows are very high and the strips are constantly falling, you can fix them with a plaster.
  5. Insistent advice from cosmetologists: you do not need to do household chores or make your facial expressions work actively during home cosmetic procedures. If you want to maximize the effectiveness of eyebrow oils, just lie down and relax.
  6. The exposure time of these masks on the eyebrows - not less than half an hour and not more than 2 hours.



  1. Frequency of use eyebrow oils - 1-2 times a week.
  2. For therapeutic purposes (with blepharitis, if eyebrows fall out) oils can be used for applications even up to 3 times a week, every other day.
  3. The course of application is at least 15. After that, you need to take a break at least 3-4 weeks, give eyebrows to feed on what they got from these applications and masks.

If you follow these recommendations, at the end of the course of treatment (or routine care), the immediate problems will be resolved. As a rule, medical and cosmetic blend of eyebrow oils (or if they were used in pure form) accelerates their growth, makes them thicker, restores their natural luster and bright, saturated Colour. Now they will look at you well-groomed and beautiful. It remains the case for small - choose a particular oil or a miraculous mixture.

Curious fact

Eyebrows are not needed to give your eyes greater expressiveness. They protect them from moisture, sweat and dirt that accumulate on them, then flowing in the direction of the temples.

Eyebrow oils: Recipes

Everything eyebrow nourishing oils, as already mentioned, can be applied in its pure form. But will be much more effective masks-applications, which are a mixture of several oils or one base oil with certain foods. Each of these masks solves a specific problem. This will be your guiding star: choose a tool depending on what problem you want to get rid of with it.

  • Burdock oil + usma = for the growth of eyebrows

You can buy a special oil for the growth of eyebrows in a pharmacy with a convenient brush: burdock will cost you 200 rubles (estimated price), usma - more expensive: about 750. They differ from the products in conventional packaging, as they are intended to care for eyelashes and eyebrows. If you mix them together in a few drops, believe me: it will turn out to be just a lethal mixture, which will make even the rarest eyebrows grow and be thick.

  • Almond oil + vitamins = for eyebrow obedience

In the same pharmacy do not be lazy to buy capsules "Aevita" (a combination of vitamins A and E). Squeezing the contents of the house and mixed with melted almond oil on the water bath, you get an excellent eyebrow mask that will make them docile and soft. Especially this tool is suitable for those who, when plucking, can not give the eyebrows the desired shape.

  • Castor + wild rose + sea buckthorn oil = for brow growth

All cosmetologists recognize that eyebrow castor oil - one of the best tools. To enhance its effectiveness, try adding crushed rosehip berries and warm sea buckthorn oil to it (all ingredients - 1 tablespoon each). Having mixed everything, you will get an ideal mask that will make your eyebrows grow even after the most aggressive and inept plucking (which happens quite often). However, here you need to take into account one nuance: sea buckthorn oil has a coloring effect, so that if you overdo it on the eyebrows, you risk getting a bright orange tint. The optimal exposure time of the application should not exceed more than 15 minutes.

  • Coconut oil + cocoa butter + egg = to strengthen the eyebrows

During the period of beriberi, not only the hair on the head, but also eyebrows can fall out. They are thinning in the event of some serious illness, for example, blepharitis. To strengthen their follicles, try applying the following mask on your eyebrows every other day. In one water bath, melt coconut oil with cocoa butter. Beat as it should. After that, add a little egg to the slightly cooled mixture (if the oils are too hot, the protein may coagulate, and then the mask will flake). All ingredients should be approximately equal.

  • Peach oil + usmi + jojoba = restoration of damaged eyebrows

Have you ever thought about the stress your eyebrows experience when they are plucked out? The close connection of the follicle with the skin breaks, is broken - this leads to micro-breaks and damage at the cellular level. As a result, the entire eyebrow's root system suffers. And even those hairs that you did not touch while plucking, experience this stress. Because of this, they may become thin, their growth will be disturbed, the thinning will be noted. To remedy the situation, in the evening after such a procedure, be sure to make the following mask: mix equal quantities of peach oil, jojoba and usma.

Now you know, what eyebrow oil is better: one that can solve exactly your problem. From the variety of the proposed cosmetic products wisely choose the means, after which you will look in the mirror with shining eyes, and not with bitter disappointment. It may not be possible to find your miracle elixir right away, but you can’t give up what you started. Did not like the effect after burdock oil - try castor oil. And it did not fit - buy a peach. As a result, you will definitely find the tool that you will regularly use to care for your eyebrows at home.


In the present modern cosmetology industry produces a huge variety of products for the care of cilia and eyebrows, but they tend to differ in high price. Moreover, such drugs should be selected individually, as the composition of some can cause allergic reactions. Natural products, such as burdock oil, do not cause allergic manifestations, they are effective and cannot “boast” a high price.


  • Burdock oil in its composition contains dietary supplements and a huge variety of fortified components. With regular and frequent use, the desired result is achieved very quickly - the look becomes piercing and attractive,
  • The main advantage of a natural remedy is its confident practicality, as well as versatility, it is easy to use it at home, in addition, the price value of the product will please with its economy,
  • Burdock oil is perfectly combined with other essential oils, which means that at home anyone can prepare a nourishing complex for the care of cilia and eyebrows,
  • Ease of use is also a major factor. The product bottle is very small in size, so you can take it with you on long trips and on a visit - and use it if necessary,
  • Regular use of natural remedies guarantees an excellent result. After some time, a woman can be proud of her lush and thick cilia, which will give her confidence in her attractiveness and lift her spirits.

It is important to remember that women who wear contact lenses should use the product as carefully as possible. Before using oil lenses need to be removed, otherwise the natural product will simply spoil them. In case of accidental contact with the eye area of ​​this product, it is necessary to rinse eye mucosa with running water.

As a rule, burdock oil rarely causes allergic reactions. If those appear, the subsequent use of the remedy is contraindicated.

Useful composition

Of course, most of the beneficial properties of burdock oil is the merit of its composition. What is the rich natural product, and what benefits it brings to the cilia and eyebrows?

  • Vitamin A (or retinol) - actively strengthens the entire hair follicle, is a prophylactic forgiveness of loss of cilia,
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - normalizes blood circulation, stimulates cell regeneration,
  • Vitamin PP (niacin) - has an internal healing effect, improves cellular immunity, protects against the negative effects of external harmful factors,
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - eliminates fragility of hairs, gives them a rich tint,
  • Iron - actively saturates the cellular structure of hairs with oxygen, nutrients and actively protects them from vitamin deficiency,
  • Zinc - gives hairs strength, thickness, volume,
  • Manganese - ensures the health of hairs, protects them from the development of any diseases,
  • Oleic acid - moisturizes the hair follicles,
  • Linoleic acid - has anti-inflammatory effect, protects the cilia and eyebrows from external irritants,
  • Palmitic acid - actively strengthens hairs,
  • Stearic acid - restores weakened and thinning hairs, makes them velvety and soft,
  • Ricinovy ​​acid - the natural activator of growth.


The method of application of castor oil is almost identical to the use of burdock oil.

  • The product must be heated to a moderately warm state before use.
  • Before the first use of the tool, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, a small drop of money should be applied to any part of the skin. If no changes are manifested, then the product can be safely used for its intended purpose. Otherwise (the appearance of redness, itching, irritation on the skin) the further use of the natural product is strictly contraindicated,
  • Apply the tool on the cilia and eyebrows, you can use a brush from the mascara. Before starting a therapeutic procedure, it is important to wash off cosmetics from eyelashes and eyebrows. You cannot use castor oil if you have lenses on your eyes, you must remove them before using the product,
  • The duration of the treatment procedure is at least 20 minutes, but for the first use it is recommended to keep the remedy on cilia and eyebrows for no more than 5 minutes,
  • Remove the product from the hairs using a cotton pad or tampon, while carefully rubbing the eyelid area,
  • To obtain the desired effect, you must use castor oil for 4-5 weeks, if treatment is carried out - then the product is applied to the hairs every day.


To determine exactly what kind of natural oil is better for eyelashes and eyebrows is almost impossible, since any tool is selected individually. Burdock oil allows to add thickness and opulence to the cilia, but castor oil actively accelerates hair growth.

See also: All about castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows (video)

What kind of oil do you prefer?Looking forward to your feedback in the comments!

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Thus, burdock oil, due to its unique and rich composition, can be called therapeutic and prophylactic. Natural remedy perfectly copes with various ailments, protects hairs from the negative effects of adverse environmental conditions and nourishes them with health. Regular use of this product will help to achieve an amazing effect - eyelashes will become long and thick, the look will gain clarity, confidence and originality.

Tips to help you choose the best eyebrow and eyelash oil:


The ideal care for rare and brittle cilia is castor oil. What better means - burdock or castor? To answer the question asked, you need to know the advantages and composition of the latter.

How to use burdock oil

In the composition of burdock oil for the growth of eyelashes, there are components such as minerals, proteins and inulins. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the growth and condition of eyelashes. In order to apply burdock oil on them it is better to use a brush from the mascara.

Ideal option to use also a tuba from ink, having poured oil there. Only the tuba needs to be washed thoroughly, rinsed several times and dried so that nothing is left inside. This will make it much more convenient to apply, because in the tube the neck area is slightly narrowed so that when the brush is dipped into the ink, it will not get too much. The same will be with the oil, it will not drip, it will be on the brush just as long as necessary to apply it gently without excess on the eyelashes. You can also use a regular cotton swab, but it is not as comfortable as a brush.

Can use burdock oil for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes separately, or add other components and make masks. Very popular mask of castor and burdock oil. There you can also add vitamin A, bought in liquid capsules at the pharmacy, so that the effect is even stronger. You can also add a little fresh aloe juice to burdock oil. It also gives a very good effect, including antiseptic, which also would not be superfluous. It is worth noting that burdock oil stimulates hair growth, so it is often used to prepare masks for hair.

Reviews on the use of oil

If you study the opinion of those who used burdock oil for the growth of eyelashes, the reviews that leave the Internet overwhelmingly positive. Someone may not notice the effect at all, someone a little bit, but most are pretty. However, it is necessary to make such masks for a long period of time, because for a couple of days, a week or even a month there will be no special effect. Although in a month the first results should already appear, which will be visible to the woman herself and those around her.

Therefore, using burdock oil for hair growth, reviews should be written at least 1-1.5 months of its use, and not after 1-2 procedures.

Castor reviews

Applying castor oil to eyelashes and eyebrows, the majority of women who have used positive reviews and they are quite satisfied with the result. Of course, the effect is not the same as from false eyelashes or extended eyelashes, but it still looks very beautiful, especially since everything is natural and natural. Here are the reviews of those who used castor oil for the growth of eyelashes.

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Which oil helps best?

It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to the question: “Which oil is better for the growth of eyelashes?”, Because both oils are quite effective. Therefore, everything is individual, you need to try, see which oil is more effective, because one likes castor oil more, others burdock, and others do not see the difference. Therefore, to decide how to apply eyelashes with oil for growth, only after personal experience of using each of them.

How to apply oil on eyelashes and eyebrows?

This must be done in the evening, two hours before bedtime. In the morning there will not be so much time, and not everyone can walk with oil on their eyebrows and eyelashes during the day, because you have to go to work and clean up.

After two hours, before bedtime, the remaining oil should be removed with a napkin. In the morning you need to wash, and as usual apply cosmetics, if used.

The benefits of using oils at home to improve the growth and density of eyebrows and eyelashes

  • It is cheap, affordable, simple.
  • The effect of the procedure is permanent, natural. It is not necessary every few weeks, as in the case of the extended eyelashes, to go to the salon, remove them, or glue and peel them off every morning, as is the case with the overhead.
  • It also takes a little time to apply and remove the oil, so it’s also convenient. Even if you don’t really believe that it will help, why not try at least a month to make such masks? After all, there is nothing difficult, and many see the result after 3-4 weeks of use.

Try both oils, and decide what oil helps for the growth of eyelashes for you. After this experiment, you can periodically conduct courses to strengthen your eyelashes, and you will always have a great look, framed by thick and long eyelashes.

How to choose

Of course, it is best to buy such funds in a pharmacy - this will guarantee that you will not purchase a fake.

It is recommended to buy these drugs in a pharmacy

Note. Especially carefully pick up the drug should be those who have a tendency to allergic reactions. To minimize the risk of their manifestation, it is recommended to purchase products that do not contain additives.

Naturally, when buying it is important to check the shelf life - the more fresh the product, the more useful it is.

Remember that each drug requires special storage conditions, which will ensure the safety of its beneficial properties. You will be guided by an instruction in which you will find information about the storage features of the product.

Note that the price of oils is relatively low, and their consumption is small, and therefore even a small tube will last you for a long time.

Council Choose cold-pressed unrefined oils. In them in greater quantities preserved nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

Virtually any oil can benefit your brows.

By the way, it is impossible to say which oil is best for the growth of eyebrows. After all, there are quite a lot of them and each is characterized by its own special properties.

Here is a description of the most effective:

  • castor - used to enhance the growth of all hair (for example, on the head), in addition, it is inexpensive,
  • almond - According to experienced cosmetologists, is almost the best way to quickly restore hair, their nutrition,
  • burdock eyebrow oil - can be considered the main "rival" of the castor, due to its effectiveness, efficiency, availability,
  • flaxseed - contains an incredible amount of beneficial micronutrients, vitamins, which provides a quick regenerative effect and a significant increase in growth,
  • camphor - the main thing to remember is that this essential oil cannot be used in its pure form, but only as an additional element in lotions or compresses,
  • sea ​​buckthorn - not only strengthens the follicles, but also makes the hair elastic.

How to apply oil

Application rules are fairly simple.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in applying oils - our step-by-step instruction will help you to make sure:

  • Before applying the oil, be sure to wash it with clean water, remove any residues of cosmetics, skin fat,
  • apply means you need to be careful that it does not fall on the eyelid and the mucous membrane of the eye,
  • It is best to use a thin brush or a cotton swab for this,
  • do not be too zealous - excessive application of oil will lead to the fact that it still gets into your eyes, and they will react with redness and swelling,
  • for the oil to have a proper effect, it should be lightly rubbed into the eyebrow area, it is also recommended to comb the hairs with a special eyebrow comb,
  • it is necessary to put means twice a day (naturally, if you have such an opportunity, and not at any cost),
  • it is not recommended to keep the oil on the eyebrows for more than two hours,
  • Greater effect oil will produce, if it is applied in a slightly heated form, but not higher than body temperature,
  • heat the oil to a steam bath.

An example of massage movements for rubbing oil

Note. Before using any oil for the first time, it is necessary to test for allergic reactions. To do this, put a few drops on the inner fold of the elbow and wait about half an hour. If there is no irritation, redness or itching, you can safely use the selected oil.

The best use of funds - courses. Each course should consist of at least ten and a maximum of fifteen procedures. Between courses should do a month break.

And if you just want to provide your eyebrows with additional nutrition, then you need to use oils a couple of times a week.

Note. If, after applying the oil, your eyelids are reddened, swelling has appeared, and discharge from the mucous membrane of the eyes has begun to appear, then do not reapply. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a qualified ophthalmologist.

Proven recipes

And a few proven prescription masks and lotions that will help you provide quality care for your eyebrows.

Available recipes for masks and compresses will help boost eyebrow growth.

The most simple recipe:

  • take any oils
  • mix them in equal proportions,
  • apply on eyebrows
  • hold for about half an hour.

The following recipe is also quite simple:

  • take one big spoonful of any vegetable oil,
  • dissolve the capsule "AEvit" in it,
  • add three to four drops of aloe juice,
  • lubricate eyebrow hair with the mixture.

There is also an excellent recipe, involving the use of not only oils, but also medicinal herbs.

So you need:

  • take some butter - peach or almond,
  • add the same amount of herbal decoction (chamomile, cornflower or calendula),
  • mix,
  • use the mixture for compresses - it takes about fifteen minutes to hold the compresses,
  • also the mixture is perfect for eyebrow removal residues of cosmetics and pollutants.

Regular use of oils will give a guaranteed result!

In conclusion

We found out what oil for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows to use, how to apply it correctly.

The choice of these funds is quite large. In addition to the above, we recommend watching the video in this article, and if you still have questions, ask them in the comments. We will be glad to help!

Most women, carefully caring for their hair and skin, completely forget that eyelashes and eyebrows also need care. Moreover, they take it for granted that their eyelashes are not particularly thick and long, and simply mask the problem with mascara.

However, there is a simple, affordable, and at the same time, a very effective means by which eyelashes and eyebrows become beautiful and well-groomed. This tool is an oil for eyelashes and eyebrows.

The main components are vitamins A, E, B, C and F, as well as trace elements (iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, calcium). This complex is considered the best for the growth and strengthening of hairs.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are an excellent "anti-aging" remedy that helps skin and hair cells to prolong their youth,

Antioxidants play the role of defenders. They protect hair from damage. In addition, these are natural preservatives that help the oil not to deteriorate for a long time.

Selection and storage rules

Since vegetable oil is, first and foremost, a healing agent, it is necessary to buy it at the pharmacy. So it will be less likely to buy a surrogate.

If you are allergic, then to reduce the risk of unwanted reactions, try to buy oils to strengthen the eyelashes without additives.

Pay attention to shelf life.

As for storage, each oil requires different conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to study the instruction well and keep it properly so that it does not lose its useful properties ahead of time.

Preference should be given to unrefined oils that are cold pressed.

Before applying the mask on the eyebrows and eyelashes, they must be thoroughly cleaned of cosmetics. In addition, it is best to abandon waterproof cosmetics. It is less washed off and there is a risk that you do not clean the hairs properly.

If you are using a tool for the first time, for starters test for allergies on this tool. Put a little on your hand and wait. At the site of application there should be no itching or irritation.

It is necessary to apply on eyelashes accurately, carefully avoiding hit on a mucous membrane. It is best done using a cotton swab or a brush from the mascara. As for the quantity, it is better to apply a little less. Excessive amounts can get into the eyes, as well as cause redness and swelling on the eyelids.

For the growth of eyebrows oil is used as follows: put a small amount and rubbed with massaging movements. This massage can be supplemented by combing eyebrows in different directions.

Store the prepared eyebrow and eyelash oil in a well-closed container.

To strengthen eyelashes, the prepared remedy is used in the evening, and for eyebrows it is better to repeat the procedure twice a day.

It is not recommended to leave the composition on the eyelashes for more than two hours, only in rare exceptions it is applied overnight.

Most remedies are recommended to be used when heated. For this purpose it is best to use a steam bath.

If during the use of the eyelids reddened and swollen and discharge from the eyes appeared, you should immediately stop using the product and consult a doctor.

Which oil to choose

If you do not know how to choose the oil for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, then here are the most popular and effective ones:

  • Castor or ricin - the most famous assistant of women in the fight for gorgeous eyelashes, especially if the cilia are badly damaged. Cheap, affordable, but effective.
  • Burdock - the main rival of castor. In addition to treating damaged hairs, it also gives them a well-groomed look.
  • Almond - according to cosmetologists, this is the best you can come up with for restoration, nutrition and rapid growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.
  • Olive - returns hairs lost strength and shine
  • Jojoba oil. Although the most popular are almond, burdock and castor oil, jojoba oil has also found many admirers. In this case, lovers of this particular tool note that only it does not cause the sensation of a greasy film and is completely unnoticeable when applied.
  • Flax - is a champion in the content of vitamins, trace elements, polyunsaturated acids, so it is especially recommended for enhanced hair loss of eyebrows and eyelashes. For better effect, you can take it inside.
  • Camphor - this oil for eyebrows and eyelashes is also suitable, but unlike the others, it is essential and not vegetable. Therefore, it can not be used in its pure form. But it is suitable as an additional component for masks and lotions.
  • Sea buckthorn - strengthens the hair follicles and makes the cilia more elastic.
  • Wheat germ oil - has a tonic and rejuvenating effect.
  • Coconut - its main advantage - the normalization of the Ph of skin and hair, as well as the activation of the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen.
  • Usma oil - it is often used for baldness, so it is not surprising that this oil for eyelashes will also be very effective.
  • Grape seed oil is one of the products that are suitable for masks and lotions on eyelashes and eyelids.
  • Apricot - like peach is suitable not only for eyelashes and eyebrows, but also for the skin around them. It has a calming and rejuvenating effect.
  • Walnut is an excellent oil for eyelashes that are prone to heavy loss.
  • Argan - suitable for basic hair care, and as a remedy. In addition, it makes the cilia darker.
  • Tea tree oil - belongs to the essential, which means that to use it must be added to the base oil.
  • Rosehip oil - it can be used in its pure form, and can be added to creams and tonics.
  • Macadamia oil - nourishes with nutrients, gives lashes shine and strength. It is recommended to combine with other vegetable oils.
  • Avocado oil is another very effective eyebrow oil. Well rejuvenates the skin, nourishes and moisturizes the hair.

Recipes for masks and lotions

The easiest recipe for the growth and nutrition of eyelashes and eyebrows is to mix your favorite oils in equal shares and apply on the hairs. If they are suitable for application to the skin, then you can make lotions from the prepared mixture.

A tablespoon of any oil should be mixed with one capsule of vitamin Aevit and a few drops of aloe juice. Depending on the selected oil, use this mixture as masks or simply smear the hairs with them.

The same amount of parsley juice, aloe and oil mix, moisten a tampon, put on the eyes for 20-30 minutes.

Almond, peach or apricot oil mixed with the same amount of decoction of chamomile, cornflower, coltsfoot, sage or calendula. Do 15-minute compresses. The same mixture can be used for washing.

For application to the eyelashes, you can take rum and castor oil in a 1: 1 ratio and apply it every night for 30 minutes. It is necessary to store such mix in hermetically closed container in the dark place.
