Eyebrows and eyelashes

Nuances and problems of building beautiful eyebrows: a master class from a makeup artist


1. "My best friend tweezers"

Most likely, you have spoiled the natural density of eyebrows careless use of tweezers. Perhaps, without him, you looked like Frieda Kahlo, but what's the use if you have two faded threads?

Discard the tweezers while growing. Send him on an exciting journey with a trash can or give a fan of thin arches a la Marlene Dietrich. Or, if there is spontaneous growth where it is indecent (for example, on the nose), pluck out extra hairs in daylight and with the obligatory use of a disinfectant and a soothing cream.

2. "They are independent, let them grow by themselves"

You can recklessly rely only on time, allowing new hairs to grow when Their Majesty wishes. But it is more efficient to use special cosmetics that accelerate the growth of new hairs and improve the structure of "old" ones. These are oil mixtures with the addition of essential oils, or preparations containing hormones. Their price category is wide - everyone chooses a wallet size and personal preferences. But you can save - cheap castor, almond or burdock oil from a pharmacy perfectly cope with their task.

Do not forget about the care "from the inside" - take vitamin complexes that will help your body cope with the task of growing new hairs.

3. “Makeup is not for eyebrows”

To prevent your eyebrows from associating you with clearing with hemp when you grow your eyebrows, learn how to correctly use cosmetics. On the Internet, you can find master classes in “drawing” eyebrows: at your service are pencils, eye shadows, powders, wax, special lipsticks and colored gels.

3. "Salon - it's expensive"

Of course, it is much cheaper to do without the help of a master. But to stop eating is also beneficial in terms of savings. So do not succumb to the absurd desires of greed - it is better to get advice from a competent master once and follow the proposed shape of eyebrows than to suffer all your life with asymmetrical stripes over your beautiful eyes.

4. “Cleansing the brows? Did not hear"

Dirt, cosmetics, sebum accumulate on our skin every day. If during washing you do not touch your eyebrows, then the above-mentioned friends will very quickly clog up the pores and interfere with the growth of new hairs. So gently, in the direction of growth, daily clean the skin around and "under" eyebrows.

5. “Massaging the body, not eyebrows!”

Yes, everything is simple - you increase blood flow to your borders, and those in response begin to receive enhanced nutrition to their onions and grow faster. Buy a soft toothbrush, apply some nourishing oil mixture to the bristles and massage eyebrows in a circular motion for hair growth. 3-4 times a week for 5-10 minutes will be quite enough.

2. Hard, "naughty" eyebrows

Correction of this problem consists in painting the eyebrow hairs with paint and applying styling agents: gel, wax. After dyeing, the natural softening of the hairs occurs and the eyebrows are easily amenable to further decoration. To achieve a clear and beautiful shape - long eyebrow hairs should be carefully trimmed.

3. Finely plucked eyebrows

Correcting a situation is growing out a form, as a rule, it takes from three to six months. We recommend that you massage your eyebrows for 6 months and use Alerana hair growth stimulator. After using Alerana, eyebrows and cilia become thicker, shinier.

4. "Rare" eyebrows or insufficient number of hairs at the beginning or the tip of the eyebrows

Correction of the problem will be in the reconstruction - filling the form eyebrows color. A good persistent (up to 30 days) effect gives the popular henna painting technique. This safe way suits brunettes and blondes. It is worth this pleasant procedure inexpensive. Henna after application can not be washed during the day, and the next day the result will surely please you. Photo source: @ jadeywadey180. We recommend: the current shape of the eyebrows, the "golden rules" of makeup artists.

Master class on eyebrow shape correction.

Master class: eyebrow shape. Tips from Lauren Conrad

The correct eyebrow shape can visually enlarge the eyes and reduce the face.

First of all, you should remember the main rules:

Rule number 1: Do not get carried away with plucking! Too thin eyebrows - it is not beautiful and not fashionable.

Rule number 2: Do not try to shape the eyebrows in the form of tadpoles with thin tails. It's horrible.

Rule number 3: Do not shave your eyebrows and do not use a razor at all when adjusting your eyebrows. If, unfortunately, went to such a crime, then wait until the eyebrows grow back. You can help them with a special serum for hair growth.

So that the shape of the eyebrows is correct and does not distort your face, follow our simple rules.

What is needed for eyebrow correction:
Spooly Brush or brushes for mascara, nail scissors, corner tweezers or hair clippers, eyebrow shadows (dark gray for blondes, brown shades for everyone else), stiff brush for applying shadows, pencil (for aligning corners).

1. Using a Spooly brush or eyelash brush, comb your brows up to prepare for the second step.

2. Manicure scissors trim all excess hairs that rise above your eyebrow shape.

3. Using the angled tweezers, pull out the area above and below the eyebrows, grabbing two hairs at a time.

4. Pull out stubborn and small hairs with sharp movements.

5. To determine where your eyebrows should begin, apply a pencil or makeup brush along one side of the nose. Where the pencil crosses the inner corner of the eye, the eyebrow should start there.

6. To find out the highest point of the arch of the eyebrow, turn the pencil through the iris. The pencil should pass at the beginning of the pupil.

7. Next, turn the pencil to the outer corner of the eye; there the eyebrow should end.

8. Brush apply eye shadows with light movements, as if you were painting individual hairs.


    master class in eyebrows, master class in eyebrow correction, eyebrow correction master class, master class eyebrows, eyebrows master class

Why eyebrows grow poorly?

This is one of the first questions that a woman should ask herself before deciding on further actions. The reasons for poor growth can be several, and in each case should act in different ways.

  1. Chemical staining. Artificial eyebrow pigmentation successfully completes the image, but the structure of the hairs is destroyed. A short break will help to correct the situation, during which damaged areas can recover.
  2. Scrupulous plucking on the same areas will allow you to constantly maintain the shape of the eyebrows. But, on the other hand, the bulb gradually weakens, and the likelihood that the hair no longer grows is very high.
  3. Heredity. How to grow eyebrows, if with a similar problem faced by many relatives? The undisputed factor that is useless to fight. This is one of the options when experts advise you to try a tattoo or use eyebrow pencil.

How to choose a form?

A small correction does not hurt, the question is what should be the form. Before you grow your eyebrows, determine your type of face and calculate the best option for yourself.

An important rule: the bridge of the nose, above the inner corner of the eye, is the widest area, the gradual narrowing of the arc begins only after bending. Stylists advise to focus on the protruding contour of the superciliary arch.

Owners of a round face fit eyebrows with a well-defined, but not too sharp kink. Rounded eyebrows should be avoided. The face is oblong - the lines are horizontal and straight. The nose bridge in this case should be open, a slight rounding is allowed. Those who have a triangular face, should abandon the straight eyebrows. Let them be slightly curved and not very long. If the shape of the face is square, the eyebrows are arched and highly raised, of medium thickness.

Is it possible to grow eyebrows?

Of course. However, a positive result depends on perseverance and regular implementation of all recommendations. If the eyebrow adjustment was performed incorrectly (for various reasons), then it will take time for the hairs to reappear. Those who are interested in the answer to the question of how to grow eyebrows after plucking, we advise you to be patient, because the result will be noticeable after 2.5-6 months of active and constant care. And it is important to eat right, massage, use special cosmetics. You can apply the popular methods of recovery, which also give good results.

Down with the wax and tweezers!

The biggest temptation that you will have to face is the hair that grows and sticks out in all directions, which you want to pull out immediately. You can not do this in any case, especially if you are working painstakingly on how to grow eyebrows. First, with a pair of tweezers you can randomly grab a few hairs. So have patience for a month or two.

However, this does not mean at all that throughout the entire growing period you will look untidy. There are hairbrushes and eyebrow pencils - with their help, you can perform a simple correction: draw a line of eyebrows and shade with your finger.

Forget about waxing eyebrows. Follicles cause irreparable harm when performing this procedure.


Include fatty fish, milk, fresh beef, liver and cottage cheese in your diet, eat carrots, apples and mangoes, generously fill the salads with olive and sunflower oil. In all these products there are vitamins A, B12 and E, without which it is indispensable. Do not want to wait and try to find out how to quickly grow eyebrows? Use extra oil extracts of vitamins A and E, bought in a pharmacy.

An excellent source of protein, which is a powerful stimulator of eyebrow growth, will be cheese, eggs and legumes. It would be great if for some time it is possible to completely eliminate sugary soft drinks and fast food from the diet.

The procedure is performed in the evening, after removing makeup, or in the morning, before applying it.

  1. Light tingling of the skin in the growth area of ​​the eyebrows. Lightly pull the hairs and twist them, but do it carefully. After 3 minutes, a slight redness should appear.
  2. Apply a little oil solution of vitamin A or E to your eyebrows, rub in the extract in a circular motion, moving from the center to the outer edge.
  3. Combing hairs several times a day with a special brush will also increase blood flow to the follicles and will stimulate growth.

Proper make-up removal

During sleep, the body rests and gains strength. Poor makeup removes into the pores, leading to acne and blackheads. In addition, the remnants of decorative chemicals negatively affect the hair follicle, making eyebrows grow even worse.

If you are looking for information on how to grow thick eyebrows, then the best helpers will be two-phase liquids with oil components. They perfectly dissolve makeup, soothe and nourish the skin and follicles.

Brow Growth Cosmetics

Want to learn how to grow eyebrows in a week? To solve the problem will help modern tools developed by leading cosmetologists and doctors.

  • Decorative mascara, stimulating the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. The composition of the product is saturated with moisturizing ingredients and phytohormones. Such cosmetics performs several functions at once: tints eyelashes and eyebrows, gives them a beautiful shape, provides nutrients.
  • Intensive serum. The product consists of vitamins and proteins, is applied overnight, and in the morning it is removed with warm water or a cosmetic moisturizing milk.
  • Hormonal drugs. Highly effective products made from estrogen, cortisol and prednisone. The active liquid is applied to the eyebrows, a special brush that comes in the kit. You should first clear the skin of cosmetics, make sure that the composition does not get into the eyes.

Shave or not shave?

Quite extravagant and extraordinary way of dealing with poorly growing eyebrows. However, this option is not devoid of common sense. The bottom line is that any hair after shaving become tougher and denser. If the eyebrows are badly affected by repeated plucking, then you can try this technique. Only need to use a special razor, which will not remove excess.

This advice will suit those who are interested in how to grow thick eyebrows. Important! Do not shave cover completely. Carefully comb your eyebrows in different directions: so you will see exactly where the "bald" areas are. Only after that cut razor fluff and fine hairs. When applying makeup, these fragments can be drawn in pencil or shadows.

Repeated adjustment after trimming should be done in the cabin of an experienced master. So the form will be restored, and eyebrows will be the subject of real pride.

Departure after tattoo

Make bright eyebrows darker and thinner and wider in two ways. The first is a daily careful application of makeup, drawing and blending of cosmetics. The second way is tattooing. This is a procedure during which a special pigment is injected under the skin. Paint lasts about 3-5 years. It is important to understand that the procedure is trusted only to an experienced specialist, who can be recommended by friends.

However, tattooing is only a visual solution to the problem of eyebrow growth. After the paint goes off, the “bare” areas remain unchanged. How to grow eyebrows after tattoo? Warm compresses are considered effective. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of calendula at the rate of 2 tablespoons of dry herb to 1 liter of water. The mixture is brought to a boil and removed from heat, insist 20 minutes, then filtered. In a warm infusion moisten gauze or cotton pads, then apply for 20 minutes to the eyebrows.

No less effective is almond oil, which is also applied to problem areas.

Eyebrow masks

Regular nutrition of hair of any type (after all, eyebrows also belong to them) allows you to stimulate growth, ensure shine and smoothness. A few simple recipes will help prepare masks at home.

  • Stimulating growth. Quail egg yolk + ½ tsp olive oil + ½ tsp cognac. The mixture is applied to the eyebrows, washed off in half an hour.
  • Nutritious. Mix half a teaspoon of rum (or brandy) and castor oil. The composition is rubbed into the eyebrows, leave for 2 hours. Thanks to this recipe, you can learn how to grow eyebrows quickly at home using simple ingredients.
  • Vitamin Mix egg yolk with mashed garlic clove, add a teaspoon of aloe juice and lemon. The mixture is rubbed into the eyebrows, washed off after 40 minutes.

Ideal for hair growth mask of carrot juice. To get the best effect, add a few drops of olive oil. The mixture is applied on cotton swabs and applied to the eyebrows for 25-30 minutes.

"Hot" tinctures

Do not worry, it's not about exposure to high temperatures.Products such as garlic, onion and red pepper when applied to the skin cause a feeling of discomfort, which is expressed in a burning sensation. It is this effect on the epidermis that you should use if you are interested in how to quickly grow eyebrows. Grate the onion head half a squeeze, squeeze the juice through the gauze and gently apply it to the problem areas. The influence of “hot” infusions is valuable because a natural rush of blood to the follicles occurs, the growth of new hairs is activated and the rest is strengthened.

Also get garlic juice. Tincture of red pepper is sold in a pharmacy. It is important to remember that it is necessary to apply such agents very carefully, trying not to get in eyes. The result is visible after a week of use.

This is one of the most simple and affordable tools. The use of oils is an excellent solution for those who are looking for ways to grow eyebrows and eyelashes at home. Vegetable oils are most suitable castor, linseed, pumpkin olive or burdock. If you use peach, you can achieve a light and beautiful shade of eyebrows and eyelashes. Oils can be mixed together, add a few drops of lemon juice or aromatic essences.

The most popular is this recipe: combine 10 drops of pumpkin and castor oil, add 4 drops of orange ether. The mixture is slightly heated and applied to the eyelashes and eyebrows before you go to sleep. If there is an old bottle from under the carcass with a brush, you can wash it thoroughly and put the product inside. This will allow the mixture to be applied carefully and not waste time on its preparation every evening.

How to grow eyebrows: reviews

Even the best advice can be useless if it is ineffective. That is why the reviews of those who have already used the means for the growth of eyebrows, will be most welcome.

The use of castor oil is considered the most effective way. This tool is available, it is easy to use. If you are interested in how to quickly grow eyebrows, you can mix castor with sea buckthorn and linseed oils, add burdock, peach or almond. The only advice is: if you use oil for the growth of eyelashes, then after castor oil, your eyes may look a little tired. Keep this in mind if you have to go somewhere.

Some use the procedure of shaving thin hairs and consider this method to be effective. True, you need to constantly use a pencil for eyebrows, to obscure empty areas. Saves and tattoo, which allows you to "mask" the unsuccessful eyebrow correction. Thanks to this method it is easy to wait for the hair to grow independently. It is preferable to do a hair tattoo, which allows you to "draw" eyebrows. However, for many who want to find an experienced and good master has become a real test.

Such advice also deserves attention: after washing your hair with shampoo, you can apply a little balm for hair and eyebrows. After the procedure, the hairs lie down better, the look is neat and well-groomed.

Despite a lot of tips and reviews, everyone will have to choose the option that suits him. Only by trial and error can you achieve a good result, and we are always ready to tell you which direction to go and what means to use!

Meet thick eyebrows

The process of growing thick and wide eyebrows begins with 6 simple steps, the daily implementation of which guarantees the desired result.

  • Eyebrows need daily care, but do not forget to thoroughly wash off cosmetics from them. The best makeup remover is olive oil, which strengthens the hair structure and moisturizes the skin.

  • To improve blood flow to the hair roots of the eyebrows allows regular combing.
  • When washing your hair, apply a small amount of conditioner or balm on your eyebrows. This will contribute to their nutrition and hydration.
  • Make a massage, for this buy a special brush for eyebrows, which apply a little almond or burdock oil.

  • Apply eyebrows should be a special pencil. Also, do not pull out only grown hairs.
  • Taking vitamin intended for nails and hair, soon you will replace their improvement.

Daily cleansing at home

One of the most important stages of eyebrow care is cleansing. Do not underestimate the procedure for daily removal of cosmetic products that impede access to the skin for drugs. Effectively remove contamination from the problem area can the usual means for removing makeup from the eyes. The active elements included in the composition, gently affect the structure of the hair and skin, minimizing damage.

The best means for growing eyebrows and eyelashes: burdock oil, serum, Alerana stimulator, gel, solution, nicotinic acid, Ardell and others

On the Internet, published a lot of recommendations on various means for hair growth, starting with the phrase: how I grew my eyebrows. Today, there are many similar tools, while it is not necessary that these tools were intended only for eyebrows, eyelashes and other things.

The principle of action of such drugs is identical, so you can apply them in a new role. The main thing that should be remembered about cosmetics, stimulating dew hair - an aggressive composition. Such drugs can cause both irritation and other more serious side effects.

The main purpose of such formulations is to create brow density and to make brows grow faster. Strengthening blood circulation, the elements that make up the cosmetics, excite the hair follicle, which leads to rapid cell division.

With all the advantages of such measures have several disadvantages:

Therefore, many professionals recommend gradually refuse to use the drug. Today on the shelves you can find many similar tools:

Folk remedies for the beauty of eyebrows

Eyebrow growing resembles a similar process of growing curls and eyelashes. Traditional medicine can also help you with this. Starting care for eyebrows is best with a massage. To begin, gently press with your fingertips on the problem area, then begin to pinch the skin. Such a massage can be carried out in a circular motion, evenly moving from the nose and temples.

Massage is an ideal procedure for improving blood circulation, which will increase the effectiveness of the use of subsequent tools. After the massage, heat the castor oil in a water bath and dip a brush in it. Then apply the composition over the entire surface of the eyebrows gently rubbing into the skin. Using this method, eyebrows grow in about 2 weeks.

Other oils also need to be preheated and then applied to problem areas. For application it is best to use cotton pads, which should be applied to the eyebrows for 10-15 minutes.

Smear eyebrows to quickly grow can be a mask made from milk and figs. To do this, boil the fruit in milk, then either chop the rafts in a blender and apply to the necessary areas, or soak the cotton pads with the milk left over after cooking.

To make your eyebrows shine and neat shape, brew a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile, and wipe problem areas with them. In addition, such a tool will help get rid of allergies and irritation of the skin.

Considered folk remedies will not give intensive growth of hairs, in contrast to professional tools. But the natural products contained in the broths will strengthen the structure and improve the quality of the eyebrows.

Eyebrow correction

Eyebrow correction should be carried out only in good light. At the same time circle the future shape of the eyebrows with a pencil and only after that hold the tweezers. You should also remember that the follicles of hairs in the area of ​​the eyebrows are very sensitive and grow 4 times slower than the curls. Therefore, pluck out hairs that are definitely superfluous.

Proper nutrition - quick results

Some types of food can affect hair growth, therefore, it is recommended to include in the diet as much as possible. If you want to grow beautiful and thick eyebrows, then replace strict diets and fast food with a balanced diet.

You should receive daily the necessary portion of protein, which is contained in fish, meat and cheese. Consuming dairy products, eggs and the liver in the body will not lack Vitamin B. Vitamin A, which is found in dairy products and the liver, is also necessary for normal hair growth.

Proper nutrition is your health.

It is not easy to grow beautiful and healthy eyebrows, but following the advice about everyday care and with proper nutrition, the result will not be long in coming. After that, it remains only to maintain the structure of hairs at the proper level.

Choosing the right shape

The main thing to focus on is to individually decide on the shape of the eyebrows corresponding to a particular type of face. Otherwise, even the most beautiful make-up and perfect appearance will be spoiled, and it will be possible to correct the situation only after a few weeks, and to recreate the desired shape of eyebrows. How to pluck eyebrows at home, depending on the shape of the face?

Oval face

The ideal form that perfectly withstand the experiments with any means of eyebrow shaping. Owners of an oval face can afford arched, curved, horizontal eyebrows, eyebrows "house". It is only necessary to show caution with the shape of the eyebrows, providing for a high lift - it is worth a little overdoing, and unnaturally surprised or angry face expression during the week will be guaranteed.

In an effort to create an ideal look, in addition to the shape of the face, it is important to take into account its distinctive features, which can be correctly emphasized by correcting or correcting eyebrows.

The thickness and thickness of the eyebrows should correspond to the features of the face - thin neat "strings" for owners of refined features and small eyes and thicker and brighter - for girls with a large, sharply contoured face with large expressive eyes,

The eyebrow distance on the nose is determined by the features of the eye fit. Wider - for closely spaced eyes and, accordingly, small otherwise,

The nature of the brow fracture is related to the height of the forehead. Arched and almost flat straight - the only solution for a low forehead, slightly raised in the center, eyebrows with a slight bend are shown to owners of a wide forehead, and at high - all forms are appropriate, except for flat and round dolls.

Preparatory stage

The first step on the way to the perfect eyebrows - the proper organization of the venue for cosmetic procedures and skin treatment.

You should prepare the necessary tools in advance - process tweezers and nail scissors with alcohol-containing lotion, pick up a large comfortable mirror. Nearby place the caring cream for the face, cotton pads, if desired - ice cubes. This will keep attention, concentration and not be distracted by trifles.

It is important to find a well-lit room for eyebrow correction. The light should be bright, but not blinding. Acceptable option - a room with a mirror, framed by lamps on both sides.

Having decided the organizational issues, it is necessary to prepare the skin - remove cosmetics, wash well using the usual cleansing agent. Apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to clean, dry eyebrows, and after 5 minutes, rub the skin with an alcohol lotion. Thus, by softening and disinfecting the skin, you can reduce the risk of irritation or inflammation after the procedure.

The main stage. Eyebrow adjustment

So, the skin and the workplace are prepared, and the shape of the eyebrows corresponding in all respects is selected. In order to pluck eyebrows correctly and beautifully, one should adhere to the “three points” rule - determine the positions of the beginning, bend and end of each eyebrow. Any thin elongated object - a pencil, a ballpoint pen, a brush, a ruler, etc. - will help you find them.

  • In order to determine the place where the eyebrow should begin, a brush is attached to the base of the nose on the corresponding side, combined with the extreme inner point of the eye. The intersection of the brush in this position with the line of growth of the eyebrows will be the “coordinate” of the first, starting point.
  • The end of the eyebrow is found by holding the base of the brush at the wing of the nose, while moving the tip to the outer corner of the eye. All that is behind the point of contact of the brush and eyebrow line in this case, you can safely pull out.
  • And, finally, the third point, responsible for the fracture of the eyebrow - the point where the eyebrow will intersect with the brush, directed from the wing of the nose to the outer edge of the iris.
  • Through the resulting labels draw the desired shape of the eyebrow and start pulling out excess hair.

It would seem - what is difficult in plucking eyebrows? But in fact, it also has its own subtleties, knowledge of which will make the procedure more comfortable, painless, and ultimately will give the desired result.

Rules for successful eyebrow correction

  1. Properly pluck the eyebrows in the shape of the face should be gradually, in a relaxed atmosphere, without being distracted while doing other homework,
  2. The heads of each eyebrow are processed alternately, the tips are further corrected, and the fracture line is then worked out. This will help to pull out eyebrows as symmetrically and accurately as possible,
  3. Tweezers each time should capture only one hair, while being closer to the skin,
  4. The hairs are plucked out only in the direction of their growth, with a sharp, but at the same time soft movement, without jerks,
  5. Slight tensioning of the skin in the area of ​​adjustment will help reduce pain. Another simple and effective way is to “freeze” the treated skin with ice cubes — simply wipe the brow with it before pulling out,
  6. The final touch of a beautiful eyebrow line is the correction of the nose zone. The hairs growing here need to be combed up with a special eyebrow brush, after which you should carefully cut it with nail scissors.

Final stage

After plucking extra hairs, microcanna may remain on the skin. Therefore, to avoid irritation or inflammation of the skin area under the eyebrows, at the end of the procedure it is important to treat it with an alcohol-based disinfecting lotion. Makeup on this day is preferably not applied. Subsequently, you can paint the eyebrows with a pencil or adjust the shadows.

Alternative ways to adjust the shape of the eyebrows

Tweezing with tweezers is a simple, effective and affordable way to give your eyebrows a beautiful shape and maintain their well-groomed appearance for a long time. But there are other methods of home eyebrow correction - faster, but also more painful - tweezing with the help of a nylon thread and waxing. How to pluck eyebrows with these "tools"?

Nylon thread

The advantage of the method is the removal of several hairs at once, which significantly reduces the time for eyebrow care. The hairs are removed from the root, and then grow thinner. The thread is processed mainly on the nose and over the eyelids. The skin should first be steamed out - the pores will open and there will be less painful sensations. The eyebrow is treated with a gel, fixing the required shape and outlining the extra hair. After that, the prepared piece of kapron thread (about 25 cm) is firmly tied in a loop. Next, it is stretched on the fingers of the left and right hands and twisted several times until the formation of a harness in the middle of the loop.

To pluck the eyebrows, you need to learn how to easily move the tourniquet along the center of the loop: for this, the fingers on one hand are extended, the other is narrowed, and vice versa. The twisted part of the thread is applied close to the eyebrow and, moving the curls to the left and right, capture the hairs and dramatically pull them out.

Popular salon procedure is quite feasible to hold on their own. To do this, the skin is thoroughly cleaned from the slightest trace of makeup and shine. Is the wax heated to 50? - the mass should have the appearance of an average thickness of sour cream. Using a wooden spatula, the mass is applied to the hairs in a thin layer. A few seconds later, a slightly seized strip of wax is carefully pressed to firmly adhere hairs to it. Completely stiffened wax by the fast movement break off against growth of hair. The treated area of ​​skin is rubbed with lotion to reduce the risk of inflammation.

Some good video brow tutorials

How to adjust the form:

How to make the eyebrows wide and thick:

How to make a stencil:

How to "fight" with problems:

Eyebrows - a unique feature of the image of each person. They are able to radically change the face, give beauty to the look, reflect the character of a person and the emotions he experiences. Eyebrows invariably attract attention, complementing and revealing the image, so they must be properly plucked and maintained well-groomed neat appearance. Now you know how to pluck the eyebrows at home. Good luck!


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