
Hot scissors haircut: everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask


Many girls and women dream of beautiful well-groomed hair, but often the split ends spoil the picture, which it is impossible to get rid of with the help of ordinary “canned products”. In recent years, a new procedure has come to help combat this problem - hair cutting with the help of a special apparatus called hot scissors. This type of haircut is a great way to make your hair more healthy and beautiful, to forget about exfoliating tips.

When working with ordinary scissors, the natural structure of the hair is often disrupted, which makes them very porous, easily exposed to aggressive effects, which ultimately leads to brittleness, dullness and cut ends. But when carrying out such a salon procedure as cutting with hot scissors, the structure of the hair is not disturbed, as the sections are sealed and the hair becomes docile and smooth. Recently, this procedure is gaining great popularity, as well as shugaring - Persian epilation.

The most interesting thing is that during the procedure, the scissors always remain completely cold, the heat goes directly when it comes into contact with the cut point. The heating temperature of the apparatus is set by the master individually, based on the type and condition and structure of the client’s hair, with this approach you can be completely sure that the hair will not get “burn”. Another undoubted advantage of the “hot scissors” procedure is that the hair is not injured, all the nutrients remain. Hair becomes smooth, obedient, smooth, perfectly keeps its shape during styling, and split ends do not remind of themselves for a long time.

Before resorting to the “hot scissors” procedure, choose a salon and a master. An excellent indicator that the procedure you spend a high quality, is the diagnosis of the condition of the hair before cutting. It can be carried out both visually and with the help of a device that resembles an ordinary ultrasound. Such diagnostics will help to identify the "problem areas" of hair, to determine their type, structure.

Hair cutting with hot scissors, the procedure is not fast, so you should tune in to the fact that in the hairdressing chair will have to spend from 1.5 to 3 hours. Master strand by strand twists hair into thin bundles and gradually processes it with hot scissors, thanks to which it can remove damaged tips as much as possible. After treatment, the hairs are examined strand by strand, and the final shaping is done with the same machine. Then, the master can do the usual styling with a brush and a hairdryer. After such a procedure, many clients note that their hair becomes healthier, gains a living shine, easily stays and keeps its shape longer, and the "fluffiness" disappears. The first time is recommended to carry out the procedure three times with a break of one month, and then it can be limited to one procedure every 4-5 months. In no case can you do a regular scissors between the procedures, as they will remove the sealed ends of the hair, and they will begin to split again.

Do not be afraid to ask the master whether he has been trained to cut hot scissors or self-taught. This is very important, since an incorrect temperature is set up, improper use of the apparatus itself can severely damage the hair and, instead of the desired result, burned hair can be obtained. Therefore, it is not worth saving and cutting with the “hot scissors” device in a usual hairdresser's, such procedures are best done in a well-established salon, where professionals of their work work. If you noticed that the master ineptly and uncertainly works with the device, cannot clearly explain the essence of the procedure to you, begins to tell you what a terrible and neglected condition your hair is, that in addition to a haircut, you also need to buy these superfunds, then boldly refuse procedures at this master.

You should not expect a “miracle” after the first procedure, so that the result is as noticeable as possible, you should spend at least three sessions. And, most importantly, it is necessary to remember that any care likes regularity. Take care of your hair, properly care for them, and they will delight you with their beauty, shine and healthy species for many years.

And we suggest that you leave in the comments your impressions and feedback from hot hair scissors. Here, by the way, is a real video review from a girl who has undergone this procedure:

Hot scissors haircut - what kind of beast is it?

Hot scissors - the idea is very old. According to legend, Cleopatra herself ordered her servants to warm up the scissors on the fire and regularly cut dry tips on her hair. Much later, a Swiss businessman became very interested in this story, and after a series of experiments and developments, the first hairdressing scissors were released.

Today in the market there are a huge number of companies that produce this gadget. The most popular are scissors from JAGUAR. Such a hairdressing tool is far from cheap, so the cost of the procedure in many salons is quite high - high-quality scissors require regular sharpening, which is trusted only by special craftsmen. Fresh sharpening allows you to cut the hair perfectly smooth, which guarantees a longer result.

Hot scissors cutting procedure

The news about haircuts with hot scissors caused a real sensation in the CIS countries. The manufacturer promised a great result after the first procedure. But the price bite, so the girls are still wary of this type of haircut - we all know about unscrupulous masters, what is there. But those who still decided to try this haircut, for the most part were delighted.

According to reviews, hot scissors haircut gives the best result if you carry out its course from 3 to 6 procedures with a frequency of 1-2 months. After that, you only need to maintain the result and cut the tips at least once every six months. The effect persists for many years. But, of course, you need to take into account high-quality home care.

So, how does hot scissors usually cut?

  1. To begin with, many salons offer to perform an ultrasound of hair. On special shots, you and the master will be able to better assess the condition of the ends of the hair before the procedure and determine the required temperature regime of the haircut - from 80 to 150 degrees depending on the thickness of the hair. It will also allow to identify areas of greatest damage, where it will be necessary to work more carefully.
  2. After that, the master discusses the scope of work: the desired length and shape of the future haircut. Note that in fact such a haircut is no different from the classic “cold”, with the only difference that the scissors are connected to the network with the help of a wire.
  3. After registration of the main length, the master conducts a haircut, turning the hair into small flagella. Thanks to the flagella, the dry tips seem to look out of the total length, which makes it possible to cut off all the cut "diseased" hairs. Thus the master handles all the hair of the client.
  4. At the end of the haircut should be the usual salon care and styling.

Usually the procedure takes from 1.5 to 2.5 hours, sometimes it can take longer - it all depends on the condition of the hair. At the end of the entire course, the girls notice that the hair becomes more elastic, strong, thick. There are almost no broken ends along the length of the hair, and if you change the “cold” haircut hot, after a couple of years the girls notice that all the hair becomes the same length, and the number of split ends decreases several times. Magic, is not it?

History of resuscitation of damaged hair. Haircut hot scissors as a necessary measure, which has become a habit.

Good day to all!

I cut my hair with hot scissors for a long time. I do this about once every 3-4 months, depending on the condition of the ends of the hair. But after unsuccessful highlighting, the ends began to split with double force and speed, and in 3 months I lost already 6 cm in length. Truth cut off with ordinary scissors.

However, when a week after the next haircut I saw again the cut ends and the length of the hair to the chest (3 months ago it was below the chest), I decided again on the procedure of cutting hot scissors.

Haircut "hot scissors" for those who want to have a luxurious, shiny, beautiful hair. Innovative technology makes it possible not only to cut the hair when cutting, but also to solder it at the tip. The result is a strong capsule that protects the hair structure. Already after the first use of hot scissors, the appearance of hair changes greatly, they acquire a healthy shine, and the hair looks bulky and smooth, keeps its shape well. Such a haircut is especially useful for long, often painted, bleached hair and strands after a perm.

I first tried hot scissors about 4 years ago, when this fashion trend only appeared in our city. Since then I have cut my hair short, under a square, and updated the shape with a regular haircut.

And I returned to the thermo-cut after childbirth, when I had grown my hair long enough during the pregnancy and began to intentionally grow the length.

Of course, I try to protect the ends of the hair with indelible means, but when they are killed by chemistry only from these agents there is not so much.

Haircut with hot scissors will be useful to everyone, but especially it is shown if:

1. Your hair is exposed to chemicals: hair dye, curlers, decolorizers

2. Your hair has lost its shine and smoothness.

3. Your hair is prone to brittleness and cross-section.

In general, if your hair is damaged, then cutting with hot scissors will help you.

By the way, I was cut with scissors heated for a temperature of 150 degrees, but if your hair is thin, then a professional will not raise the temperature above 80 degrees.

And now I will tell you how the hot hair scissors procedure takes place.

In our city, the cost of a haircut is 610 rubles.

1. Washing hair. I admit honestly, having come for the first time to cut with hot scissors, I absolutely childishly was sure that they would cut only on dry hair. Therefore, as a decent person, she washed her hair and dried it at home. However, having asked me about whether I came with a clean head, and when I heard a positive answer, the hairdresser began to generously wet my hair with water from a spray bottle. Later I was too lazy to wash my hair and I always did it at the hairdresser.

2. Directly haircut. You will not see anything new for yourself, only you will hear a characteristic hiss, when you will cut wet hair with hot scissors. In my case, the haircut itself lasted 15 minutes, since I always just trimmed the tips, that is, I just did an even cut.

3. Drying hair.The hair was dried as usual, slightly pulled to get a flat cloth. In conclusion, the hairdresser always applies hair wax or an indelible agent.

As you can see, there is nothing special or unexpected in cutting with hot scissors, except for the characteristic hiss, as well as a result that pleases.

3 weeks have passed since the last haircut, and the tips of my hair continue to make me happy.

Of course, unfortunately the streaked hair breaks off along the length and begins to split, but it only needs to wait patiently for healthy hair to grow.

And the tips themselves are smooth, not split.

If the condition of the hair and will continue to be the same, then the next haircut will do in August.

I certainly recommend the procedure. Personally, she herself is unlikely to give up on her.

Here are some more of my reviews on the topic of hair:

What is hot scissors haircut

For the first time haircut hot scissors was carried out in Germany in 2003. Wizards used a tool that looks like a classic scissors, but is additionally equipped with wires that connect to the mains. This mechanism allows you to heat the metal plates of the device.

As a result of this procedure, the hair looks more well-groomed, easy to style and simply amaze others with its attractiveness. Now this technique offers the majority of beauty salons.

The essence and technology of the procedure

Hot scissors cutting procedure is a lot like a classic haircut. First of all, the master moisturizes the client's hair and gives them the desired length and shape. After drying, the strands are separated, and then they are twisted with a tight braid. This allows the hairdresser to see all the whipped tips and eliminate them with hot scissors.

By performing the same procedure with ordinary scissors, you can also remove the puncture, but the appliance allows you to “solder” each hair, thereby rounding off its end. After this, the tips become dense, which visually causes the effect of three-dimensional hairstyle.

Indications for the procedure

Make a haircut with hot scissors, of course, you can any woman, regardless of the length of the curls. But it is not always necessary for owners of short hairstyles - their hair, as a rule, is cut at the ends / they do a ragged edge, and therefore the problem of incision in these women is absent, and the effect will be simply invisible.

See how hot hair scissors looks before and after better with long hair. In this case, the effect will be obvious after the first use - the puncture will disappear, and the hairstyle as a whole will look more neat. In addition, the curls will luxuriously shimmer.

Women who often use all kinds of stylers (hair dryers, curling irons, ironing), as well as dye their hair, this procedure will definitely benefit. She will allow to change a hairdress and many times to facilitate care of her.

What awaits you in a beauty salon?

Before the start, specialists carefully diagnose hair using a special apparatus, the principle of which is similar to ultrasound. This allows you to see on the screen the structure of the follicles and on the basis of this to choose the appropriate temperature.

After that, the barber twists the strands and removes the whipped hairs that bristle. It usually takes from 30 minutes to several hours - it all depends on the state of the customer’s locks. At the end, the master adjusts the overall shape and performs the styling.

  • Very simple and beautiful hair styling at home will look no worse than the salon, if done correctly.
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Thermal scissors operate on the principle of a soldering iron, which smoothes ruffled scales and solders the cut of each hair.

To explain hot scissors principle, it is necessary to remind about the causes of hair damage. To do this, consider healthy hair under a microscope and see that it consists of a thick rod covered with scales, like tiled masonry. It is this coating that maintains an optimal moisture balance inside each hair, and a kind of capsule into which the tip of the hair is sealed protects it from adverse effects. However, under the influence of various external factors (regular hair-dressing with a hair dryer, prolonged exposure to the sun, discoloration, dyeing, chemical perm), the surface hair flakes begin to bristle. As a result, the hair loses moisture, becoming dry, brittle, dull, with split ends.

Oddly enough, a regular haircut does not improve the problem of torn, split tips, but on the contrary, it can aggravate it. The fact is that not all scissors have an ideal cutting surface, which leads to even more injury to the hair scales. In addition, the cut point is deprived of a protective capsule, due to which the tips of the hair soon turn into disheveled brushes.

But, what is not subject to the usual haircut, it is easy to carry out hot, because thermal scissors act on the principle of a soldering iron, which smoothes the ruffled scales and solders the cut of each hair. As a result, moisture, vitamins, amino acids remain inside the hair shaft, nourishing and strengthening it along the entire length. Hair becomes more shiny, elastic, voluminous, and the hairstyle keeps its shape perfectly.

Hot Scissors Haircut: Secrets of Excellence

As a rule, hot scissors are used as a therapeutic tool for healing hair. In this case, the hairdresser begins to work normally, giving the hair a certain shape and length. When the haircut is completed, the master divides the hair into strands, each of which twists into flagella. It is in this form that all the uneven and split ends are in sight. It is here that the hot scissors, which cut damaged hair along the entire length, are trimmed and “sealed” the ends of the hair, are included in the process.

But this does not end the possibility of hot scissors. Recently, hot scissors have become one of the main tools for stylists, because they allow you to create a lot of amazing model haircuts and at the same time cure hair.

In addition, hot haircut is often complemented by medical salon procedures. Special masks, balms and lamination (hair protection) increase the effect of cutting with hot scissors twice.

Hot Hair Care Products

  • Nourishing care and active thermal protection for dry and unruly hair Kerastase Nutritive Nectar Thermique
  • Lamination of hair "Manicure for hair" MoltoBene Color Acid
  • Means for lamination hair Paul Mitchell INK Works
  • Serum for soldering split ends L'Oreal Professionnel Absolut Repair Cellular Serum
  • Treatment for loose hair and ends Kerastase Ciment Anti-Usure
  • Serum filler hair fibers for very damaged hair L'Oreal Professionnel Fiber Pharmaceutical Hair Filling Serum for very damaged hair

How often can hair be cut with hot scissors?

Since a hot haircut is absolutely harmless, and vice versa - it is useful for hair, it can be used regularly, especially since a stable therapeutic effect can be achieved only after 2-3 procedures. It is also worth noting that a return to the usual haircut can lead to the appearance of old problems - dryness, dull hair, split ends.

The cost of hot haircuts

Hot scissors prices depend on the amount of work (tip processing, model haircut or bang correction) and hair length.

  • Model haircut with hot scissors - 150 - 400 UAH
  • Haircut hot hair scissors - 140 - 200 UAH
  • Bang bang with hot scissors - 55 - 70 UAH

Hot haircut usually takes 1-3 hours.

Hot haircut: past and present

Cutting hair with the help of hot tools (or rather, blades heated on fire) was first guessed by the Egyptians during the reign of the great Cleopatra, but to revive the old method fell to the share of a Swiss entrepreneur. In 2003 German company Jaguar has released a revolutionary model of safe hot scissors, which literally made a splash in modern hairdressing salons. The uniqueness of thermal scissors was that they could treat the hair directly during the haircut.

Nowadays, hot scissors resemble the traditional tool of barbers, if you do not take into account the thermal pads on the blades, wire, plug and minicomputer, which allows you to select the desired mode to maintain the optimum surface temperature of the cutting element, depending on the type and condition of the hair.

Hair: restoring and strengthening hair, splitting hair
Tags: Services
Author: Irina Z.

What you need to know about cutting hot scissors?

It is known for certain that the whipped hair tends to quickly lose moisture and useful substances, and therefore does not look alive, remotely resembling straw. Cutting the tips with hot scissors does not just solder each follicle, but also protects hair from brittleness and section.

Many experts are debating whether cutting with hot scissors has disadvantages and disadvantages. In fact, this procedure affects only the tip, and therefore is incapable of harming the whole hairstyle. Many clients note that after completing the course the structure of the hair improves noticeably - they become silky and pleasant to the touch.

We carry out with the purpose of recovery

Many professionals are convinced that cutting with hot scissors is a panacea for hair problems. In practice, the result is not always noticeable after the first session. Often, girls need to go through the procedure 4-5 times in order to see the desired effect.

Trust your hairstyle is necessary exclusively for professionals - only they are able to do everything carefully, correctly select the temperature mode and achieve the maximum effect, cutting off the minimum number of centimeters.

Disposable haircut does not make much sense. It is necessary to undergo the procedure with a complex every three to four months. Already after the second session, the cross-cut will disappear completely, it becomes possible due to a significant increase in pressure in the structure of the hair follicle.

Necessary equipment

In addition to the master's manual dexterity, the equipment itself can affect the effect. Specialists working in large salons use high-quality tools that can not only do harm, but also improve the condition of the hair. Such devices include high-quality devices manufactured by the German brand Jaguar.

Hot haircut: the pros, cons, features of the procedure

Haircut hot scissors at home is possible, but not recommended. The thing is, the effect of the procedure will be noticeable only if it is performed by an experienced professional. It is impossible to carefully solder all the tips on your own - you will definitely miss something. In addition, there is a risk to set the device to the wrong mode.

Haircut hot scissors has the advantages:

  • As a result of the procedure, the porous ends are sealed, and therefore the curls remain beautiful longer
  • Allows you to eliminate the split ends and save hair length
  • In the future, curls become less susceptible to various damage.

The disadvantages of this method include only the fact that much depends on the skills of the master. Improper use of the instrument can seriously damage the follicles.

What will be the result of a haircut?

Many women are unpleasantly surprised to find out how much a haircut costs with hot scissors. The procedure is really not cheap. But all financial costs will certainly pay off due to the obvious positive result.

With regular use of a hot appliance, your hair will no longer be brittle and split. In addition, you will notice a rapid increase in the intensity of hair growth. Externally, the hair will find a "lively" and healthy look, will gently go to bed when combing, styling and creating hairstyles.

You can not doubt a positive result, which will not keep you waiting long. To achieve the most noticeable effect, you can perform the biolamination procedure, which also has a positive effect on the state of the curls, and supplement it with a hot haircut. In this case, you take care of each hair from root to tip.

After the hot scissors, you can safely use hair dryers, stylers and chemical products (paint or curling) - this does not affect the appearance of the hairstyle.

  • The color palette of hair colors is very diverse and will cause anyone to get lost.
  • If you decide to solve the problem with excess hair on the body, find out about the possible dangers of the procedure here.

Hot Hair Cutting Secrets

If you are in the cabin for the first time, be especially careful. For example, a good professional will cut the tips slowly and carefully.

In addition, a qualified hairdresser will never ask you to shape your hair with ordinary scissors after the procedure - in this case, the soldered ends will be lost and the procedure will be in vain. In the case of model hairstyles, you can offer a hot razor that can give an unusual shape and volume to the hairstyle.

The effect, in most cases, becomes obvious after the first session, but this does not mean that the hair has become healthy. For their rehabilitation you need at least three visits to the hairdresser. The reason for this is the uneven growth of hair and the difference in their length.

Hot scissors haircut: hair benefits

After the first haircut with hot scissors, the effect is noticeable: hair is not long enough splitting. Thanks to this procedure, the cut of each hair is sealed, the cut is smooth, due to this moisture and beneficial substances such as proteins, amino acids, vitamins are retained inside the hair shaft, strengthen it, while stimulating hair self-regeneration. In addition, cutting with hot scissors for 2 months protects the hair from external factors.

After the procedure, the hair becomes shiny, become strong and elastic, so the new hairstyle keeps its shape longer.

In order to consolidate the therapeutic effect, the procedure must be repeated at least 2-3 times. Hairdressers ensure that after 2-3 haircuts, you will get rid of the problem of split ends.

After 4-5 haircuts, the effect will exceed all expectations: hair will be twice thicker than they were before. The fact is that after treating the hair with hot scissors, the thickness of the hair from root to tip will be the same, because internal pressure inside the hair will increase.

What to expect from cutting hot scissors?

  • Repeating the procedure regularly makes the hair even thicker.and they will stop falling out.
    Very often, hot scissors haircut is used both for prevention and for the treatment of weak or long hair, which is often split. Short hair after this procedure easier to style, and if you apply the procedure regularly - grow better.
  • This procedure is very useful for treating weak hair. directly after perm or dyeing. This will allow to treat the hair and cut the ends dried in the process of dyeing or curling.
  • During normal haircuts, hair tips are also updated, However, the hair section remains open, while the scales are split, leaving the hair defenseless against the influence of environmental factors - styling tools, chemicals, salts, gases that are contained in air and water. Over time, the hair becomes more dull and brittle.

How is hot scissors being cut?

The shearing itself is done with hot scissors, the blades of which are heated to a certain temperature. In appearance, they look like ordinary scissors, but the metal is hidden under a plastic frame. During the cutting, the temperature of the blades is constantly maintained by the master at the right level, selected according to the type of hair. So, if the hair is weakened as a result of numerous stains, perm, or the hair itself is thin, the temperature is not too high, while when working with thick or curly hair it is slightly higher.

In addition to the “hot scissors” in the salon, you can be offered “hot razors” designed to create a creative haircut. The therapeutic effect of the use of a “hot razor” is similar to “hot scissors”.

The “tool” in the hands of an experienced master allows him to make various modern haircuts, which can be done with ordinary scissors. And the specialist can do the work, both on wet hair and on dry. Properly done haircut does not melt and does not glue the hair.

Before you do a haircut, an experienced master should assign you a computerized hair diagnosis. On the monitor screen you will see the internal structure of your hair, on the basis of which the master can get reliable, complete information about the condition of the hair.

How long does a hot scissors cut

Prepare for the procedure to take a long time. Hair lengths just below the shoulders will take at least an hour and a half. Twisting the hair into flagella, the hairdresser cuts the hairs sticking out of the side. After this, carefully inspecting the strand, cut off the unshortened split ends. Then, giving the hair “hot scissors” shape, the master will make styling.

Despite the fact that the master seemed to cut a lot of hair, their length will change slightly (unless you ask the hairdresser, of course).

You will certainly appreciate the benefits of cutting "hot scissors"!

How often should I do a haircut with hot scissors?

Experts advise to repeat the haircut 3 times with a period of one month. Then a haircut once every four months will suffice.

Here are some important rules for professionally performed hot scissors:

  1. The length of the haircut should not be less than an hour. Splicing split ends is a painstaking job that takes enough time.
  2. Proper haircut technology necessarily involves twisting the hair into bundles and then trimming the ends.
  3. The main haircut should also be done with hot scissors. A true professional will not offer to shape your hair with ordinary scissors. Then the whole procedure can go down the drain, because the hot scissors sealed during the haircut will simply be clipped with ordinary scissors. To shape the hair master can use a special hot razor.
  4. Haircut hot scissors should a true professional, which has a wealth of experience with the work of iron scissors, otherwise, a little overheating of the device, the hair can be spoiled.
  5. The first developer and manufacturer of hot scissors was the German company Jaguar. The products of this company are of the highest quality. Therefore, it is preferable for the master to work with hot scissors from this manufacturer.

Haircut "hot scissors" - This is a modern progressive way to preserve and even improve the appearance of your hair.


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