
25 hairstyles to help get rid of the autumn blues


  1. Drink plenty of water. This habit is useful for any season, but in the fall it is necessary to remind about it again. Many people notice that with the onset of cold, they are no longer so comfortable to drink 8 glasses of water as in the summer heat. It seems that the body is not so actively thirsty, so most of us reduce the amount of water intake per day. Subsequently, this decision leads to a water imbalance, and then to a deterioration of the emotional state in general. Therefore, do not reduce the amount of drinking water with the onset of the cold season, just try to drink warmer water than before.

Engage in physical activity, especially in the fresh air. Run, walk with the dog, or take a rake and remove the leaves from the yard.

Cover the bed daily to avoid the temptation to spend it all day. Fight autumn drowsiness as a sworn enemy. You can afford a short nap during the day, but only under the control of an alarm clock. Clean up the room. If you are overtaken by the autumn depression, then the feeling of a completed useful business will help you see the bright side of this day.

  • Think about your hobby and you will look forward to the time you can only give yourself. Hobbies are a matter in which you can notice progress every day, even when it comes to the speed of collecting puzzle puzzles. Remember that you loved to do in childhood, there are a million things that might interest you again. For example, I finally printed my family photos and made interesting collages of them to decorate the walls in my room. When it’s raining and winding outside, it's time to remember things that don't make much sense for everyone but you.
  • Encourage yourself. Every morning, looking in the bathroom mirror, say that you love and be proud of yourself at least 10 times. Suppose it looks strange from the outside, but very soon you will begin to notice positive changes in your own self-esteem.
  • Do not remember the mistakes of the past. No one will succeed if he constantly thinks about how he screwed up in the past.
  • Connect with positive and happy people.. Our environment affects us more than we imagine, so avoid people who make you feel bad about them.
  • Make compliments to strangers. Look at the barista who makes your coffee every day and thank him. It's not about flirting, the main thing is just to say something pleasant and sincere. Let your words make someone happy just for a moment, but this in turn will make you happy.
  • Keep moving. Depression loves inaction and self-pity. Do something to get out of this vicious cycle of self-digging.
    • 6 ways to quickly raise your spirits.
    • Tips of a psychologist how to learn to enjoy life.
    • 5 clever techniques how to overcome laziness in yourself.

    How to get rid of the autumn blues

    Depression and bad mood are an integral part of each person’s life. We all have periods. When you want to drop everything and go somewhere or not see anyone as long as possible. In the autumn it escalates.

    In the autumn, most people experience either a barely noticeable or strong depression. But almost everyone has it. It always happens when we leave a place that we really like or are used to. We just get used to the summer, but we need to be able to go further. I want to change my life, but there is no power for anything — these are the most common problems of the fall for a huge number of people around the world.

    The psychology of change

    Changes always make us a little sad. Perhaps this is fear, because we do not know what will happen next. It is possible that this is a simple sadness, similar to sadness before leaving the place to which he was used. It often happens that you are visiting or on vacation. But you do not want to leave or leave home for a long time. Here the same principle of psychological attachment operates.

    In fact, you should just say to yourself that everything new is for the better, because this is the main evidence that we are moving forward, not backward. After all, we can't change anything. Waiting for you another new emotions, so do not fall into depression.

    September and autumn are a particular problem for schoolchildren and students. Yes, study is difficult, but try to console yourself with the fact that there is simply no alternative. A change of scenery is something that should happen anyway. All summer life will not last, so the end of the holidays or holidays - this is normal.

    What to do in the fall to fight off depression

    There are many things to do in the fall. This is a magical time, which also requires a special return from you, a special approach. Autumn spleen leaves after you start making plans for the future. Start thinking about the New Year, about the unusual winter mood.

    Here are great ways to overcome depression:

    develop new good habits for yourself. It is possible that, for example, sport will become a good helper in the fight against apathy. In the fall, the heat subsides, so starting a cycle of exercises is easier than in summer, when things are a little different,

    find new entertainment. Read a book, watch movies, meet old friends. This is a time of nostalgia and dreams,

    go to bed on time. The biological clock fails, so you need to find the right time to start sleeping and lifting. It gets dark early in the evening, so it seems like it's time to go to bed earlier. Because of this, fatigue rises and depressive thoughts come. Lie down early to get up early for a couple of hours,

    dress more often in bright clothes. Color therapy is a powerful tool to increase energy and improve mood. This is especially felt in the fall. Wear more red, blue, orange and yellow. These colors in different degrees and in different ways help people prolong their vigor,

    listen to more fun music. In the modern world you can listen to music everywhere. Turn on music and music players on your phones and iPods, which invigorates and encourages happiness

    eat right No alcohol is not an option, although the smaller it is, the better. Sitting with a nice man over a glass of wine is good, but do not abuse. Eat normal food, not fatty foods from fast-food restaurants. Cholesterol and other bad substances have a negative effect on health, developing or causing a bad mood.

    In the autumn it is better to do less digging and introspection. Do not think about the past - think about the future. Your best mate is yourself. Only your thoughts can provoke you to the positive.

    There are a few things that need to be thrown out of your life. Autumn is a staging post that requires purification of consciousness. This is the time of garbage collection from the head, from the house, from their life. Excess ballast is constantly accumulating, imperceptibly forcing us to work hard. You need to live free and easy. Autumn will teach you this if you really want a pleasant change. Good luck and more positive, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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    1. Find pluses in the autumn

    Do not take autumn negatively, this season also has its advantages:

    • The summer heat is no longer debilitating.
    • If you have children, schoolchildren, then they finally learn, at home it has become quieter and cleaner.
    • If you have a vegetable garden - the harvest has already been gathered, the conservation is closed, you can safely rest or do something interesting.

    2. Collect the gifts of autumn

    Day after day it is raining, you will not walk down the street and you will not sit in the park like in the summer. But do not be sad, spend the autumn with benefit - collect the gifts of autumn. Do not sit on the weekend at home, the blues overcomes those who are bored and complain about bad weather. Dress the children warmer and the whole family go to the forest for mushrooms. Children will have plenty of fun, running through the woods, and you will get a lot of positive emotions from the fresh air and forest nature.

    If a long trip to the nearest plans is not included, you can take a walk with the children in the park, gather up beautiful leaves, twigs and houses together to do ikebana.

    4. Achieve Result

    How often we set goals: to lose weight by 5 kg, stop smoking, start running in the morning, do fitness. But their implementation is constantly postponed until later or until next Monday. The desire to start is frightening, but inaction, which means weakness, oppresses even more. Do not back down, start right now, go to the mirror and tell your reflection: "- I am strong, I can." And you will experience an incomparable thrill when you achieve your goal.

    5. Find an occupation

    It gets dark early in the autumn, and rainy weather limits the walks - it doesn't matter, find something for yourself. Any kind of needlework is a fascinating process that cheers you up. Do not leave time for sadness, bind your husband socks or poles with children from salt dough. You can draw ideas from the Internet - you write in the hand-made search engine and get dozens of ideas with pictures and video tutorials, just choose.

    6. Become more beautiful

    Well, what is so much uplifting us women? - this is a feeling of our beauty when everyone is admired around and compliments are made. Now in the days of gray autumn, you definitely need to get this invigorating energy of admiration. Look at yourself in a skeptical mirror and think what can be changed in appearance for the better? - A new hairstyle, a different hair color, lipstick is brighter, you may need to pamper your face with rejuvenating masks or throw off a few kilograms.

    7. Pay attention to intimate life.

    Do not let the dark tones of autumn in a relationship with your loved one. Your sex life should always be bright. Make a difference more often, be creative in an intimate life. Take the initiative - give him a wonderful prelude, make an unforgettable massage or surprise with a role-playing game and your beloved will answer you with the same care and love.

    1. Be energetic

    Be energetic, and there will be no time left for the blues. In addition, scientists say that any type of physical activity contributes to the development of the hormone endorphin, which improves mood.

    Autumn is a great time to ride a bike, walk on foot, collect a herbarium. If the countryside has beautiful landscapes, do not sit at home! There is no sweltering heat, the autumn wind quietly caresses you with its fresh warmth - what weather can further contribute to a long stay in nature?

    Dilute bike rides and just walking around the house, do exercises in the morning. Or maybe you can even start running in the morning? Movement is the best prevention of blues.

    2. Arrange a photoset in nature

    11 tips from the autumn blues

    Soft sunshine, crimson and golden leaves - is it possible to come up with the best landscapes for beautiful photography? Come up with cozy images with fluffy scarves and soft sweaters, and boldly negotiate with the photographer. You will have a great time and get great pictures that will prove to you forever that autumn is never boring. And if you arrange a shoot with your friends or a loved one, then give them a good mood also to them!

    3. Get creative

    In the fall, for some reason, creative abilities wake up. Apparently, the calm that this time gives reveals our hidden talents. You have no idea how much you can do in this beautiful season! Decorate the house in the autumn theme, make a herbarium, buy autumn flowers in pots, paint the porch or your floor in the house, attend a drawing workshop, photograph the nature, your family. You will still have time to regret that autumn is so short!

    4. Bake goodies

    11 tips from the autumn blues

    Sitting at home and mope is not for us. Open a cookbook or search the web for new recipes. Baked apples, aromatic pastries - such a field for experiments! All this can be beautifully decorated and treated to friends who came to wait out the rain in your home. Aromas of pies improve mood and help you relive even the grayest autumn. Just do not forget to count calories so that those extra pounds will not make you upset in spring.

    7. Arrange gatherings

    If the sun and golden leaves were replaced by a gray sky and bare trees, then it's time to gather friends: cook mulled wine, invent new recipes of fragrant cinnamon buns, watch your favorite movies and while away the rainy evenings under one blanket with your beloved. As an option: arrange weekly themed evenings with different board games - you can't even imagine how many there are! Once you get carried away, and even in the summer you will not be pulled out of the house!

    8. Go to group classes

    11 tips from the autumn blues

    Usually the cooling "pushes" all people under the roof, so we can safely say that autumn unites people. Is spring the best period for dating? Pair dances, yoga classes, various seminars, a group of acting skills - all this will not only lift your spirits, but also give you a lot of new and interesting acquaintances.

    9. Get organized in the wardrobe

    Perform a revision in the cabinets: boldly throw away what you haven’t liked for a long time, alter, cut - create! Autumn is a great time to experiment with style. Jackets, jackets, scarves, colorful dresses - combine things in the most unexpected ways, and you may well come up with a bright stylish bow! And then arrange shopping - and get a couple of new, autumn-like bright and stylish gizmos.

    10. Make yourself happy days

    Was the autumn gray and joyless? Then arrange a holiday home color! Give each day of the week your shade - and live the day in accordance with it. For example, Tuesday may be green: you change bedding to green, buy houseplants, decorate food with greenery, put on a green dress, turn on the sounds of the forest at home. Interestingly, what color will be more like your home?

    Physical exercise

    Scientists have long proved: physical exertion is beneficial not only for our body, but also for the spirit. Even the great thinkers of antiquity Plato and Aristotle discovered that it’s better to think about walking, at this time the brain can solve the most complex problems that arise during the day. The pupils of their schools were even called repathetic, that is, walking. So instead of rushing into public transport at rush hour, put on a cap, put the player in your ears - and go! After such promenades, in a month you will forget about your failures and begin to think more positively. By the way, walks develop observation also: walking on foot, each time you notice more and more details around you. Well, for those who for some reason do not like to walk, there are treadmills in the gym.


    The beneficial properties of essential oils are also known for a long time. The first incense appeared in ancient India and Egypt and was stored in special vessels with a long narrow neck. According to their purpose, they are divided into soothing and invigorating. With depression help sandalwood, lavender oil, patchouli oil, cinnamon oil, ylang-ylang oil, jasmine oil. Also lemon balm, lavender, cedar, cardamom, orange oil and spruce oil are famous for their tonic properties, in addition, they relieve from nervous overstrain. Essential oils can be added while taking a bath (3-5 drops), applied to acupuncture points (wrists, temples, behind the ears and on the back of the knees), or poured into an aroma lamp.

    We are what we eat, says a famous proverb. And indeed it is.It is necessary to treat the nutrition scrupulously, carefully choosing products. According to many nutritionists, it is best to eat food that grows in their native lands and correspond to the season. In the autumn, you need to follow a diet rich in antioxidants - eat more grains, vegetables, fruits, limit the consumption of meat and sweets. And if you want to lose weight a little by the New Year, now is the time to start, so as not to test your body with severe restrictions on the eve of the most magical days of the year.

    Do something new

    Autumn is a great time for discovery! In the fall, trees shed their leaves, and the human soul and dwelling also need renewal. Do what you have long dreamed of: start learning to draw or play a musical instrument, sign up for language courses, finally get rid of old clothes that have long been in the closet without work! You will feel your soul immediately feel better.

    Fall in love!

    Much has been written and said about the benefits of this feeling: we all already know about the huge amount of endorphins secreted by the body of a man in love, which have a positive effect on our mood. Love is the best remedy for depression. You can fall in love not only with the person you like, but also again into your own husband, friend, autumnal foliage painted in red and yellow shades, and life in general! After all, feelings are one of the most beautiful gifts to humanity. So love and be happy!

    9. Surround yourself with positive and energetic people.

    Of course, sometimes it begins to seem that such people do not exist on our planet, but this is not at all the case. Try to find yourself some interesting hobbies that you can do with other people (for example, rock climbing, theater club, etc.). If you are not a fan of gatherings, the Internet will help you - on Facebook and VK there are a lot of groups and communities that unite people who are aimed at positive thinking.

    10. Go to the movies, listen to interesting audio books or visit the spa. In short, do something awesome!

    Instead of unleashing procrastination, do something that goes beyond your daily routine. If your friends do not want to keep you company, well, write a post on Facebook asking, attract one of your old acquaintances or make friends with other moms in kindergarten. It is not necessary to always rely on the same people. Besides, this is a great opportunity to make new friends.

    11. Engage in volunteering

    Helping others not only helps to distract from their problems, but also incredibly uplifting. If you do not have the opportunity to do a large-scale project, then do some small good deeds: compliment a colleague, bake pies for the neighbors, or just smile at the sad passerby.

    12. Dream

    Imagine that you are in some tropical country, lying on the beach and sipping your favorite cocktail. You can even use Google Maps to take a virtual walk through the back streets of the globe! If this is too much for you, start preparing for the next holidays. Perhaps one of your relatives will soon have a birthday, and you are striving to choose a great gift for him? Or maybe you adore Halloween and can't wait to have a pumpkin lantern cut out already? Whatever it is - start preparing right now!

    14. Add fun colors

    Of course, autumn is rightfully considered the most colorful at times - it is at this time of the year that you can walk along wide alleys covered with a layer of golden, orange and red leaves. However, not every autumn day is painted with bright colors, most days are cold, dull and gray. So dilute such moments by adding bright colors to your image - use red lipstick or buy a colorful scarf.


    Good article, all the methods tested by themselves - help! I also suffered from depression before, but I began to walk more in the open air, often with friends to go to cafes, tryptophan for the calm formula, helps with depression, was more creative and depression began to retreat, now there are no problems at all, I live and enjoy life.

    Autumn spleen, symptoms

    Under the autumn depression understand not a mental illness (as with depression in general), and a temporary blues associated with changes in weather. Therefore, if, with the arrival of autumn, your mood and appetite decrease, the pleasure of doing your favorite things disappears and fatigue increases, then check whether there are other symptoms on the basis of which you can talk about the “autumn” diagnosis:

    • apathy, unwillingness to engage in vigorous activity,
    • lack of desire to communicate,
    • causeless melancholy,
    • irritability (unreasonable outbursts of anger) and / or resentment,
    • anxiety, restless anxiety - when you cannot “find a place for yourself”
    • fussiness, difficulty in bringing things to the end, reduced concentration,
    • fatigue that does not go away even after resting, a broken state persists even after sleeping,
    • trouble falling asleep, insomnia or restless night's sleep,
    • increased sleepiness during the day
    • problems with appetite: either its absence, or, conversely, gain,
    • muscle cramps, frequent headaches and pains of other parts of the body for no apparent reason, impaired digestion.

    Symptoms of autumn depression can last for about three months, usually the autumn passes - the spleen ends.

    If the above symptoms are present regardless of the season, it means that you may have depression that is independent of the season and the situation is more serious, this problem should be solved with the help of doctors.

    In order to know everything about the “enemy”, I’ll focus on where the depression and blues come from.

    Autumn spleen causes

    The reasons, by the way, are very real, scientifically based.

    1. In the fall, magnetic storms happen more often than at other times of the year, the jumps in atmospheric pressure are constant, and there is a big difference between day and night temperatures.
    2. Reduced daylight and overcast weather lead to a decrease in the amount of the hormone of joy - serotonin, and its shortage may occur not only with insufficient production, but also with excessive activity of the serotonin carrier protein, which also increases with decreasing day length.
    3. The psychological aspect influences, autumn completes the annual cycle, and we usually like to sum up at the end of something, and since not all the plans were fulfilled, unpleasant or tragic events occurred, a feeling of worthlessness, lack of realization, powerlessness may occur.
    4. Failure to comply with the daily regimen, poor-quality sleep, unhealthy diet are supplemented by excessive demands of others, “debris” at work (most serious reports fall at this time), which leads to overstrain, fatigue and depressed mood.
    5. Experts believe that the causes peculiar to the autumn-winter depression are in the human body itself, that is, an inherited predisposition plays an important role.

    It should be noted that autumn depression in women is more common, since hormonal changes increase the chances of the onset of a depressive disorder.

    Autumn depression how to get rid

    Pay attention to the degree of symptoms, if depression is so strong that it prevents you from living, coping with affairs and communicating, then you need the help of a doctor who will pick up adequate doses of antiperspirants.

    If the manifestations are not so strong, then let's try to handle it ourselves.

    1. More light

    Since one of the main causes of the fall depression is the lack of light, “catch” the sun whenever possible.

    At night, turn on the light wherever you are and at the same time it should be as bright as possible.

    To feel good, the lighting in the 18-meter room should be at least 250 watts.

    Give preference to halogen or fluorescent lamps, their light is similar to daylight and can "deceive" the organism, suffering from a lack of sun.

    If you know for sure that autumn and depression are synonyms for you, try to find an opportunity to go there for a while where there is no dampness or slush.

    2. Start the day right

    If, on the day off, it is still an hour after getting up in bed, and after breakfast you lie down on the sofa with a book, then “I don't want anything” will haunt you for the rest of the day. Therefore, to address the issue of "how not to succumb to the autumn blues":

    15 minutes of morning exercise before the open window is the perfect start to the day,

    • Listen to classical music

    It fixes the nervous system.

    In depressions, it is best to listen to: Tchaikovsky's symphony No. 6, Beethoven's Egmont overture, Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 of Liszt, and also Shostakovich’s works.

    Universal antidepressant - works of Mozart.

    During the night, the body temperature drops a little, in the morning you want heat and it is better to take a shower not cold, but closer to hot - it will “bring you back to life” faster. You can finish the water treatments with a contrast shower if you can ... 😉

    Choose shower gels with invigorating aromas - lemon, orange, geranium.

    3. Proper nutrition

    In the morning, pressure on many people drops, so coffee and a cigarette are the worst option imaginable)))

    But the best - the notorious oatmeal, in which instead of sugar added honey or fruit.

    If your figure does not depend on the calorie content of food, eat a rich sandwich with butter and cheese, pancakes with sour cream, nuts for breakfast. Of the drinks best toning green tea.

    Eat more greens, vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits are especially good - they strengthen the nervous system and, at the same time, immunity.

    And, most importantly, include in the diet those foods that contain the amino acid tryptophan, it eliminates the lack of serotonin (the hormone of joy) and melatonin (the sleep hormone):

    • chocolate,
    • cheese,
    • nuts,
    • fruits and vegetables of bright colors,
    • bananas
    • a fish,
    • sea ​​kale

    8. Love the water

    I will not repeat that I will not drink the required amount of clean water, and everyone knows that. We are talking about visiting the pool, bath (if there are no contraindications) and taking warm baths with oils or infusions of relaxing herbs in the evenings - St. John's wort, yarrow, wormwood, oregano.

    10. Support the nervous system with amino acids.

    If you need more effective methods in the nearest of the articles I will write about a complex of amino acids that can be taken without a doctor's prescription and which, personally, helps me a lot to cope with mood fluctuations.

    I'd like to think that with the help of these tips you will cope with all the problems, and the question of the autumn blues, how to deal with it, will bother you much less.

    And when your autumn mood comes in order, listen to the song “Autumn sadness” by Michel Legrand, the saxophone is simply magnificent here, and the sadness is dreamy and promising that everything will be fine))


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