Building up

Diamond hair extensions Diamond Hair: understand the secret of the method


The master, using special adhesives, connects native hair and donor strands just above the root. The composition of the substance consists of small diamond particles, which strengthens the hair and improves its structure.

Donor strands are attached using a special apparatus. In the place of attachment is a microcapsule, which is almost invisible. In order to fix the adhesive substance, it is treated with heat at 120 C.

The process takes place in several stages:

  • Curls straighten with ironing.
  • The entire area of ​​hair is divided into zones, depending on the location of the parting and bangs.
  • The working area in turn is divided into rows.
  • The specialist must retreat from the roots of 1 cm. Then, a preheated microcapsule is attached to each individual strand.
  • Each strand is treated with an iron.

What to choose strands?

The material must be of high quality. If donor hair is made from cheap material, then in their natural environment they will become confused. There may be problems with combing, in addition, they can damage the native strands.

Take a closer look at how to correctly choose hair for building on the video below:

Who is the Diamond Hair method for?

The technique is suitable for all types of hair, curls with this should be healthy and strong. The build-up is carried out at any length, even short (from 5 cm).

The procedure should be abandoned if you have:

  1. Dry and brittle hair. Natural curls should keep donor strands and at the same time not lose their natural color. Therefore, for weak strands, this technique is not suitable.
  2. Sick hair. As is well known, a disease manifests itself (in most cases) in external symptoms. If native strands begin to suddenly change color or fall out - it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, and any build-up is contraindicated.

In the photo below you can evaluate the result of diamond hair extensions:


The method is contraindicated for those who have the following features:

  • short length, which should be at least 5 cm. (if the length of the curls will be less, the capsule cannot be fixed on them),
  • if the client has weak or thin hair,
  • in the presence of certain diseases, in particular frequent headaches, dizziness, skin sensitivity in this area and vascular dystonia,
  • pregnancy, hormonal imbalance.

Pros and cons of the method

The technique, like the others, has its advantages and disadvantages.

  • compared to other procedures, the material is held very tightly,
  • the extension procedure lasts no more than 3 hours,
  • do not require careful care
  • safety for native hair,
  • attachment place unnoticed
  • can be worn long without adjustment
  • high cost
  • not suitable for high hair,
  • in windy weather there may be problems
  • the correction process takes a very long time

Peculiarities of care

The procedure is pleasant because it does not require thorough care. But some recommendations should be followed:

To keep your hair constantly confused, they should be:

  • before bedtime braid in the tail or braid,
  • Never wash your hair against their natural growth,
  • All balms, shampoos and conditioners must be thoroughly rinsed,
  • before going to bed, the head should be dry.

To prevent hair from becoming brittle, the following actions should be performed:

  • using devices such as an iron, curling iron or hair dryer, to avoid hot surfaces on the donor strands,
  • All procedures for coloring, highlighting or curling should be carried out with the master.

The use of different shampoos and balms will not affect the microcapsule, if you follow all the recommendations voiced. Just remember that the main role is played by your natural hair. Consequently,

The curls infused with this technique will last for 5 to 6 months. But even thanks to such a reliable method, the hair needs correction.

Corrections after the diamond build-up are made as soon as the strands grow, and the microcapsules are very noticeable. Most often this occurs 2 to 3 months after the procedure.

The correction consists of several stages:

  1. Increased strands are removed. For this, a remuver and heated tweezers are used (no more than 3 mm.). Under the action of heat, the capsule becomes soft and the strands are removed.
  2. Cleansing. Natural hair washed, combed. If necessary, trim them. Donor strands are also treated to connect them with the capsule.
  3. Rebuildingin which use the same strands. The procedure is exactly the same as for the first build.

Curls are removed using three millimeter heated tweezers and a remuver. But to carry out this procedure alone is not recommended. Otherwise, in case of careless movement there is a risk of damaging your own curls. Ask for a service from a professional.

Donor curls are removed in the following situations:

  • if the bulk material has been damaged,
  • sudden pregnancy
  • for correction,
  • when it detects a disease that affects the condition of the hair,
  • in violation of hormonal levels.

The procedure is expensive. Each stage has its own pricing policy, the master requires accuracy and a high level of professionalism.

The cost is influenced by the following factors:

  • the number of donor strands
  • length of attached curls,
  • "Qualification" of the institution
  • level of skill specialist.

The cost of services is composed depending on the above factors in the range of 8000 - 40000 p.

Useful video

Detailed visually familiarize yourself with the capsule technology of hair extension can be on the video below:

Diamond hair extensions are a unique method. It is characterized by the fact that any woman can let go of the long strands in just 3 hours. Moreover, in high-quality salons use only natural ingredients. Unlike other methods, it is suitable for almost all types of hair and does not affect the natural strands. But, on one condition - you should use the services of a specialist only!

Principle and features

Diamond hair from English literally translated as "diamond hair". This technology was named because of the addition of diamond microparticles to the adhesive composition. In addition to simple technical use, precious particles strengthen the hair follicles, as well as improve their structure.

In addition to the main positive features, Diamond Hair developers have provided additional bonuses. Namely, Special additives in the glue solution make it possible to visit saunas, swimming pools, tanning beds and baths without risk to the hair, which is impossible when using other techniques.

Diamond capacity refers to a number of procedures carried out in a hot way. Small capsules, 1–2 mm in size, are attached to the donor strand with a special refractory glue. Such a small size of the microcapsules allows you to give your hair a natural and well-groomed appearance. Also do not forget about the extra bonus in the form 5-6 fold increase in the volume of hair.

Many girls have prejudices regarding the use of hot glue. We can calm down. The thermal effect on the hair does not exceed the threshold of 120 C. This temperature is no more dangerous than a curling iron or iron (t 180 C).

Attention! The technology allows you to increase the curls to 100 cm.

The process itself takes not much time. The average master needs 3-4 hours The duration of the procedure depends on the length of your own hair and the number of added strands.

Issue price

The cost of Diamond Hair extensions varies from 15 to 36 thousand rubles. around the country. Such a large price range caused by the difference in the territorial, professional and material base.

Professional mark-up depends on the category of master and the prestige of the beauty salon itself, and the material - on the hair and equipment used.

How is the

Training. The extension is carried out only on healthy and clean hair. You need to wash your hair with shampoo. After, you should thoroughly rinse and dry the curls.

The choice of donor hair and length. The final result depends on the quality of donor hair. Cheap, not only will create the effect of "confused straw", so also can curl the native curls. Therefore, before you give consent is not a procedure, it is necessary to make sure that the material is sound.


  1. Straightening clean and dry hair with a flat iron.
  2. The division into zones - occipital, temporal part, allocate the place of parting and bangs.
  3. The division of the working area into rows.
  4. Retreating 1 cm from the roots, the specialist attaches the donor strand to the natural one, using a pre-heated microcapsule. The action is repeated until the entire work area is worked out.
  5. For fixing it is necessary to process the hair mass with an iron or curling iron.

How much is holding up

Building up performed using all technological rules and quality materials will delight you for 5-6 months.

Unfortunately, even Diamond Hair needs correction. However, its need will appear no sooner than hair grows and attachment points become noticeable. On average, this need appears somewhere in 2-3 months.

Important! Do not remove the capsules by yourself! Such an operation involves the use of special formulations and equipment, the presence of which excludes damage to the hair.

The order of the correction operation consists of several stages:

  1. Removal of the increased curls. To do this, using a remuvir and 3 mm burning tweezers, the microcapsule softens to a soft state. Once it has become loose, strand can be pulled out.
  2. Cleansing. Natural strands must be thoroughly washed, combed. If necessary - tint, cut. Donor curls also need treatment - cleaning the base and forming a new capsule.
  3. Return the removed curls in place.

Hair care

No matter how painted that diamond buildup unpretentious care, still have to follow some rules.

To prevent tangling:

  • Braid hair at night in a braid or tail.
  • Do not wash your hair against growth.
  • Thoroughly rinse all detergent preparations.
  • Do not go to bed with a wet head.

To prevent breakage:

  • Using a hair dryer, curling iron to avoid donor hair.
  • Carry out coloring, highlighting and perm only in the cabin.

Useful videos

How to make hair extensions.

Hair extensions on thermal sleeves.

Technology features

The technology makes it possible not only to increase the hair for a long time, but also to strengthen the hair with diamond particles, prevent their loss and damage to the structure. Due to the strength of the diamond particles, the diameter of each capsule does not exceed 1-2 mm, the capsules are practically imperceptible and invisible, which allows to increase the volume of hair five times.

Micro-stretching and correct tensioning of each strand maintains the hair structure, which allows maintaining the hairstyle for more than three months in its original form. Tangling your hair in the process of socks is excluded!

Hair fastening technique

The professional composition is applied with a special device and connects your own hair with the “donor” strand. The temperature of the apparatus is about 120 degrees, which does not damage the hair (for comparison, the temperature of the styling tongs or ironing is from 180 degrees). Hair extension by this method is quick and practical.

The main advantages of diamond hair extensions

The diamond-style technique can build up hair for a long time, strengthen it with therapeutic particles, protect it from falling out and eliminate damage.

Diamond particles have high strength, the capsules after building are practically invisible and small in size, while the volume of the hairstyle increases several times.

A practical technique of micro-stretching and the correct connection of each curl maintains the structure of the strands, which makes it possible to have a haircut in its original form for almost 4 months. What is characteristic of this method is that there are no tangles and hair loss.

How does the diamond hair extension procedure?

In advance of preparing a medical composition for capacity, which the master deals with a special apparatus. His job is in the exact combination of artificial and natural curls. The device operates in a temperature mode of 120 degrees, while the whole process takes place in a sparing manner.

If you use a hair straightener or styling tongs, the temperature regime of both devices reaches 180 degrees. You can be sure that the build-up by this method proceeds without any problems.

Positive aspects of diamond buildup

  • This method of building a positive effect on the entire structure of natural hair.
  • The technology of this extension will not harm the appearance of the hair.
  • Places of natural and donor hair are almost identical.
  • The appearance of the hair becomes flawless and healthy.
  • For work as donor hair, only curls of the Slavic type are used.
  • In the process of building more than 100-300 strands are used to give hair volume and length.
  • The length of the extension is made in the delivery version and is allowed up to a maximum of 45 centimeters.
  • As for the price, it depends on the required length, the number of strands needed and on the desired image.

Diamond technology Diamond Hair hair extensions will enable each owner to feel like a queen who is worthy to wear real diamonds on her curls.

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How to dye hair with henna at home?

Every woman wants to change the color of her curls (especially with gray strands), without causing harm to them, but it is very difficult to do. One of the few ways out of this situation is henna for hair - a natural and natural substance. And everything would be fine, but occasionally there is information that there is more harm than good in it. Is it really?
Henna not only gives your hair a new rich tint, but also - when used properly - positively affects their structure.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of henna were discovered long ago: the beauties of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece painted and tinted their chic curls with it. The use of this natural pigment for hair is in its miraculous composition:

  • reddish yellow lavson is a dye that gives hair a red color, it is distinguished by antifungal and antibacterial action, makes the strands strong, soft, thick and lush, and also eliminates dandruff, effective when dyeing gray hair,
  • resinous substances restore the cells, make the curls light and airy,
  • polysaccharides are air conditioning, actively moisturize the skin of the head and prevent dry and brittle hair,
  • organic acids regulate the strands' greasiness, normalize the activity of the glands of the scalp,
  • vitamin C has a rejuvenating effect on the scalp,
  • vitamin K accelerates growth,
  • essential oils have a therapeutic effect.

There can be no doubt that henna for curls is a wonderful natural dye that can not only change color, but also provide them with maximum care.
But then where are these persistent rumors about the dangers of henna after dyeing?
When choosing a material for coloring, pay special attention to the quality and freshness of the powder.

learn more ...

  1. Use of poor-quality means. This pigment is completely incompatible with other substances, so any synthetic additives in its composition will spoil the hair. This also applies to colorless henna.
  2. Mistaken with color: henna gives different results depending on the original color of the strands. Sometimes the shade is too red, very bright. To obtain the desired shade you need to add various additional natural ingredients (lemon juice or coffee, for example). An excellent result is obtained by mixing henna with basma. In this case, recipes must be respected exactly.
  3. Frequent use: henna hair dyeing can be done every 2 months. It is better to alternate the procedure with plain and colorless henna.

If there is no experience in henna hair dyeing, it is better to contact a professional in this case. And then it will be possible to repeat the procedure at home, evaluating the result.
With the help of henna, you can get not only orange-red, but also more “noble” shades

Shade selection

One of the indisputable advantages of henna is getting the most different, bright, natural shades. To get the desired color range, you need to start from natural hair color, choosing suitable recipes from the available ingredients, mixing henna with lemon, coffee, basma, etc.

Apply henna to hair without additives. In order to turn a red color brighter, you can dilute it with lemon juice (1 teaspoon).

This shade will turn out in blond hair. It is necessary to add turmeric to henna, chamomile decoction (pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water), saffron tincture (pour a teaspoon of grass with a glass of boiling water), weak coffee or rhubarb (chop and boil on the fire for at least half an hour).

For henna, black tea, ground cloves, strong coffee, a few drops of iodine or mixed with basma (1 part basma into 3 parts henna) are added to henna to obtain chestnut or chocolate hues.

To make the strands cast in bronze, dissolve the henna with Basma in a 2: 1 ratio.

Bright and rich, brilliant blue-black color can be obtained by mixing coffee (a teaspoon) with basma and henna in a different proportion - already 2: 1.

Want to get the right shade? Then try, experiment, be patient and enjoy the results. Do not forget not only to dye, but also to treat the hair with the same colorless henna, which perfectly strengthens them.

Coloring Instructions

There are certain rules for how to dye henna hair effectively and safely.

  1. It is recommended to trim the tips before staining.
  2. After coloring it turns out rather bright shade, which will be very difficult to repaint. So do not forget to test the prepared tool on a separate strand. On the other hand, it is ideal for masking gray curls.
  3. Henna powder pour boiling water (if the hair is shoulder length, expect to spend about 45 grams of funds). The mixture, if the henna quality, should acquire after dilution with water red color. To add shine to curls, it is recommended to add table vinegar (a tablespoon) or lemon juice (a teaspoon) to the paint. To make the strands easy to comb after the procedure, a raw egg should be broken into a cold mixture, which will become nourishment for the scalp. For dry and brittle hair, it is recommended to add sour kefir (a tablespoon), olive oil (the same amount) or coffee (a teaspoon) to henna. And then you can add ingredients to get the desired shade. Careful with Basma: in combination with henna, it sometimes gives the most unexpected shades.
  4. Masks with colorless henna are prepared and applied in the same way.
  5. Apply the mixture to clean, slightly damp, thoroughly combed hair.
  6. Apply warm prepared henna to hair partings distributed in advance: the distance between them should be about a centimeter. Try to paint over evenly hair and roots. Cover the head with a plastic cap or a plastic bag, and then cover with a warm towel.
  7. Choose your own coloring time depending on how saturated, bright, lively color you want to get. If you need a bright color on dark hair, hold henna for at least 50–60 minutes. If you dream of a light shade with light or gray strands, hold the paint for only 20-30 minutes.
  8. Rinse off with water and vinegar (tablespoon per liter). It is necessary to rinse locks until the water flowing from them is clear and transparent.
  9. Within 3-4 days after dyeing, do not use shampoo: you need to fix the result.

If you do not have enough determination to paint with this tool, get coloring shampoos with the content of this unique natural dye. Even better, start with colorless henna, which strengthens the hair, makes it incredibly shiny, but does not give any shade.

Now you know what this dye is. Learn to use it - and the problem of dullness and lifelessness of dyed hair will disappear by itself. Do not forget that every woman is unique, so that such painting and its result will depend on her personality too. Not only compliance with the rules and the recipe allows you to get the desired shade, but also the color type of appearance, the original hair color. Think over all these nuances before painting. And then your curls will shine with incredibly beautiful modulations that henna will give them.


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