
Fashionable highlights 2018


To refresh a female image, to give it style and showiness, it is not necessary to dye your hair in bright, catchy tones. Highlighting the hair will cope with the task as "excellent", plus will allow to preserve the natural beauty and strength of the curls. The variety of types of partial coloring helps to transform each, whether your hair is long or short, whether you are blonde or brunette. But what about fashion? What techniques meet fashion trends highlighting in 2018, you will learn more.

Fashion trends highlighting in 2018

For highlighting the hair, which is performed by masters in the framework of current fashion trends of this year, characterized by some features:

  • first, close attention to the selection of color variations - only natural, natural colors and their variable shades are in fashion,
  • secondly, the main purpose of the hair dyeing process using the highlighting technique is to emphasize the natural attractiveness of the curls. Unlike the previous fashion, in which the highlighting was intended to make the hair brighter and more prominent, today, against the background of the base hair color, streaked strands should play the role of only light shading elements.

Features of California highlighting in the framework of key trends in 2018

This year, all hairdressers unanimously assigned the status of a fashion trend to California rationalization of strands. California highlighting is a line of American highlighting of strands. This technique owes its name to the same name of the American state.

What is quite remarkable is that this technique has a completely natural, natural origin - color metamorphosis on the hair of Californian girls occurred due to a long stay on the sunny beaches of California.

As a result, strands began to play under the rays of the sun with the most incredible beauty in their overflows. At the same time, the updated palette of shades does not go beyond the edge of the colors of the natural palette. Today, in order to transform your hair in such a way, there is no need to look for meetings with the sunshine of California, because at the moment Californian highlighting technique is included in the price list of services of any beauty salon.

In accordance with the most fashionable trend of 2018 - the maintenance and improvement of exclusively natural images of femininity and beauty, Californian highlighting enjoys unprecedented success among fashionistas and everyone who intends to make an easy update to their own image.

The color stretching in Californian highlighting is striking in its beauty - a gradual and even transition from dark roots to light ends looks as natural as possible, which hairdressers stylists in 2018 require from modern women of fashion.

The fashionable palette for Californian hair dye includes pastel, beige, nutty, honey, wheat and golden shades, which additionally gives the hair the effect of greater volume and refreshes the whole image.

California highlighting is based on the use of a rather new coloring technique for curls - without using a special foil or caps - an exclusively open interaction of the coloring composition with oxygen

Fashion accent of 2018 - Venetian hair highlighting

In 2018, the Venetian highlighting also completely turned into the plane of the cult of natural beauty, and now this fashionable trend in highlighting implies a change of randomly selected strands only 2-3 tones lighter than the base hair color. Moreover, these tones can be quite close to each other.

The main idea of ​​Venetian highlighting is to distribute individual strands of lighter shades throughout the hair, which in their beauty resemble a slight discoloration from the sun's rays.

In accordance with the name of this technique, it can be assumed that this subtype of hair highlighting came to us from Italian women, who purposefully spent a long time in the sun to get bright highlights on the hair. As is known, among the Italians there are mainly brunettes, therefore this technique is mainly intended for owners of dark strands.

It is on the hair of brunettes or brown-haired Venetian highlighting that creates the most impressive contrasting colors in its originality and attractiveness. The very same clarification of the curls was already in demand in the Middle Ages, when golden and other blond shades were in fashion.

Venetian highlighting technology resembles the process of “stretching” colors along the entire length of the colored strand - the master with careless movements transfers the coloring composition to the strands without observing any system or symmetry. Repeat this highlight at home is very difficult.

The main difference between the two fashion trends in 2018 - Venetian and Californian highlighting can be called the very purpose of these hair coloring techniques. If the Venetian highlighting is focused on dark-haired women, then the Californian highlighting is designed to work with light shades of hair.

This year, the current palette for working with the technique of Venetian highlighting barbers - colorists color range from rich shades of cognac color to light shades of gold. This is an ideal option for highlighting long hair, which can become a real “canvas” for creating an author's masterpiece from a master - artist.

Today, the barbershop colorist is suited to the use of highlighting techniques from the perspective of combining the original color of curls with a simulated palette of future shades. Therefore, the fashion trends of highlighting in 2018 are best considered separately for the category of light brown, black, red, dark hair and hair of blond shades.

Current trends of highlighting on light brown hair in 2018

A trendy mainstream in highlighting blond hair in 2018 was the zonal repainting of strands using the technique of classical highlighting, and the strands must be very thin in order to maximally merge into a single color composition with natural hair color. From this year, the most famous and state-of-the-art beauty salons began to orient their clients to the most gentle and delicate techniques of highlighting curls, with minimal harm to the health of the hair structure.

Highlighting on blond hair will be the most trendy using the color of platinum blond, various shades of ash and gray. In 2018, the masters of hairdressing offer several fashionable techniques that are perfectly adapted to light brown hair:

1. Shatush on light brown hair - this year completely excludes any bright and “screaming” colors - only soft, calm shades and nothing superfluous. This technique is so versatile that it can be performed on both straight curls and hair with curly structure. Using a special brush for hair coloring, the master gradually draws smooth transitions of light to dark shades on the hair.

2. California highlights on light brown hair - the perfect imitation of burned out strands under the scorching sun. Your hair seems to come alive and sparkle with bright light and new energy. Performing such highlighting for short hair and medium-length hair, you can get perfect images - this technique is very versatile.

3. Bronding - this highlighting technique is performed without foil and completely depends on the skill level of the barber. In brondirovanii assumed a combination of two colors blond and brown. With light shades of hair, it is best to perform brondirovanie with gold, ash, coffee, chocolate, pearl and beige flowers, the choice of which will depend primarily on the natural color type of the girl.

Owners of blond curls can be offered in 2018 to refresh the image with the help of such brondirovannyh subspecies, zonal, brondirovanie with the effect of ombra and the classic technique of brond.

4. Reverse highlighting - within the trends of 2018, this highlighting also significantly reduced the color range of shades, within which modern masters work. In the choice of color, shading individual fine strands of hair, the determining factor is the natural hair color, beyond which the master will not go.

By resorting to reverse highlighting on light brown hair, you can gradually move away from the frequent highlighting, which has already emerged from the number of current trends and return to the original hair color

Fresh highlights on dark hair in 2018

Highlighting dark hair with the advent of 2018 involves the selection of certain techniques from a number of both classical and innovative dyeing trends.

The classical method of highlighting continues to be in the trend of the new year. The main requirement is the selection of extremely thin strands, which are initially lightened, and then tinted in the desired color. Beige shades of colors, mother-of-pearl, pearl tones, light golden and other natural tones are considered favorites today.

Also, modern stylists propose to modify their image to dark-haired ladies with the help of American, Venetian highlighting, as well as techniques of balayazh, ombre, brondirovaniya and coloring.

Fresh highlights on black hair 2018

Now the most fashionable colors for highlighting black hair are those colors that will add volume and deep play of colors to hair. In addition, highlighting the dark and black hair, a woman gets an excellent opportunity to hide gray hair.

To part with the usual way burning brunette with black hair, you can use the following techniques of highlighting:

  • Venetian highlighting - the process of lightening, starting from the ends of the hair and gradually rising to the base color of the hair near the root zone,
  • classical highlighting - it can be highlighting on medium hair, hair of short and long length. The classical technique is most adapted to the most diverse characteristics of the exterior,
  • balayazh - on black hair looks very impressive and stylish due to the difference in the color design of the tips of the hair and the hair at the roots,
  • brondirovanie - allows you to make changes in appearance without significant and obvious changes in hair color - the palette used belongs to fairly natural and calm colors. The most fashionable color in such highlights is the color of chestnut, chocolate and coffee,
  • The veil highlighting technique is an absolutely harmless and sparing type of dyeing the ends of hair with the help of special wax, which gives a beautiful lightening effect and refreshes the entire image.

Fresh highlights for blond hair

For blond shades, 2018 prepared a separate line of the most relevant and fashionable highlighting techniques, some of which allow you to create spectacular depth and relief on the curls, and some simply make the image more harmonious and elegant. Consider how stylists are advised to highlight light strands in the coming year:

  • Classic highlighting technique - blonde hair repainted in new colors that are one or more tones lighter than the initial color of the hair. Such highlighting is performed on foil and involves working with individual strands along their entire length,
  • highlighting blond hair with strands of darker shades is ideal for anyone who wants to stand out from the crowd. The only disadvantage of highlighting light hair with dark shades is the relative fragility of such an update, as the master uses only ammonia-free dye compounds, which delicately affect the hair structure without damaging them from the inside.
  • highlighting majicontrast or reverse highlighting - is mainly used to level the effect of unsuccessful experiments with previous highlighting. In this case, the hair is visually divided into two zones - dark near the end of the curls and light at the roots,
  • Bombing with the ombre effect - a gradual change of dark color from the roots of the head to the tips of the hair of light shades. To darken certain areas of hair, palette, chocolate and coffee shades are most often used to create the smoothest color change.
  • ashy highlighting - it gives an effect that is just unusual and mysterious in its beauty. This year this category of highlighting on light hair is again in trend. Ashy shades are evenly distributed on separate strands and give an extraordinary gradient.

Highlighting on red hair 2018

The beauty of red hair once again inspired stylists for updated and spectacular feminine images. Despite its originality, red hair over time undergoes a process of losing the original brightness, that is, slowly grow dull. It is in such a situation that highlighting of red hair will help the most to recreate the natural depth and brightness of the color, to emphasize the new color edges. Highlight red hair in 2018 can be a few techniques:

  • this can be done with the help of small and frequent highlighting of cream, chocolate and pastel shades,
  • bright highlighting - brings in the image of freshness and novelty with the help of paints the color of wheat and gold - for women with a warm color type. For a dark color type, it is recommended to combine the red color with light brown and ash tints,
  • dark highlighting - creating compositions of red shades with a coffee, chestnut and chocolate palette. Such a variety of colors will ideally fit into the image of dark and dark-eyed girls,
  • red highlighting on red hair is a special option for modeling a bright and attractive image. The palette for selection is based on brandy colors, as well as on various variations of burgundy and red.


This fashionable highlighting of 2018 is characterized by tiny highlights, which the master places along the entire length of the hair. This coloring is also called the “kiss of the sun”, as it creates an imitation of curls that have accidentally faded into the sun. As a rule, for this effect, it is enough to use 2-3 close shades in honey, wheat or coffee color. Best highlights babylights looks on light brown or brown hair.

Thread staining

The latest trend from which everyone is delighted is the thread lightening of the hair. In this case, only a few thin strands are selected for coloring. As a result, you get a new look and kisses of the sun on your hair, while your curls practically do not suffer from the negative effects of dye. Thread staining looks very natural and gentle, as if a few strands faded slightly in the sun during a walk along the sea coast.

Classic highlighting

To make fashionable highlights of 2018, it is not necessary to resort to the most modern techniques. Classic highlighting remains at the peak of popularity, and its feature in staining strands right from the roots.However, they can be narrow or wide, clear or smooth - you choose! If you wish, the master can toned the roots so that you can not see where the colored strands originate.

Now the whole world is striving for naturalness, and hair coloring is not an exception to the rule. To get the most natural and soft effect, pay attention to highlighting the air touch. During the procedure, the master blows very thin veils with a hair dryer, which brightens into a blond. One more plus of such coloring - it can be not updated about 3-6 months! This technique is perfect for both dark-haired beauties and blondes.

California highlighting

California balayazh or Californian highlighting is, as you already understood, a mix of two popular techniques, which ultimately provides a very beautiful and natural effect of burnt curls. Of the advantages of this technique: the dyeing looks as natural as possible, it can be done on both light and dark hair, and it is enough to update the hair once every 2-3 months. For California highlights to look natural and soft on the strands, ask the master to use 3-4 close shades.

We are inspired by the most fashionable highlights of 2018 in the photo and go to our master for a new beauty-way!

Benefits of highlighting

It is no secret that highlighting hair with strands is a rather sparing dyeing technique in which the master puts paint on not all hair, but on individual curls - this is its main advantage. From this follows another indisputable advantage of highlighting - it does not need to be updated every month, it is enough to visit the salon once every 2-3 months.

As for the aesthetic side of the issue, everything is strictly individual here, but one thing is for sure - highlighting on dark hair and blond hair looks equally good.

As you can see, there are a lot of advantages to this technique of dyeing, now is the time to understand the varieties of hair highlighting in 2018. Photos of the presented models will help to understand how this or that technique will look on curls of different colors and lengths.

This is a relatively new highlighting technology, which is characterized by staining small strands indented from the roots. Such highlighting on dark hair looks the most advantageous, photos confirm this.

This type of highlighting on medium-length hair will be fully revealed, will give them volume and add expressiveness to the image. On short hair, the color highlights of the strands will not be so noticeable.

Shatush looks great, as on the loose hair, and collected, you can curl locks or wear a light Californian wave.

Highlighting for long hair using the ombra technique looks especially beautiful, because the smooth transition from dark to light is most noticeable. Although owners of medium-length hair also benefit from this technology.

Previously, the optimal level of transition from one color to another was considered to be the mid-length of the hair, but now you can find an ombre with a higher and lower level.

For ombre, any hair color is suitable, highlighting can be a contrast or even using unusual shades - it is not necessary to stop at the classical options.


With the help of brondirovaniya can achieve the effect of burnt hair, which is very brunettes. This type of highlights on black hair also looks great, blondes and owners of light brown hair rarely resort to this technique.

Stylists when brondirovanii hair use mostly natural shades - caramel, amber, copper and honey. The difference between the colors, as a rule, does not exceed three tones with such hair highlighting. Photos before and after the procedure demonstrate how these shades are organically combined with brown hair.

Despite the complexity of brondirovanie, the end result looks very natural, soft play of the order makes the visually hair more bulky and more beautiful.

Highlighting on light hair - mazhimesh - one of the most benign techniques, which is based on a brightening composition based on wax. As a result of this dyeing, the hair acquires a natural shine and silky texture.

Mazhimesh assumes clarification of hair of only 2-4 tones - this is an ideal option for girls who want to get the maximum effect at minimal cost.

This type of highlighting is suitable for both short and long hair. Mazhimesh organically looks even curly curls, which makes it universal.

Contrast highlighting

If you want something more extravagant, then you should look at the contrasting highlights, which has many variations - it can be zonal, asymmetric, classical and partial.

Until recently, it was believed that contrasting highlights on light brown hair looks most successful, but trends are changing, now colored strands can be seen on brunettes and brown-haired women.

Highlighting on black hair using unusual, extreme colors looks very impressive. A colored "feathers" add originality to the image and generally make it more interesting.

Partial highlighting

Speaking about the partial melirovanie hair, we mean a specific zone, namely, the front strands, which fringed the face and give it a special charm.

Best of all is the highlighting of blond hair, photo models demonstrate how the glare strands set off the main hair color and “refresh” the face.

To achieve the greatest effect, you can color not only the front strands, but also the tips, for example. The most important thing is to make the transition of shades smooth and not to use too contrasting colors.

Color highlighting

Multicolored highlighting is an option for courageous girls who like to experiment and discover something new for themselves. Red, yellow, violet - the colors of hair highlighting can be very extreme, the photo of models looks like colorful pictures and there is definitely something in it.

In addition to a large selection of colors, which is limited only by your imagination, you can choose any technique - shatush, ombré, zone highlighting - a huge amount of options.

Color highlighting on short hair looks as good as on long. The end result depends not only on the length of the hair, but on the correct combination of shades. If you are not sure of your choice, ask the wizard for help.

Is fashionable highlighting in 2018?

A great many representatives of the fair sex are wondering whether highlighting is fashionable in 2018, since this technique changes the degree of relevance much more often than others. Almost all stylists and masters of hairdressing art unequivocally answer that highlighting 2018 is at the very top of popularity. Since the main trends of the coming season are naturalness, natural beauty and naturalness, this coloring method is much better than the others and satisfies them.

When using this technique, the color of the hair does not change dramatically, but only some strands are lightened and refreshed, due to which the hairstyle takes on a completely different, updated appearance. Highlighting 2018 allows you to not only transform, but also visually throw off a few years. Depending on individual preferences and features of appearance, young ladies can choose several different types of partial clarification, which will help them to achieve the desired result.

Highlighting 2018 - fashion trends

For all the girls who are interested in the coloring of 2018, fashionable highlighting trends are also not at all indifferent. To stay in trend, you need not only to have a beautiful and tidy appearance, but also to comply with the current trends, which in the new season emit no small amount. For example, in the world of highlighting, you can choose the classic variation, or, on the contrary, give preference to a bright and unusual color that will not leave its owner unnoticed.

Fashionable highlighting for short hair 2018

Make highlighting for short hair 2018 can be a variety of ways, among which the most popular are the following:

  • light highlighting of the 2018 season with a burnout effect. This option is ideal for owners of short and thin hair, because it visually increases the volume of hair and makes it much richer and more refined. This technique can be used on any color of curls, but as much as possible it looks advantageous on natural blond hair,
  • balayazh. This method of staining can be used as a permanent, since it can only be updated 1-2 times a year. Due to the multistage change in shade and natural transition from dark to light shade, exposed balayazhu, looks very nice, neat and natural. In addition, she can visually make the face a little slimmer,
  • The color highlights of the 2018 season are also great for owners of short curls. It helps to make the hairstyle much brighter, more interesting and attractive, however, in some cases it may not be appropriate.

Highlighting 2018 on medium hair

The average length of the strands provides unusually wide opportunities for the realization of the stylist's imagination. Depending on the shape of the haircut and the structure of the curls, each girl can choose any version from the huge number of possible ones. For example, fashionable highlighting of 2018 on medium hair can be done using the well-known shatush method, which creates the attractive effect of burnt strands, soft gradient techniques ombre and sombre, or a single selection of strands in a contrasting shade.

Fashionable highlights 2018 long hair

Owners of long curls stylists are advised to treat the change in their color with great care. So, these strands are not recommended to be painted entirely, since their structure is not uniform along the entire length, as a result of which there is a great likelihood of getting a distorted result far from the desired. Highlighting 2018 for long hair should also be done carefully - in the coming season, experts offer girls with luxurious long hair only two options:

  • selection of several front strands over the entire length,
  • staining the tips in bright colors of the color palette.

Fashionable highlighting hair 2018

Make fashionable highlights 2018 can be a huge number of different ways. The main factor determining the choice of the technique used should be the natural color of the curls and the desire of the fashionista to change it drastically or slightly change. Depending on individual preferences and condition of the hair, the master of hairdressing can offer a wide variety of options - from a single straightening of the strands to a noticeable dyeing along the entire length.

Highlighting black hair 2018

Natural brunettes are much less likely than other women to turn to stylists in order to lighten and smooth out the curls. Meanwhile, there are many modern techniques with which you can make a beautiful and attractive highlights on dark hair 2018, for example:

  • brondirovaniye, or multi-color coloring within the natural color scale. So, to add notes of freshness to the dark head of hair, copper-brown, coffee-chocolate and dark-brown shades are used,
  • American highlights 2018 using dark shades, including wine, Bordeaux, Burgundy and others,
  • highlighting-ombre can significantly change the appearance of its owner. To create it, most strands are colored, starting from the middle and ending at the tips. The use of 1-2 strands of an unnatural shade, for example, bright pink, blue-blue or emerald green, can add even more brightness and originality to this type of coloring
  • California technique helps to get the most fashionable highlights in 2018, designed specifically for owners of dark curls. It does not use foil, which excludes the possibility of sharp transitions. The color spectrum is incredibly multifaceted - one tone here gently and naturally flows into another, emphasizing natural naturalness and naturalness. In addition, using this method, you can achieve the popular effect of strands sunburned in the sun.

Redhead hairstyles 2018 with light highlighting

For owners of red hair, the best highlights for 2018 can be created with the help of American technology. This type of staining is performed using bright and contrasting shades of red gamma or soft highlights of the light yellow color scheme. Thanks to a special modern technology, the American method visually makes the curls more lush and voluminous, and the hairstyle itself is more vibrant and mobile.

Highlighting 2018 on light brown hair

Absolutely all types of highlighting will suit beauties with blond curls. Although many girls consider their natural shade to be homely, the mere intervention of a master of hairdressing can only make it irresistible. Highlighting on blond hair 2018 can be done with the help of both light and dark tones - in all cases it gives the hairstyle a bright and interesting appearance, and to the image of its owner - freshness and novelty.

Highlighting 2018 for blondes

Blonde ladies can use any highlighting of hair 2018, which uses light shades. So, to make the image nice, gentle and romantic will help American technology, which is dominated by light yellow and peach tones, highlight the natural beauty - Venetian highlighting, and increase the volume and thickness of hair - highlighting a large area, starting from the roots.

In addition, the fair sex with naturally light curls may give preference to brondirovanie wheat, coffee, amber, nutty and light chestnut shades. In order to stand out from the crowd and impress others, blondes can reincarnate using color coloring strands. In this case, you should not choose too bright and catchy tones - to properly focus on pastel shades, for example, pale pink, lilac or marble with a slight blueness.

Highlighting trends 2018

Among all the existing techniques in each season there are several methods that are at the top of popularity. So, the main trends of 2018 in the world of highlighting are the following:

  • booking,
  • American highlights 2018,
  • shatush,
  • balayag
  • California highlights 2018 dark hair,
  • Venetian technology.

For dark hair

The fashion for naturalness, natural shades continues. It is interesting to look at dark hair with soft colors, close to natural. Among them, it is worth noting the cold chestnut, delicious cinnamon or delicate coffee-glase.

To give an image of harmony, lightness and chic, quite a few correctly placed accents on the face or lightened tips of the strands, there is no need to work through the whole head of hair. Bleaching of several strands along the entire length is also allowed. It is important to use the technique of Californian highlighting

Mind you gray and ash highlights in 2018 recede into the background, stylists tend to warm, natural shades.

For fair-haired and blondes

Owners of blond curls awaits many pleasant options. Light strands or, on the contrary, dark notes will help to bring brightness, originality of appearance.Cold platinum, dark chestnut, walnut, or golden wheat should be chosen by you.

Pay attention to your skin tone, shade of the eyes, so that they do not contradict the chosen tone. Color conflict will look sloppy and will highlight the existing flaws on the face.

For blondes, natural sandy, soft honey or tender strawberry will help to emphasize the attractiveness of the blond. Cold platinum strands look great, but be careful with them (no gray hairs or ashy shades).

Pastel colors (delicate pink, airy blue, light marble or exquisite lilac) will look fabulously beautiful and fashionable.

On short hair

Short haircuts lengthened in four years in recent years are gaining popularity. In 2018, stylists offer owners of short hair romantic images with white locks knocking out of the mass. Technique "veil" with a darkened bottom layer or a classic bright highlights meet modern fashion trends.

Stylists will be offered to bright girls to play in shades of red, from light wheat to rich bronze.

On the hair of medium length

For owners of medium-length hair, these types of highlighting can be tested:

  • shatush - Toning with the effect of sun-bleached strands. Looks impressive on black, dark hair,

  • balayad - provides for multi-color transitions. Note, sharp contrasts are forbidden, the maximum difference is 2 tones,

  • sombre and ombre - fashionable highlighting with the transition of one color to another horizontally.

Attention! Features of the structure of the face, skin tone affect the final choice of technology transformation. Advice of the experienced stylist will help to avoid disappointments and failures.

On long hair

Beautiful and fashionable highlighting will turn out on long hair. It is recommended to give preference to the technique of balayazh. The option of staining curls along the entire length. Light, thin locks at the face will hide the first wrinkles, will give the appearance of playfulness.

In 2018, stylists lower complex, multi-color dyeing techniques for long-haired beauties, focusing on creating a light, airy look.

Highlights on haircuts with bangs

Stylists recommend to owners of a bang to add light notes in a bang. In combination with bleached ends, they will create a harmonious image on long hair. But do not overdo it with light!

Owners of short haircuts with long, massive bangs can focus only on the bangs. It uses bright, contrasting shades.

Popular colors and shades

Naturalness combined with harmony is the main aspect of fashionable highlights 2018. Stylists recommend saying goodbye to gray and ash shades, monochromatic coloring, bright and eccentric strands along the entire length. Chocolate, honey, coffee, platinum and pastel colors are the most fashionable shades of this year.

Do not be afraid to experiment! Modern space industry offers a lot of tonics, balms that can preserve the beauty of your curls and pick up a new, interesting image. Win-win option - contact a specialist who will select a stylish image for you.

If you are interested in highlighting, be sure to rate our articles on this topic!

In the hair highlighting section, we collected all the highlighting techniques for you, and also tried to figure out who the highlights are. And you can choose the best tools in the section for highlighting.

Ash highlights

The use of ash shades contribute to the creation of a very unusual and attractive image. I must say that this coloring is not for everyone - ashy highlighting on red hair looks the least advantageous, but very much goes to blondes.

When choosing a shade, it is necessary to take into account the skin tone and even the eye color, ashy staining is quite dangerous, it can not only “age”, but also make the face expressionless. To avoid mistakes - use the advice colorist.

Highlights for short hair

Holders of short hair more often than others have to think about fashionable ways to change their appearance.

In this case, there are different types of highlighting for short hair, the photo proves that the options are not so little.

Highlighting on dark short hair and light can be done in almost any technique - partial highlighting, color, California - choose what you like.

Despite the short length, staining of the strands can drastically change your image, take a look at the photo highlights of the hair before and after - the difference is simply enormous.

There are a huge number of options for creative highlighting at the moment - this makes it possible for any woman to change, regardless of age.


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